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Everything posted by MossRyder

  1. MossRyder


    Jason Heynongmantzoukas just slipped a 'Heynongman" into tonite's episode of Brooklyn nine-nine. I's very near the end, right after chelsea says "Hey beard-o..." Tits!
  2. Podcastaddict here, also. but its such a great app, i'm not about to switch. I just wait for monday evening or listen on soundcloud...
  3. PFT actually tweeted about this. I can never download them to podcastaddict on my phone til monday evening. - "line 31 column 101: undefined entity"
  4. Last update failed 12/14/2015 - 08:15 At line 31, column 46: undefined entity hmmm... bummer.
  5. MossRyder

    submit youtube clips for improv4humans

    unfortunately, i couldn't locate a copy of this on youtube, but here it is anyway: http://player.ooyala...-handed-evil%2F "Public School Teacher Forces Student to Write with Right Hand Because Being Left-Handed is “Evil”" (for some reason, I can't embed this:()
  6. Yea, kinda like the Jews circa 1940.
  7. MossRyder

    No tour this year?

    is there no actual cbb tour this year? if not... bummer.
  8. Not a u2 fan, but what was this weeks intro track name?
  9. MossRyder

    Episode 265 — LIVE from RIOT LA

    Closing sentement-off NEEDS to become a regular feature! Traci Rearden also should show up more. A nd why no b-b-b-bonus-s-s jokes in the tv cbb show. love paul's new charac in the live show. long time listener at a library, Moss Ryder
  10. MossRyder

    Snot Lockerman

    'No, No... not the nose!' This is Snot Lockerman and welcome to Comedy Bang Bang...