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Cam Bert

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Everything posted by Cam Bert

  1. If they teamed up with the Fatboys to do a cover of "That Thing You Do" I'd gladly go see that!
  2. Will look into it!ใ€€While I do enjoy this random clip from the dubbed version.
  3. Man, subscribing to Hank facts was the best move I ever made.
  4. I couldn't help but notice that Tom Hanks and Tom Everett Scott have a similar-ish look. Knowing that Tom Hanks wrote and directed this I couldn't help but wonder if that was intentional or not. Then I start thinking about if they did a story that takes place nowish Hanks could play older Guy. Peter Gallagher looks a lot like Jimmy. Jim Parsons could be an older T.B. but I'm stuck for the life of me who would be a good older Lenny.
  5. I'm glad I'm not alone in thinking this. I felt like he basically became the son they wanted Guy to be but wasn't. Guy got a great life in the end and Chad married into this family that excepted and loved him.
  6. I'll just get the ball rolling by saying that I watched this the other day for the first time and I was utterly charmed by the whole thing. I thought the time flew by and it captured a specific period and all that came with it in a loving way. Not to say the movie is perfect but much like the titular song, it just grows on you the more and more that it went on. Is it wrong though that I was angry at the end when I found out that James went on to be successful? I hated him. There is no real villain to the movie so that kinda makes him the defacto one. He may have been about the music and a talented musician but Shades is the one that speed up the song making it a hit. He did come up with the words and music but clearly he needs to collaborate more. All the more evident by his B side that no one cared about. He breaks up the band and Faye's heart, and yet goes on to be famous and successful. While probably accurate to what would happen, I just hoped his fate would have been the worst of the four.
  7. Cam Bert

    Episode 163.5 - Minisode 163.5

    As a general rule of thumb nobody, not your closest friends or those that you love, wants to hear about the first time you got off.
  8. Cam Bert

    Episode 163 - The Running Man

    Colour me impressed because I barely squeaked into being a tiger. Granted I did it twice because for whatever reason, feel free to diagnosis me, I couldn't do the burgundy coloured ones. All the other colours breezed through, that popped up and I was sunk.
  9. Cam Bert

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 12 (SaraK's Pick)

    That's a thing? Downloading now!
  10. Cam Bert

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 12 (SaraK's Pick)

    My favourite fun fact about Tom Hanks is that he is an avid typewriter collector and enthusiast.
  11. Cam Bert

    Episode 163 - The Running Man

    When Subzero is coming out the announcer goes through all his records and accomplishments and finishes with the line: "Let's welcome the incredible iceman who slices his enemies from limb to limb into quivering bloody sushi." Now, this movie was written in the 80s when sushi was seen as a trendy food item. Of course at the time it was just seen as "raw fish" however that's a vast oversimplification. The term sushi has nothing to do with fish at all and rather refers to the vinegared rice. There are many different kinds of sushi out there from the familiar makizushi to the more common nigirizushi which has an item placed on top of rice. While there vast majority of the time that item is raw fish or seafood there are many other exceptions like natto, egg, cucumber, etc. Further more there are other kinds of sushi such as inarizushi which are completely devoid of fish. So even though when you think of sushi you think of a piece of raw fish on rice, the term sushi has nothing to do with that fish but rather is referring to the rice beneath it. Now if you want to have "raw fish" that's sashimi which is sliced raw seafood which you then dip in soy sauce and add wasabi if you like. There is no rice at all. If you were to eat or prepare it you would not be making sushi you'd be making sashimi. Which brings me to the second point about the statement. No sushi chef would ever serve bloody sushi. At high end places, and as anybody who has seen Jiro Dreams of Sushi can tell you, sushi and the preparation of the ingredients is an art to them. It's a fine craft. Even at the cheapest sushi restaurant in Japan where craftsmanship means nothing, you'd never get bloody sushi. Any piece of meat that had blood or unwanted viscera on would be cleaned before being cut and served. Which brings us to the third point. Even if we put all that we've learned aside and just go with the 80s mind set that "sushi is raw fish" sushi wouldn't be quivering. While the fish used in sushi and sashimi is raw it comes from a fish that's dead or been butchered already. There is a form of sashimi, again not sushi, called ikizukuri (or ikezukuri) in which a fish will be butchered and prepared while still alive. Often in the case of fish it will be fished out of the tank and then immediately filleted, sliced and served with the head and tail intact. Sometimes, not all the time, the head may still be moving slightly. The sashimi itself is not quivering though. In the case of other sea creatures like octopus or squid, sometimes the tentacles can still be moving however.
  12. Cam Bert

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 12 (SaraK's Pick)

    A few teacher's that I work with know that I have been watching a lot of musicals lately. They asked me today what the latest one I've seen is. I told them that this was the next one I was going to watch. They had seen the movie and enjoyed it and said "They should get back together. I liked their music." As we talked more I gradually came to find out that they thought the movie was a true story.
  13. Cam Bert

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 12 (SaraK's Pick)

    Director's cuts are so tricky. Sometimes they improve a movie, some times they simply changes tone, and other times they flat out ruin the movie. Hopefully somebody here has seen it and can set us straight.
  14. Cam Bert

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 12 (SaraK's Pick)

    I just saw that the directors cut is 40 minutes longer. That seems like a lot more is added in.
  15. Cam Bert

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 12 (SaraK's Pick)

    I'm saddened to admit that I've never seen this movie. So I'm actually very much looking forward to this.
  16. Cam Bert

    Episode 163 - The Running Man

    Not Planet Hollywood right?
  17. Cam Bert

    Episode 163 - The Running Man

    There was some confusion in this episode about the stalker named Buzzsaw. Throughout the episode I think at some point each of the hosts refer to him as "Chainsaw" this is a natural mistake because he wields a chainsaw for a weapon. This does beg the question why not call him "Chainsaw"? He has a chainsaw, not a buzzsaw. Buzzsaws have that distinct round circular shape and in no way can be confused for a chainsaw namely because it has no chain. I mean one could argue that the name Chainsaw is as frightening as Buzzsaw. Then again maybe it's strategy. People are expecting a buzzsaw and when they see the chainsaw they're confused and that's when he pounces!
  18. What's the target age group for this because that animation looks rough
  19. Can't decide which pun I like more Mouseolini or deus ex meowchina
  20. Remember how corrupt drunk Irish mayor was so insistent that they wait for the correct time, is that because he was waiting for the boat to leave so the cats would go into the water? Rather if they went early the cats could easily run on the boat and be saved? Was that part of Fievel's plan?
  21. I want to know whose idea it was to write "Great Mouse of Minsk" on the machine. I mean were they sitting around talking and one of them said "You know what my favourite part of that story is? When he gets his name tattooed on himself," Who is it for? It's coming at the cats, so they can't read it. If a person who was at the docks in the morning saw it they wouldn't say "What's that? The great mouse of Minsk? Huh, thought it would be bigger." They'd have no idea what that even meant.
  22. Wait, so they move out west and then back to New York?
  23. That scene when he's stroking his hammer and blood is just pouring out of it was so Bryan Fuller it made me really want to go back a rewatch all of Hannibal again.
  24. Maybe he's the Warren Rat of the pigeon world. Pigeons are the rats of the skies.
  25. I was wondering the same thing. He's French so is the implication he came over from France with the crew to make it? Maybe because he was played by Christopher Plumber he was suppose to be a French Canadian pigeon. Also, why is he always hanging out with burlesque-like pigeon women?