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Cam Bert

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Everything posted by Cam Bert

  1. I mean in fairness to Dolly and the Chicken Ranch they did have a rather diverse roaster of girls. No matter what your interest or preference was in women was there was at least one there that matched it. Good on them. Also, wasn't one of Dolly's rules "no tattoos" and the woman that says that rule has a very visible tattoo on her right shoulder?
  2. Two things. One I did end up going down the wiki wormhole about the chicken ranch and even watch horrible quality VHS footage of the original news reports on Youtube and it was shocking how many things lined up. Towards the end of the movie Dom DeLuise is holding up a folder and claiming that the Chicken Ranch has a connection to organized crime. Well, in the movie we know that's not true and just him being a phony, but in real life one of Marvin Zindler's claims against the Chicken Ranch was its link to organized crime. There was an uncooperative DA that refused to speak to him but a more than willing state senator that was. The local sheriff was not as charming but needed subtitles because his accent was so thick. Another thing I got thinking about when thinking about the Hard Candy Christmas number was when the women are talking about what they will do. You have one woman who claims "maybe I'll dye my hair." This makes sense. She's working in a brothel and maybe her hair colour makes her more desirable but she doesn't like the colour. Fine. Another is "maybe I'll sleep in late" Okay, that's not as clear but maybe they have to stay in shape or have duties around the chicken ranch which require them to get up early despite their late hours. Okay.... then the Asian one says "maybe I'll lose some weight." One could say she was talking about the stress of it all or lack of money causing her to speculatively lose weight, but I originally heard it as she was not allowed to lose weight while working at the chicken ranch. Which is really weird because she was not overly large in anyway nor was she skinny. She seemed to be an average weight, and it seemed very odd that they would have guidelines on their women getting too skinny.
  3. I just realized that I love pineapple on pizza, licorice, and coconut which makes me the resident food weirdo. At least I'm not that crazy person who had raisins in coleslaw... right... that's just... weird... *sigh*
  4. I thank you for your kind words Mr. H, but I will not hear the good name of licorice all sorts besmirched like that. There are far worse candies out there more deserving to be called Satan's butthole. Like that gum that tastes like soap or candy corn. I think you need to try it again with an adult eye and you might appreciate it a little more. I know I have some converts out there. As far as soft candy Christmas goes, maybe it's a commonwealth thing but you can have Christmas without Quality Street chocolates and to me that is the soft candy Christmas.
  5. You know I will. Speaking of A&M, what is an Aggie?
  6. Slime in the ice machine! I am obsessed with the celebrity status of local news people. I would love to see a documentary about this. Basically the idea that a person can be famous and respected then drive 20 minutes away and nobody knows or cares who they are is insane to me. Anyway, I use to work with a guy from Houston. We were talking about this one day and he told me about this guy. Apparently his catch phrase was "slime in the ice machine" and had a jingle and everything. I had no idea that he was the inspiration for this story and that's based on a real incident. Wow! I think I like this movie more now.
  7. I agree. The movie surprisingly had a lot of interesting things to say. Like how this hundred year old institution of this small town was never a problem and people never minded until it got attention. Or how the people in the town knew what was going on but were okay with it for the good it was doing the community and it was the outsiders, the Houstonians, that were the ones against it and wanting to shut it down. The accurate depiction of politics in a cynical way of just blowing in the wing and siding with whatever curries them favor. The power of the medium of television and the people on it. There is a lot of little like things like this that the movie just nailed about life as well.
  8. I know I said this on letterboxd but I have to say it again. Fuck you Dom DeLuise! You have this guy who is pretending to be Texan, wears a girdle to hide his gut, stuffs his pants, and wears a wig and none of that comes back in anyway to hurt him. The scene is funny with the parallel of what he's preaching and what he's doing, but I was hoping that Burt Reynolds would use that some how to expose him and discredit him in some way. Nope. He takes off his wig and punches him, yet he goes on to be successful while being a big phony. It just doesn't seem right.
  9. Cam Bert

    Episode 170.5 - Minisode 170.5

    Just FYI I think this might be region blocked or something because I just get "The video is not available"
  10. Cam Bert

    Episode 170.5 - Minisode 170.5

    I just realized the C is for "central" right? Miami is clearly southern not central.
  11. Cam Bert

    Episode 170.5 - Minisode 170.5

    It's a movie about a bunch of mature students who realize that even though they're in their 30s(at least) it's never too late to go to college, start a band or learn new things.
  12. Cam Bert

    Episode 170.5 - Minisode 170.5

    I can totally see Meredith from Bratz growing up and becoming a hardcore right wing Republican.
  13. People can feel free to chime in with their own votes. Admittedly I got busy and had been forgetting to ask my Mom, however I will ask her next time we talk. And spoiler alert for this movie, I remember very vividly at one point watching TV with her and Burt Reynolds came on and she said aloud "Ugh, what a creep."
  14. Cam Bert

    Episode 170 - Bratz

    Yes. Once every four years you get one day to air all grievances called "a leap purge".
  15. I mean... Selleck clearly wins, right?
  16. Cam Bert

    Episode 170 - Bratz

    I have been to so many weddings it is not even funny. By far the most common thing I hear is Disney songs used here. After Frozen came out I went to two weddings that year and both used "Love in an Open Door." For me personally I agree with what Taylor said about it should be something the couple decides upon naturally through something like in toms story or a mutual like. That said my choice would be fun for no one as it would likely be a Japanese song. That's hard. I don't know which would be closest. A lot of them seem very... same-ish. Maybe Hackers. Or should I say my friends thought they were in Hackers and I was the relative normal one with them which I guess makes me Johnny Lee Miller.
  17. Before you know it he'll be drinking his Dr Pepper ... HOT!
  18. Mary J is the online account of Doctor Venture. That one is for you Triple Lindy. Go Team Venture.
  19. When I was in Guys and Dolls I had to do my best not to sing "Luke be a Jedi tonight"
  20. As of now all my Saturday mornings this month except the 9th are free so I'm good for whenever.
  21. Cam Bert

    Episode 170 - Bratz

    I have another DJ question for EvR. Is there any song that you loved that you've now grown to hate because you've just had to play it and listen to it ad nauseam? Conversely, are they any songs that you've come around on that at first you didn't care for?
  22. Cam Bert

    Musical Mondays--Rotation and Sign Up

    That didn't stop CakeBug from picking Across the Universe
  23. I remember when I watched Citizen Cane for the first time it seeming all oddly familiar. It took me awhile before I realized that 70% of the movie had been done on The Simpsons at some point.
  24. I think I saw this on TV when I was a kid but have absolutely no memory of it. I mean we know Dolly can sing but I'm hoping, nay, I'm praying Burt Reynolds gets a solo. Also if we're going for Simpsons musical references there is Moe's short film in the film festival episode that is him doing Cabaret, Homer at the garage sell singing Hey Big Spender could be from Sweet Charity of just referencing the Shirley Bassey cover of it. Of course there is also A Chorus Line parody at the end of Halloween Special V the best of the Halloween specials.
  25. We'll miss having you there