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Joe Lerini

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Posts posted by Joe Lerini

  1. Is this for real because I kinda want to cry but am like "Is this another joke?*" but I get alerts every time Kumail Tweets and then went on Twitter and saw Adomian in my feed saying the same thing and wtf no. Sorry for the insane run-on but Harris was fucking hilarious and one of my favorite podcast guests ever and he was so young...



    *There was a RIP Harris joke a while back, right? Or am I imagining it? THIS IS WHY I HATE RIP "JOKES"!

    I was on Twitter, and thought someone was saying RIP Harris as a bit. Then I scrolled down a little more and saw some more. Looked it up elsewhere to find out it was not a gag.


    I feel really terrible right now.

    • Like 1

  2. I had no idea what Whiplash was, so I was in the dark on the bit they were going for. But I still enjoyed this episode as a break in format, and because people shitting on Armen is just flat-out funny to me. I did know what was coming when Matt said "let's do a sketch about the Lakers" and I enjoyed that. Then I came on here, saw the talk about the movie Whiplash, so I looked that up, and then I watched the Master Class videos. I like the episode more now that I get what it's supposed to be, but I enjoyed it when I was unaware, too. *shrug*

    • Like 4

  3. The episode mirrors the movie pretty well! I didn't realize it was a parody until part way through, but I should have realized what was up when Armen was improving all by himself and Matt walked in on him, just like J Jonah Jameson walking in on the kid playing drums.

    It was weird when he asked the kid to drum up a song about Spider-Man(!) though.


    I enjoyed the American Sniper scene in this ep.

    • Like 3





    shit wrong thread.

    NO, YOU GOT IT STUCK IN MY HEAD AGAIN! I just finally got it out.


    ...goin' downtown,

    Goin' to Inglewood now

    Everybody do your facts and know your stars,

    there's glitz and glamour and lots of bars.

    Get a drink at a club, and then go walk in front of the Chinese Theater

    Hollywood Facts! Take out your diiiiick!

    Check out the facts, it's the Hollywood facts, BRO!

    • Like 10

  5. Bumpy's meaning is that the level of terrible(jokingly) that are Scott's characters (let's say -79) is the level of great on the opposite end of the spectrum (79) that is his Paul Lynde. Bumpy is saying that Scott's Paul Lynde is amazing. C+.

    Still, though, I won't hear anyone besmirch the good name of Dabney, by God!

    • Like 6

  6. Grepisode, but fucking Neil Campbell... I can't believe this guy isn't internationally mega-famous. He makes me cry from laughing, almost every appearance. "Jesus, that old Capricorn" is one of the funniest things I've ever heard anyone say, and that was just a few weeks ago babe! Missy and Winsome are instant classics, Fran and Neil were both killing me.

    From his first line about Jurassic Park, Neil had me laughing. Dude is phenomenal.

    • Like 4