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Joe Lerini

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Posts posted by Joe Lerini

  1. Thanks for sharing Greggy. This thread is basically now just people saying Hi to each other, so I'm glad you posted something personal. Maybe we could all share where we were when we started listening to Hollywood Handbook and how it has improved our lives?


    As you know, I live in Ohio. Ohio is a flat dirt-plain of nothing except two UDF gas-stations and sometimes a cow. We do, however, have a sky. Before I started listening to Hollywood Handbook, I was a cloud-looker. Most people in Ohio are too depressed to look at anything other than their shoes, which they often can't see because of the tears that well over their eye's balls. Because their head-hanging depression, it was up to me to look up into the sky and tell them what clouds were, and what they looked like, and if they were mean clouds (gray, stormy-looking or shaped like a mad face) or nice clouds (white, fluffy, or shaped like the one good UDF gas-station). As you can imagine it was tiring work craning my neck all day and constantly shouting at the top of my lungs so the whole town could hear scientific descriptions of what clouds are and what they looked like, and also I was never even paid in money because in Ohio we work on a bartering system based around dirt. After every day I was only given fifty clods of She-Dirt, which I couldn't even spend because I'm a boy. However one day I was able to trick the town blind-man and Steve Job's nephew Jebediah Jobs into thinking I was a girl, and I traded all my She-Dirt for one iPod. It was that day I discovered Hollywood Handbook, which was of course on the front page of the itunes store every day. Now I get to look straight ahead at movie scripts and hot stars instead of up at heaven fluffs.

    So, you're telling me there's a cloud-looker position available?


    *punches up resume*

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