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Cam Bert

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Everything posted by Cam Bert

  1. Cam Bert

    Episode 170 - Bratz

    Also let's not forget the previous discovered link to hell in the Bratz world. What if Meredith's mother work for a B.P.R.D type government office. Aliens could fall under her department as well. She's so scary because she works with monsters and could in theory send somebody she doesn't like to hell. Cloe's father found out the truth and bought himself a one way ticket to hell. Feeling bad they reached out and hired Cloe's mom to "help them out" but it was motivated purely by guilt or to throw off an sort of suspicion. Elektra might be happy to note that this theory could also tie the Bratz universe into the Monster High universe as well.
  2. I've had a busy week and when I came to make more comments most of what I wanted to say has been said. Here are just a few loss thoughts of what's been said. I think Lorelei actually did love Gus. Yes she did like his wealth and the things it could get him, but if she was a gold digger you'd expect her to break up marriages. Or if she just wanted the material things she'd be happy being the side piece to some rich guy. Rather I think she loved Gus and this sounds bad but because he was a bit of a pushover. Lorelei as seen was not dumb, rather very smart and I think it is the simplicity of Gus that she liked. It makes more sense that they're getting married at the end than Dorothy and Ernie. I think it's their friendship that also drives this movie and makes it work. The "buddy" type movie is sorely missed. It seems to be about ensembles and groups now and there is no time given to the two-some. I wonder if it's because the over done popularity of the bubby cop genre that killed it but I agree a "Road to" series with these two characters could be fun. However, marrying them off at the end kinda kills that, but I want more of these kind of movies.
  3. Cam Bert

    Episode 170 - Bratz

    Well here is where things get weird. Jon Voight is only doing all of this because of Meredith! He's just a puppet! In his first scene he's reading the book on how to run a prison and his first line to Meredith is "You're right it says here...." implying that she's the one that read the book and gave it to him and is pulling the strings. We see in later scenes that she's clearly manipulating him. Any time that he takes action it is on her orders. Meredith is the one with the flashdrive and blackmail schemes, she's the one that in her first year of high school becomes school president for life, she's the one deciding who gets to be her competition in the talent show. She uses her father the principal to get what she wants and he's so concerned with having his daughter love him that he's willing to do whatever she wants. She enters high school "Daddy, I want to be president." "Okay sweetie I'll make it happen." While these are cruel actions one might think he's doing it for one reason, the love of his daughter. This is also why I theorize that her Mom is probably dead. Now she could simply be divorced but lets look at the facts. They live in a very expensive house way beyond that of a high school principal's salary. They have contacts at MTV. They have the money to throw two super luxurious parties for the daughter. If the parents were divorced the mother must have done something really bad to leave Jon Voight with all that wealth. Rather it makes sense that Meredith's mom had some sort of high income job with lots of connections. She passed away, thus leaving all her amassed wealth and the house to Jon Voight and Meredith. This would also explain his willingness to give into Meredith's wants and whims. Let's not forget the scene at Meredith's sweet sixteen where we see him just sitting all alone playing ring toss. He's deeply depressed and lonely. If we think of the end where there is a tie in the talent show and they split the prize. That was his one Meredith free decision in the movie and what does he do? He gives the meaningless award to his daughter and gives the real prize, the scholarship, to the Bratz. He's trying to appease his daughter but also do the right thing. He's just a sad widower who is trying to run a safe but maybe not fun school and give his daughter everything she wants.
  4. I'm also down with the push back to the 15th. Hope that's cool with everybody else
  5. Cam Bert

    Episode 170 - Bratz

    Well their woman's soccer team is big and we know that they have a football team I wonder if those groups get their own clique and the other sports because they're not as good and don't get enough funding just get lumped together into "boy jocks" and "girl jocks?"
  6. Cam Bert

    Episode 170 - Bratz

    I assumed they were the student council. You're right though that is another clique. You can also add journalism to the list and at Meredith's party one of the tables was labeled "Boy Jocks." Can we safely assume there is a "Girl Jocks" as well?
  7. Cam Bert

    Episode 170 - Bratz

    I think this settles it. All the missing parents are in Hell. Also Sasha has divorced parents, Cloe has a single mom and Yasmin's mom is now in hell. Is Jade the only one with happy married parents?
  8. Cam Bert

    Episode 170 - Bratz

    That picture remains me. So all the kids at the start are being sorted into their cliques. The one girl comes up just bawling so they put her in the emo clique? I'm sorry but crying doesn't make you emo. Her way of dress and talk is not in line with the emo kids of the mid to late 2000s. Emo kids wouldn't be crying they'd be complaining about how shitty life is. This just reeks of middle aged screenwriter googling what current cliques are in schools and seeing the phrase "emo" and assuming that means the overly emotional kids.
  9. Cam Bert

    Episode 170 - Bratz

    Until we see her parents, I'm sticking by Jade being the only biracial character. Edit: Though also on further thought based on what you said Yasmin is of the most ambiguous racial background and had the hardest time fitting into a stereotypical clique and ended up in "Journalism" which we see no other members of. Coincidence?
  10. Cam Bert

    Episode 170 - Bratz

    Jade is the only character in this film to be biracial. She is also the only character in this film to belong to two cliques and not one. Coincidence?
  11. Cam Bert

    Episode 170 - Bratz

    Okay I just had the chance to watch the movie this morning but you guys have done a good job on unpacking most things. Here's my weird observations about Deaf Dylan. So he's playing the piano when the music teacher walks in. He says to the music teacher something along the lines of "I miss music." This one lines paints so much backstory for this character. He was a talented piano playing kid who loved music. Then one day a terrible accident leaves him deaf. Suddenly all his ambitions to be a musician are thrown out the window and he starts playing sports and becomes a jock, but his heart still belongs to music. What is more shocking that the music teacher never told him that Beethoven also went deaf and still managed to compose great music. Rather he got Dylan to DJ which seems like it'd be much harder for a deaf person who isn't familiar with the technology or music.
  12. Cam Bert

    Episode 170 - Bratz

    If only I understood football...
  13. I was just looking up the young boy on IMDB. Apparently he was a hit because he was a young boy with a deep raspy voice. Carey Grant saw the kid and thought he good natural comedic timing and brought him to the attention of a director and he went on to have a little career. Sadly when he hit puberty his voice started normally out and his naturalness in front of the camera and quit acting at 12. This was one of his last films.
  14. Cam Bert

    Episode 169.5 - Minisode 169.5

    Would be appreciated but based on what I'm hearing maybe I should just pass and enjoy the show.
  15. Cam Bert

    Episode 169.5 - Minisode 169.5

    I just found out this movie is not streaming on any platform here, and not even available to rent. I don't think it ever came here because all the copies on Amazon are imported DVDs. Now to decide if this is worth $10 to own or not.
  16. Gross daddy stuff aside, was "Piggy" ever a nice nickname? I'm sure the kid in Lord of the Flies just loved being called it but this guy actually introduces himself as it and prefers it. That is a bit weird I thought. Maybe it's just an old British thing.
  17. You beat me to it and did a better job. Jealous.
  18. I wondered about this a lot too but if you look at who got attention from whom. The men that were interested in Marilyn where the rich and the business men. I guess in a sense they were more refined and therefore gentlemen. The men that were into Jane Russell more were the athletes, private investigators, more common folk. Also as stated in the bad joke above, most liked both. However a little more research showed told me that this was based on a Broadway show which was based on a book. The book is told from Lorelie's point of view so that might play into it. The book had a sequel and it was called "But Gentlemen Marry Brunettes" so maybe it should be seen as a two part story and the full title being "Gentle prefer blondes but they marry brunettes." Sadly no love shown for raven haired women everywhere.
  19. One of the things I like about comedies of this era is the word play. The dialogue is often sharp and there is good turns of phrase, but there was one joke in the movie that for the life of me I just didn't get. At the very start they are boarding the boat and the Olympic team is drooling over them. Athlete A turns to Athlete B and says "Suppose the ship hit an iceberg (side note a legit concern in 1924 I'd imagine) and sank, which one would you save from drowning?" To which Athlete B response "Those girls couldn't drown." At first I thought they couldn't drown because everybody would be trying to save them. If that was the case shouldn't he have said "wouldn't" instead of "couldn't"? I mean unless in his mind he thinks there isn't even a remote chance that this girls aren't save and he's so sure of it he knows it for a fact. Even then "won't" makes more sense. Is it suppose to be the are not of this Earth so it's impossible for them to drown. They are in capable of it! Therefore they could not drown. I know it's just a silly joke but in a movie full of so many good one liners and comebacks this was a real clunker I thought.
  20. Cam Bert

    Episode 169.5 - Minisode 169.5

    That's outrageous. Truly, truly outrageous.
  21. I kinda have to jump on the HSM wagon here as I think the "Status Quo" song has been stuck in my head longer than any of the other songs.
  22. What not go with just Colleen Wing and make her some horrible bird like creature like Ali Gator?
  23. As much as I'd like to show my my disgusting land mass, I would go with a simpler... "Cam Burnt" - which would be a GPK who is all blacken and charred and smoking still while holding some maps and calculators.
  24. I just watched "Some Like It Hot" for the first time earlier this year. While I thought it stood up I did not care for Tony Curtis. Jack Lemon is so charming and likable that the fact he's kinda being bullied by the "cooler" Tony Curtis I find a bit off putting. Then I go on to read about Tony Curtis some more and thought "This guy seems like a real piece of work."