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Cam Bert

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Everything posted by Cam Bert

  1. Cam Bert

    HDTGM Classics vol 2 Season of the Witch

    Sorry still jet lag travel brain.
  2. Cam Bert

    HDTGM Classics vol 2 Season of the Witch

    I thought the movie was starting soon and got excited. Then I realized that I did the math wrong and still have an hour and a half. What will everyone be drinking, eating or snacking upon?
  3. Cam Bert

    Episode 168.5 - Minisode 168.5

    I was racking my head to think of what age inappropriate movies I watched as a kid when I was hit with a very odd memory. The video store we went to when I was a kid had a separate room off to the side when you entered that had all the kids movies and video games.It was all glass so parents could check in on their kids. However the section they chose to put directly across from those glass walls was the horror section. So if you turned around you would be staring at a shelf of horror movie covers. I don't know who thought that was a good idea.
  4. Cam Bert

    HDTGM Classics vol 2 Season of the Witch

    Do we have a time for tomorrow yet? Sorry if I missed it.
  5. Hmmm... coming into this late makes me slightly nervous about actually watching this but I trust my fellow Cameron. Maybe I'll wait another day or two.
  6. Cam Bert

    Episode 167.5 - Minisode 167.5

    I've never heard that phrase before King Arthur came here as quickly as it left here and from what I've heard Collateral Beauty is one of the most insane things ever. It's a site that allows you to log what movies you see and review them and make lists. For critics, professional or amateur, or just to spy on what people you know are watching and see what they like. A lot of us here are on it.
  7. Cam Bert

    Episode 167.5 - Minisode 167.5

    Sadly seen all of those you mentioned. Jack Frost is probably the best option as the Hell Raiser sequels are mostly just bad. Although it would be great to get Adam Scott back on to talk about the one he was in. Texas Chainsaw is not as crazy as people think. The whole cross dressing Leatherface is a very brief thing at the end of the movie. Although it does have some delightful over the top acting. If you want to watch something bad there is also a shot on video direct to video sequel to Jack Frost called Jack Frost 2: Revenge of the Killer Mutant Snowman in which Jack Frost comes back to attack people at a tropical resort. It was made for 100 bucks and it shows.
  8. Cam Bert

    Episode 167.5 - Minisode 167.5

    I think I'll be back in time for the next live viewing. I get back on the 11th.
  9. Cam Bert

    Episode 167.5 - Minisode 167.5

    I'm kinda hoping my flights have both Power Rangers and Monster Trucks on them because Power Rangers just came out here in theaters and I don't know if we'll ever get Monster Trucks.
  10. Cam Bert

    Episode 167.5 - Minisode 167.5

    I've been meaning to watch The Americans because I hear great thing. I find the timing odd that I just blasted through the last season of The Leftoverers a few days before Paul picked it. It's very good but so heavy and emotionally draining. I've seen Stolen but it was so long ago I barely remember it. Sorry Paul. What about Bangcock Dangerous or Next for weird Cage films?
  11. Cam Bert

    Episode 167.5 - Minisode 167.5

    Forget cats, give me funny and cute bear gifs and pictures anytime.
  12. Cam Bert

    Episode 167.5 - Minisode 167.5

    Glad to hear it and glad to have you.
  13. Cam Bert

    Episode 167.5 - Minisode 167.5

    My interest is now piqued
  14. Cam Bert

    Episode 167.5 - Minisode 167.5

    Legit good or so bad good?
  15. Cam Bert

    Episode 167.5 - Minisode 167.5

    Well, I might as well get to this now. I'll be going on vacation soon for two weeks and not sure if I'll have access to internet or a computer so I bring to you a very special early edition of... How Did This Get Named? Hard Ticket to Hawaii is グラマー・エンジェル危機一発 (Guramaa Enjeru Kikiippatsu) or Glamor Angels Imminent Danger Now this is weird things are a bit odd. See as some of you may or may not know Hard Ticket to Hawaii is the second Andy Sidaris film and actually a sequel to Malibu Express. You'd figure "Oh, when it came to Japan they called all those films Glamor Angels to play off Charlie's Angels." While the second part is probably true but this is the only film in the series to have a different title than the original English one. Now normally I would post a poster of the film but this one is the exact same as the American one. However, what I did find were two TV spots for the movie. Enjoy! The part that needs to be highlighted is this shot which reads "Perverted snake come oooon!!" The second TV spot is rather dry and just explains the story of the movie but has this wonderful shot. After profiling each one of the girls by name and what makes them special it cuts to: Which reads "Muscle Man B: (heart heart heart) with Eddie" and "Handsom Guy A: Donna's lover"
  16. Cam Bert

    Episode 167.5 - Minisode 167.5

    Cameron would you say Monster Trucks is monstrously fun? Thank you, thank you. Please tip the wait staff.
  17. Stop. You had me at lounge singers.
  18. (if I was good with graphic editing software I'd make this say Musical Monday but you guys get the idea)
  19. Cam Bert

    Episode 167 - Chopping Mall: LIVE!

    Here's a question, why are there even two technicians for the robots? Unless there is a massive time jump after the opening credits, that is the first night the robots are being used. The robots are only being run at nighttime too, so during the day the robots are shut down and locked away in the control room. Why is there a technician there during the day? He literally has nothing to do because the robots aren't running. It's not a security center for the whole mall, it's just for the robots. No wonder he's doing crosswords and looking and centerfolds, he's stuck in a tiny room with nothing to do all day. Then the second guy shows up to relieve the first. He's not even come in to set the robots loose in the mall or anything, he's come to just sit and wait too. Why not employ one technician that works from the time the mall closes to when it's open? You're just encouraging their lazy behavior.
  20. Cam Bert

    Episode 167 - Chopping Mall: LIVE!

    So some stray lightning strikes fried the robots CPUs and they became killbots? Is this what we're suppose to believe? If you try to argue that one of things that got fried was their non-lethal programing or acceptable limits of voltage and strength to use with their tasers and lasers I can see that. Yet there is one action these robots do multiple times that would serve no purpose in their non-lethal programming which proves that these things were programmed for murder all along! These robots move, hide, and manipulate the bodies of their victims. They murder the first technician and hide the body from the next technician. When they kill gum chewer they position his body behind the cigarette machine even though he was killed over by the door. Then there is the fact that even though we pass by where several of the teens dead bodies should be they aren't there. Now I ask you why would the robots do this? What part of non-lethal programing would require they to be moving bodies? Also two of the bodies are moved or hidden in a way to lure the next victim into a trap. They are night security robots! Performing stings is not something they'd be doing so why is that programing in them? No clearly these things were always programmed for murder.
  21. So would you say that this movie is more for people who are fans of the genre looking to see people they like or was it trying to promote the genre? It's hard to tell because being so far removed from that time we all now know who Rick Ruben and Russel Simmons are and who most of the artists are (although I confess to not knowing Kurtis Blow prior to this) but this movie does have a scene in which they try to explain what is rap to the banker implying made it's trying to reach a mass audience. If you were trying to sell rap to the public you think the Fat Boyz story of a group of high school kids looking to make it big would be a better story to get people into it. I know the argument will be that with the Russel story line you have built in acts and artists to showcase but you could do that with similar scenes like Kurtis Blow and the Fat Boyz had or them working there way up in the business and seeing club acts and talent show acts like the movie did anyway.
  22. Here's my main problem with the movie, it needed to decide if it was about Russel and Krush Groove records or about The Fat Boyz getting famous. However I don't think either story really had enough to work with and seem more like a collection of scenes than a proper story. Especially the Fat Boyz story. One likes a girl and just happens to get with her in the end after one scene of them together. The other doesn't want to compete but gives in easily and even though the human beatbox is crying after not placing when they win a record contract doesn't care because he'd rather the stereo. There is no arc or anything. Russel's story at least does have an arc, but it just seems so hurried that things are brought up and immediately resolved. Then when the story is starting to move we have to watch the Fat Boyz for awhile killing any real momentum. I half wonder if this was because aside from Blair Underwood none of them were trained actors and they didn't want to have to act too much. Edit: Am I alone in thinking the line about contracts and nothing in writing was going to come back in some way? It seemed to be hinting and foreshadowing to something. Like Russel would pay off the loan shark and when he demanded more he'd pull that line on him.
  23. Nope sorry I still have to go to Youtube to watch it. Maybe it's how they set it up. Not sure. Here's where I feel like I have to defend my choice of the Fat Boyz song. I actually really enjoy Run DMC so I had heard all their songs so many times that none of them stuck with me. My only experience with Fat Boyz music is their songs that appear in Disorderlies and there colab with the Beach Boys. There for hearing it kind for the first time, combined with just the WTF-ness of the scene means it got stuck in my head. Is it the best song? Not even close, but probably due to the visceral reaction to the scene it's forever burnt within my mind.
  24. Wait the Fat Boyz were actually fresh out of high school? That's crazy. I thought it was so odd they were trying to pass them off as high school kids when I guess it was not that far off.
  25. After I watch a musical sure enough one sure enough one of the songs will ring in my head throughout the following days. Sadly the one that hooked me was "All You Can Eat." While I agree it's disgusting especially seeing their food stained clothing afterwards yet the song has stuck with me. Now after I watched the movie I wondered if the Sbarro buffet was still $3.99. Well, based on a little digging the pricing I found was around $9 and with inflation what is $3.99 these days? Why $9.02.