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Cam Bert

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Everything posted by Cam Bert

  1. So, Tomspanks is on the did not enjoy side and taylor anne and CakeBug are on the love side? Have I got this right?
  2. I thought it might have been Blues Brothers based on the previous clues.
  3. True. Answer me this, does this have "Here Comes the Sun" in it? I have just spent the last two months teaching 6 year olds to sing it and I don't think I can handle hearing it again this soon.
  4. I have not seen this. I don't know if I should be excited or not...
  5. Cam Bert

    Episode 155 - Airborne: LIVE!

    So Seth Green's character is portrayed as this loser who nobody seems to know or care about. His mom says he's never been with a girl, but he claims it's the opposite. I think he might be right. In speech class when he's giving his speech we cut to a shot of a girl sitting behind Al Pacino's love slave playing with her hair and giving him a flirtatious wave. It really looks like this girl is into him. Is this a former flame of his? Does this girl have a crush on him and he's just unaware? Maybe he's right and he does get around the block and the shy nerd is just an act.
  6. Cam Bert

    Episode 155 - Airborne: LIVE!

    My addition to the challenge. "My dad wasn't always a Zamboni driver you know. He actually studied biology in college. He wanted to spin that off into a career as a vet or something, he doesn't like talking about it. See when he was in college he saw a position for an internship on a small tropical island. I mean, you'd have to be a fool to refuse living on a tropical island for free for a summer right? He couldn't say much because of some NDAs he had to sign but it was a internship at like a futuristic zoo of some kind. When he got there he wasn't as qualified as the others so he got a job in security. I mean he'd hang out in the labs and try to learn but he said they didn't like that. I still can't believe they trusted my dad with a gun. So, one night they're moving a very dangerous animal into a new pen when it went nuts and started attacking the guards. To this day my dad has nightmares about it. The head guy just kept screaming for somebody to shoot her. "Shoot her! Shoot her!" He's just this nerdy guy but what choice did he have? My dad shot her, it was weird."
  7. According to my calendar it is Monday...
  8. Cam Bert

    Episode 155 - Airborne: LIVE!

    That's good to hear. I think it's a great idea too. Now back to more Airborne!
  9. Cam Bert

    Episode 155 - Airborne: LIVE!

    Oh dear. I'm sorry my home country has let you down. Oh behalf of Canada, I'm sorry.
  10. Cam Bert

    Episode 155 - Airborne: LIVE!

    In further defense of Mitchell's parents, I assumed the whole issue with him not going is because of the Australian school schedule. I mean this movie seemingly takes place over winter as we know from the Christmas tree in his parents house and the snow. Given that American schools finish in June he'd just miss the last half of his school year including graduation. Now when he goes to Australia it's their summer. I believe that their school year runs all year starting in January and ending in December, but what if the six month study ends before the school year there does? He might be stuck in some kind of graduation limbo. Not to mention the questions raised about can he graduate from a school in Australia? Does he have the right credits? Is there some class he needs to graduate which he might be missing? Maybe things like Spanish and American history are very important to the parents but not covered in the Australian curriculum. There are so many moving parts I think his parents did the right thing not to send him to school in Australia.
  11. Cam Bert

    Musical Mondays-Week 4-Beauty and the Beast

    Hmmm... time to do some detective work... I think I have an idea. Am I right? I'm right aren't I?
  12. Cam Bert

    Episode 155 - Airborne: LIVE!

    Okay, much like CakeBug I have so much to say but I'll hold off on letting it all out now. However, I need to talk about the character of Snake. Now there has already been a lot of talk about him and his lack or non-lack of hobbies but doesn't anybody else find it odd that he's so quickly and seamlessly blended into the hockey team when that's not who he is at all. When Mitchell first gets to the school he bumps into Snake. Snake is walking with this two tall leather jacket clad tough guys. Seth Green immediately jumps in to save Mitchell and tells him that Snake is the baddest kid in the whole school. So this visually and storywise it's set up that Snake is a thug, the school tough guy. After speech class he overhears that the hockey team is short players and just volunteers to play. Jack is just like "okay" and doesn't question if the school tough guy knows how to skate or play hockey. They all just accept this as a fact. Maybe out of fear they accept it but the point is the tough guy character who has no hobbies but being tough and violent wants to play hockey and they just accept. Turns out he's the best player on the team, and at the end of the movie he's also the best skater. From that first game on he's always with the hockey team, people he had no connection with prior to strapping those skates on. What about his two friends from the beginning? He just stops handing out with them because he's loved by the hockey guys now? Does he give up his thuggish ways to be a sportsman? Why would the school tough guy even care about school sports or school rep? Who knew he had this hidden hockey potential? Basically what I'm saying why isn't there a movie from Snake's POV about a tough kid who loved hockey and was just secretly waiting for his chance to shine.
  13. Cam Bert

    Episode 155 - Airborne: LIVE!

    Finally I feel free to talk about this movie! Feels good. I just want to echo this point some more. This movie has a very odd habit of people magically gaining and losing objects. Look at the opening. These two dudes strap on their safety gear and backpacks and head to the beach. They start surfing, and I'm left asking, where did those surf boards come from? Then as I mentally reason they maybe have borrowed them or keep them at the beach, we cut to them heading home carrying the surf boards. You didn't come with them so why are you taking it home? Did they just buy them at the beach? Then to your point when Nikki invites Mitchell to the botanical gardens Mitchell is wearing all his safety gear, but when they are at the botanical garden it's just all gone. He doesn't have his backpack this time, so where did it all go? They go to leave and he's still gear free, but on his way home he has all his safety gear on. Also, why are they allowing him in barefoot? He steps on a twig or thorn or something that has fallen onto the path and that seems like a lawsuit waiting to happen.
  14. Cam Bert

    Episode 154.5 - Minisode 154.5

    Thank you. I got this movie online, so I didn't have the joy of watching it with Japanese subtitles. My goal is in the next week track this down on video in Japan just to see how they tried to subtitle it. I can't imagine the hell it must have been for them.
  15. Cam Bert

    Episode 154.5 - Minisode 154.5

    I just want to talk about Airborne so much... Friday get here soon!!!
  16. Cam Bert

    Episode 154.5 - Minisode 154.5

    My parents use to throw a giant BBQ party every summer. Somewhere over the years a tradition began of people bringing the worse booze they could fine to the party. Some things were normal-ish like Fireball Whiskey and then some things got weird like tomato wine. The last year we had party, one of my cousins brought a can of Four Loko. Naturally he started by trying it and almost started gagging. He said it was undescribable, and we just had to try it. Naturally the can began being passed around to various reactions none of which were good. I myself just remember it being a sickening sweet mess that seemed to burn as you felt every inch of it going through you. The thing was the one can was not enough for everybody to have a taste, so he had to run out and get another because it was the talk of the party. When he returned the second can was passed around and sampled, but then more people were showing up and they hadn't tried it. He ended up making five trips back and forth buying one can at a time, before he just came back with a giant bag full of them. As the party went on all those who drank had a taste, and no one really wanted another. The problem was now he was stuck with a bag of like five unopened ones. The party was dying down and we were sitting around the fire pit, when our ex-neighbour showed up. He'd just finished work and came to "help clean up" the food and beer. When he found out the keg was empty he asked what else we had at which point my cousin gave him the bag of Four Lokos. He cracked it opened and took a little sip. "This is awesome" he cried and began to slam it. My cousin offered him the bag, which he gladly took. Eventually the last of us turned in for the night and he offered to take care of the fire. When we awoke in the morning he was still in our backyard just sitting by a still going fire. He told us that he drank all five cans and then became enchanted by the fire, and he was unaware that like six hours had passed. He just kept staring into the flames and throwing more logs on as it died.
  17. Cam Bert

    Episode 154.5 - Minisode 154.5

    I spent a lot of this movie distracted by how much like a young Jeff Fahey the actor playing Mitchell looked like. Then a spent the other half just confused and nostalgic. Yet was I once bored? Nope.
  18. Cam Bert

    Episode 154.5 - Minisode 154.5

    Okay, I'm about to watch this movie now. I hope you guys haven't over hyped this...
  19. I think most of us barely made it. I mean, you heard what happened to June right?
  20. Cam Bert

    Musical Mondays-Week 4-Beauty and the Beast

    Part of it is steam powered from the kettle, but you would need a heat source to boil the water. I want to know how does it keep reloading more logs to chop
  21. Cam Bert

    Musical Mondays-Week 4-Beauty and the Beast

    "Belle deer, I've invented a device that'll allow you to see who's at the door!" "Oh, did you drill a small hole in the door and attach a lens?" "What? No! We drill some holes in the roof and the walls and via a series of tubes can look out like it's a small hole with a lens like it's in the middle of the door but it'll be next to it." Seriously though, that's a better invention the the steam powered wood cutter.
  22. Just let me check when Xander Cage is returning to Japan... February 24th.... welp, looks like I'll be in lurk mode that week.
  23. Cam Bert

    Musical Mondays-Week 4-Beauty and the Beast

    Belle's father comes in and talks about how there is a Beast and nobody believe him and they all laugh at him. It's pure "crazy talk" which gives Gaston the idea to bribe the head of the asylum to commit him. I mean everybody in town knows there's no beast and it's laughable. Cut to Belle showing them the Beast and Gaston making bold claims about the horrors of the Beast and everybody just agreeing and going along with it. Just seconds before they had no proof of it and rumors were laughably silly, but yet since Gaston says so it must be true! Wake up sheeple!