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Cam Bert

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Everything posted by Cam Bert

  1. Thanks for the insight. I guess I didn't fully get the whole thing about who was Jewish and what fell under Judea law. It makes a bit more sense. Now this is where I need CakeBug (hope all went well!) or someone else, maybe Quasar, who's seen staged productions to chime in. I've actually seen the scene played different ways. 80% of the time it was played for laughs with them really either playing him camp/gay or just straight up comedic. I did see one production where they played it as straight as they could and brought the tempo down, which gave it a whole different feel but was seemingly more in line with the rest of the movie.
  2. I also quickly want to point out something I find interesting about this movie. You have a multi-ethnic American cast filming a musical written by two British men and directed by a Canadian in Israel.
  3. Sorry to be not so active in my pick, but I'm currently battling the flu so what free time I have has mostly been spent sleeping. So as I said in the pick thread I didn't really grow up religious but I picked up things. here or there. As I kid I was fascinated with the King Herod scene. Mostly because the song is so different than the rest of the movie. It's a jaunty old timey number among these ballads and rock songs. Not to mention aside from the "we're making a movie" opening and closing, him and his scene is also the most anachronistic. I've looked into the history. Apparently it's the only non-original song. It was written in 20 minutes as a reworking of an older song of Andrew Lloyd Webber's. That doesn't really clear things up a whole lot. So then I look at the scene from an analytical point of view. Pilate passes Jesus on to Herod to be judged, so you have this "false king" being judged by an equally "false king." Then you have the issue of Herod tempting Jesus to use his gifts to save himself, another common theme of religious works. The best reason I can think of is make he seem further out of touch or so beyond the pale. It hit me though, I don't even know who King Herod is or what if any significance he had in the bible. Maybe if I understood that part of it it would help me further understand this scene. So I ask any of you with a greater religious understanding to help me see what I may be missing.
  4. Cam Bert

    Episode 156.5 - Minisode 156.5

    These unbearded Jason photos make me feel strange and not in a good way
  5. First before we really get into it all, I want to thank those of you who took a chance on this movie whether you liked it or not. I know rock operas have a bit of a bad reputation after Tommy so I appreciate you giving them a second chance with this. I know this movie isn't perfect and neither is the musical, but as I said this is my mom's favourite and as a result I have an emotional attachment to it that maybe helps overlook some of those flaws. However, I don't want that to hold anybody back. We all come here because we love to talk about movies. The good, the bad and the weird, we welcome it all. So if you hated this, looking at you Fister, please don't hold back let us know. If you loved it, please tell us too. If you just want to talk about how some of the characters are in "era" specific clothing and others like the soldiers are in more modern garb and there is no real rhyme or reason too it, please let us know.
  6. No but that's all I will ever hear now
  7. I never really heard a single film to stand up and fill it's place as front runner among the backlash though. If any film is going to beat it I think it will be Moonlight, but despite that I haven't really heard that much of a push for it.
  8. Good luck! Also, just assume La La Land won everything. Chances are you'll be 80% right.
  9. Cam Bert

    Episode 156.5 - Minisode 156.5

    Oh my God!!!! I remember this commercial!! Oh the memories. It also reminds me of the intro to You Can't Do That On Television which was just a bad Terry Gilliam rip off anyway.
  10. Cam Bert

    Episode 156.5 - Minisode 156.5

    I'm having the same issue too.
  11. I'm not saying this movie is perfect but he without sin cast the first stone! No, I welcome all opinions. Please everybody don't be afraid to shit on this film.
  12. Also fellow Cameron awesome and cute story! I'm a bit late but just want to quickly add my two-cents to stories of naughty children. First when I was a wee lad apparently I picked up calling seagulls "shitty birds" from my father and had to be broken of it from my mom. I have no memory of this but apparently my mom and sister do. Also back in Canada, my friend and I were once walking past an elementary school and one of the kids on the playground yelled at my friend asking him for a blow job. I have no idea if they knew what it was or were put up to it or what. Sadly in Japanese there isn't really the seem concept of curse words as there is in English. There are very few words that are considered truly bad and shouldn't be said and I've never heard a kid say them. So I don't have any cute work stories about kids cursing unfortunately. I do have plenty of just funny cute stories but for another time.
  13. Welcome and great to have you finally join us. I'm also happy that you and most everybody else is seemingly loving it.
  14. Questions are for all! Actually I was going to ask you but couldn't remember how old your oldest was so erred on the side of caution. Actually question for you, CakeBug and anyone else with kids that wants to chime in. How do you choose what to show the kids or not? I'm curious because I teach similar aged children and have to decide on movies to show them sometimes. (I realise this is probably boring to most, sorry) Also Storm? She's no Beast but a pretty solid choice.
  15. Firstly, good luck with the interview. Secondly, what non-animated musicals have you shown them or taken them to? If so which ones did they enjoy and which ones not?
  16. I grew up non-religious. My parents were basically "we believe what we believe and you can follow whatever path is right for you" so I had no religious connection to this movie. What I did have is a mother who saw this movie when she was twenty and fall in love with Ted Neeley who also feel in love with the music. When I see younger photos of my father there is a similarity which just makes things a little weird... I really do you hope you enjoy this. I'm telling you the voices on the movie cast are incredible, so you can at least turn a blind eye to hippies in the desert and enjoy some fantastic vocal work. There is a horrible quality version on YouTube if you really want to watch it but getting it is an issue,
  17. I can see him playing that. I could also see him having a lot of fun as King Herod as well, which for me is the most scene ,nay, show stealing-est role in the entire musical.
  18. With the massive success of Hamilton and La La Land's win (I'm calling it early) it wouldn't surprise me if studios aren't in a rush to get any big musical to the screen.
  19. While seeing a sixty year old Jesus would be odd, if he could still hit those notes it would have been totally worth it.
  20. No worries. I was a little shocked out of the list of ones you mentioned that was the first one you went to and it was right. I'm just glad we can be on the same side this week.
  21. Good choice because Carl Anderson and Ted Neeley have phenomenal voices. Maybe CakeBug can back me up on this but I've never seen anyone top Carl Anderson as Judas.
  22. Also is it too late for me to jump onto the "I abandoned Glee yet I still watch Ryan Murphy shows and always end up disappointed" bandwagon?
  23. Sorry for the delay folks. I thought long and hard about my pick, and I had many thoughts. A Japanese film was thought of, and whether to go good or bad was also heavily considered. Then it hit me, why not pick the first non-animated musical I remember seeing which happens to be the first stage musical I ever saw too. Good ladies and gentlemen of the forums I present to you my mother's favourite musical, 1973's very own... While this film and the music can be enjoyed by religious and non-religious alike if there is anyone here that feels like they would be unable to watch or enjoy this film because of the subject matter please let me know and I'll gladly change to one of my back-up picks.
  24. Cam Bert

    Musical Mondays-Week 5-Across the Universe

    Much like I said about Tommy, there are worse things out there and the more important thing is the enjoyment we got out of talking about it on here. I mean, if I just saw this and had no release for my feelings than I might be upset but it was a fun discussion for sure. I also learned a lot about Julie Taymor and the Beatles so that's a plus as well. Thanks CakeBug!