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Posts posted by ieatpants

  1. Is this failing to show up on anybody else's "wherever you get your podcasts"? It's usually there right away, but still isn't showing.


    yeah, i'm not seeing CBB or Spontaneanation in Pocket Casts.



    this world is bullshit.




    this ep is amazing. faith in humanity restored.

    • Like 2

  2. "

    "I'm getting an "I don't like you" vibe. Anyone else?? "


    That's their style. They pretend to hate each other. Scott has "banned" Brett from the show after they've gotten in fake heated arguments.



    just putting this out there: the initial commenter was likely being "sarcastic" or possibly using "irony" -- so it's likely that the words he or she wrote were intended to have a different meaning than the literal meaning of those words.


    ps, i enjoy the civil dialog that we can have on this site.

  3. Ming saying, "I hope there were no German cartoons with a train" was the best joke ever that just got ignored!



    i don't get it.




    also, Ming saying Aquaman makes me sad that no one followed that up with "Scott Aquaman"

    now that's a solid bit.

    call me -- i'm available for punch-ups.

  4. i love the earthquake talk -- reminds me of Michael's appearance on the CBB tv show (season 3, ep 6 - Nick Offerman Wears a Green Flannel Shirt & Brown Boots)



    Also, Showalter should work at one of those gay camps because he's so good at being a straight man that he made Scotty even more straight.


    that makes sense, right?

  5. Agreed about the weird structure, but it was nice, just a surprise. I was also surprised that the tensions didn't boil over with the Monugents, seemed hinted at early on in their appearance. Would've like to hear those guys back for plugs though.


    Speaking of, plugs theme was cool. Reminded me of Stabbing Westward a little, but I understood how Scott characterized it too, maybe he was more accurate about the inspiration.


    Rhea was delightful. I enjoyed her reactions to "both candidates are equal" insinuations.


    good one.

    sometimes i think scott and everyone that listens to this show have only ever listened to 90s alternative rock.

  6. "Have you met Jon Dogz? He's the opposite of Jon Katz."


    Stop all current and future podcast content generation and distribution because the form has peaked and any attempts to improve will be futile. (Sorry about your careers, Earwolf staff.)


    i was also extremely tickled by this.

    also by Scott's insisting that Jon must "be loving this" because they were talking about him.


    "happy nuts eve everyone!"

  7. i never enjoy talking down on guests on CBB or any podcasts but this Carl Tart dude is kind of wasted potential... he's just telling some half assed back story with no comedy...

    That banter with 'Zoukas at the top of the show is one for the "Best of 2016". Unfortunately, the show comes to a screeching halt unlike all the vehicles that Marvin Phelps got hit by... Sorry Carl, better luck next time. Don't forget, people hated on Harris Wittels when he first showed up!


    i feel like i might be missing a bit or inside riff, because i really enjoyed Marvin (Marvin Phelps?!).

    to be fair as soon as i heard Marvin i thought "oh wow, a fellow two-wheel rider!" so maybe i'm biased.

    • Like 2

  8. gabrus' meat puppets ref went unnoticed and i will not stand for this


    let's be honest, that was a nirvana reference and we all know it ;-/ :lol::P:huh::angry:B):rolleyes:


    such a brill ep. for some reason, one of my favorite stupid parts was right before the last break, scott is rushing to say things like "we'll be right back" and the microsecond before they start the break, you hear todd say "Todd Glass" -- the more i think about how and why he did that, the more i love that man.

    • Like 4

  9. "I'm Scott Aukerman, your wonderful host." I went back and listened to this part 7 times in a row and laughed each time like it was the first time I was hearing it.


    not to mention the ridiculous Dollar Shave Club ad -- "I'm a great guy. i'm one of the greatest guys in the history of the universe"



    what a goof ball.

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