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Everything posted by Smigg

  1. Smigg

    Episode 98 — LOL: LIVE!

    In fact, it fits in the HDTGM vs. HIMYM rivalry, as they even used that joke on HIMYM
  2. Smigg

    Episode 98 — LOL: LIVE!

    BIG NEWS from the original thread:
  3. Smigg

    Episode 98 — LOL: LIVE!

    Or Bad Boy Bubby, perhaps the weirdest film I have ever seen.
  4. Smigg

    Episode 98 — LOL: LIVE!

    When you said that they played "Slow", I was expecting more of a Crowbar sound. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_jC9Up1JYTk But I definitely get your point about kids wearing band shirts, but have no idea about the band they're wearing, as a Motorhead fan, it irritates the shit out of me. And now, we have Crowbar in a thread about Miley Cyrus, excellent.
  5. Smigg


    Excellent stuff! Thanks, Nate
  6. Smigg

    Episode 98 — LOL: LIVE!

    With how they despicably make fun of those with disabilities, and how weirdly sexual it is, this dirty French writer would probably have the disabled girl discover it, and think it was cake frosting and then one thing leads to another...
  7. Smigg

    Episode 98 — LOL: LIVE!

    Here, he's thinking "Oh, my heart, my achy-breaky heart. He's not gonna understand."
  8. Smigg

    Episode 98 — LOL: LIVE!

    Oh shit, what about the part where she goes: "Hey, Shit Dick 3... " And that was it, she didn't say anything else, and it's that shit that girls always do! If you're a girl and you do this shit to guys, fuck you! I hate that shit, just say something, If I ran up to someone said "Hey, you!" And just smiled, well, they'd be freaked out, because I'm a big guy with a beard, but they'd also think I was an asshole.
  9. Smigg

    Episode 98 — LOL: LIVE!

    Also, Maximiliano deserves to have this seen by as many people as possible. Same for Lando
  10. Smigg

    Episode 98 — LOL: LIVE!

    Okay, seeing as the original thread isn't being implemented, I'm going to post some of my thoughts on this shit pie of a movie that I made over there, for those unfamiliar with the other thread, I will be using the names "Shit Dick 1, 2 and 3" Shit Dick 1 - The nerdy guy with the muscle suit Shit Dick 2 - Miley's ex-boyfriend Shit Dick 3 - Miley's new boyfriend 1 - In the first 30 minutes of the movie, people left somewhere 24 times! LOL should mean "Lots of Leaving" 2 - The Chickenfucker saw Shit Dick 1 was wearing the same shirt as the guy on the webcam, and immediately thought "better suck his dick!" Seemingly not realising that shirt manufacturers make more than one shirt. 3 - Who was looking after the little brother during the Paedophillic, Lesbian Three Way Bathroom Time? He just appeared the next scene. 4 - The Police in the movie are portrayed as being corrupt as a motherfucker! The detective gives Demi his helmet (that's what she said), and then Demi said "Don't you need one", and the Cop shows up and says "Hello... Detective", seemingly turning a blind eye to it. However, there are no Helmet laws in Illinois, so there was litereally ZERO need for the cop to say that. The Detective could have said "It's Illinois, there are no helmet laws". Now, I've seen "Let's Be Cops", so I don't think either were cops in the first place, I think he got the black guy to put on a uniform and said "Let's game on some bitches at the Court House, they're vunerable!" and Demi fell for it. 5 - Whilst the Chickenfucker was trying to suck the Algebra Teacher's dick, it was revealed that she was pretty much a straight A student. So why didn't the Algebra teacher say "You don't need tutoring, if you want to suck my dick, just say" 6 - When they're looking at "The Post It's" ass in the locker room, my eyes must suck, because she had no ass to look at! 7 - Where were the other bands from this Battle of the Bands? I don't think there was one, I think Shit Dick 2 & 3 got one of their Shit Dick cohorts to just jump on stage after they finished playing their shitty song to say "Man! Fuck this shit, all the other bands just quit because of how good The Shit Dicks are! So the Shit Dicks are the winners!" 8 - At the end of the movie, when the so called "Detective" (although I still have my doubts) was on the Police boat with Demi, the only thing I could think about is "Why has he got access to the boat?" He's supposed to be a Detective, he's supposed to figure murders out, not piss arse about on a fucking boat. Unless it's "Knight Boat; The Crime Solving Boat" from The Simpsons, that motherfucker should be on dry land, trying to figure murders out. It's Illinois, there's a lot of murders there. 9 - Maybe Shit Dick 3's dad isn't so abusive when you factor in the simple fact that his son is an unrelenting scrotum whilst getting bad grades. On top of that, instead of studying, he's piss arsing about in his shitty band, whilst figuring out new ways to act like a scrotum to his parents. So, maybe his Dad is just sick of his shit. 10 - Back to the Chicken fucking, two thoughts. When the chicken was in the little brother's room. Why did the mother get immediately enraged when she saw the chicken in his room? Surely a simple "Why is this Chicken in your room?" would have cleared the matter up pretty sharpish. Not only that, Shit Dick 1 would have told one of his friends about the girl who started playing with her pussy on webcam for seemingly no apparent reason! She had that Chicken ready for that moment, so this is a premeditated plan of sexual deviancy! The dirty bitch! 11 - When Shit Dick 1 dances in the bathroom... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWAYL6VuQQY ... the dirty bastard leaves without washing his hands! If he did that in the toilets at my school, not only would his hand be covered in piss, all his clothes would have been too! Then again, I went to a rough school, we had a kid with epilepsy who was called "Eppo Leppo" whilst other kids would flicker lights on and off to try to trigger a seizure. But no one danced in the bathroom! 12 - Either my ears suck, but I didn't hear Demi's asshole pot head friends being referred to by their actual names once. 13 - No real point here, just, fuck this movie! Fuck this movie in the nostril with no lube! 14 - As an Englishman with no prejudice, I can confirm that the French are indeed dirty bastards. The writer probably said to her equally dirty French friends "Ahhhh, zis Sheeken louks lahk a vasheen, non?!" and they said "Oui" whilst smoking cigarettes and eating baguettes whilst watching shitty black and white movies! Fuck you France! Miley deserves this for making it: I think I might still have the PTSD from this movie.
  11. Smigg

    Episode 98 — LOL: LIVE!

    Because she was in an episode of The League is my guess.
  12. Smigg


    Don't be sad that it's ending. He happy that it happened! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSz16ngdsG0 Now, play this, and think of "Shit Dicks", chicken pussy, and all around hilarity that this thread caused.
  13. Smigg

    Episode 98 — LOL: LIVE!

    Well, there's a big ass thread with people who feel just like you.
  14. Smigg

    Episode 98 — LOL: LIVE!

    http://forum.earwolf...opic/10739-lol/ This thread is also an alternative to the episode, hell, shame it wasn't brought over as the "official" thread. In fact, pretty much EVERYTHING that could be thought of for this film, is probably in that thread, and more.
  15. Smigg

    How Sponsors Sound...

    It worked alright for Bill Burr http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rl5JDzvkEA0
  16. Smigg


    I feel we may have unleashed an evil on the world. We're all culprits. But, dammit. It was the right thing to do!
  17. Smigg


    Welcome to the thread. Well, there's a theory on the Chicken Pussy a few pages back. But the whole thread is really good, like an alternative episode.
  18. Smigg


    What about Lauren Holly in Crank 2?
  19. Smigg

    Episode 97.5 — Minisode 97.5

    I'm gonna go for the Shit Dicks' black friend, and the corrupt black cop, and they're going to tell their story of the racism contained in LOL.
  20. Smigg


    Well, in the mini ep, Paul did mention "Two special guests in the audience". So, let's take bets. I think one of the shit dicks and chicken fucker.
  21. Smigg


    This could easily be a 2 hour episode, and still have stuff left over to talk about.
  22. Smigg

    Episode 97.5 — Minisode 97.5

  23. Smigg

    Episode 97.5 — Minisode 97.5

    We'll never fully rid ourselves of it. When you throw a stone into a lake, it causes ripples. But those ripples in the water soon go away, so whilst other people won't know what happened, the stone will always be there. That's what it's like for us, whilst we project an outward impression that we're fine, we have deep, psychological marks of chickens and Shit Dicks.
  24. Smigg

    Episode 97.5 — Minisode 97.5

    LOL has created the longest thread on the HDTGM boards, about a month before the episode. That's how insane this movie is. It's pretty much an alternative episode, including a "Second Opinions".