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Joe Lerini

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Posts posted by Joe Lerini

  1. Zach Woods is just amazing. I feel like I need to go back and watch the Gabe episodes of the Office. I'm sure I didn't appreciate him enough the first time because at that point the show felt like watching my best friend die slowly and every episode was hard to get through so...



    Gabe won me over when he suggested Erin should watch SUSPIRIA with him. And when she wanted to watch WALL-E, he compromised with HARDWARE.




    I'm a huge horror nerd.

  2. I actually think that's the best Batman movie.

    I certainly enjoy Batman Returns, but I just don't think the story is a great Batman story. It's a great Tim Burton story, with Batman characters slotted in in places where they can be considered close enough to what he's going for.


    I think the best Batman movie is Batman Begins, so take that for what it's worth.

  3. Thanks for this! Here's my thoughts as I listened to this episode:


    Eric looks like he was going as Andrew WK for Halloween.


    I will always applaud comic book references. Matt's brief Agents of SHIELD thing was cool.


    "Sexual Costco" was hilarious. Thank you, Zach!


    YES! Eric actually becomes part of a scene!


    I laugh-choked during Eric's scene. God, that was amazing.


    Looking forward to Playing House. Lennon, Jessica, and Zach?! Yes, please.


    Matt Besser, thank you for creating the BEST PODCAST IN THE UNIVERSE! You're the best.


    Hope this episode is considered I4H canon, as there's some definite Best of material here.

  4. Marvel was on its way to becoming a house of blockbusters, though, as Blade, X-Men, Blade II, and Spider-Man were all successful. Though, I understand your point, as this was back when Marvel was selling film rights to their characters to Fox, New Line, and Sony, etc.. Now they're making the films themselves, and have more creative control.


    The storyline you're refering to is called "Born Again." DD's ex-girlfriend Karen sells his secret identity to the Kingpin, and Fisk proceeds to make his life miserable, as you mentioned.

  5. I can't believe no one realized the song is TWO Princes, not Three! I mean come that song was a hit in the 90's!

    The writer of the WYR scenario was referencing The Spin Doctors' little-heard attempt at a follow-up to "Two Princes". Like Metallica's "Unforgiven 2" or that one lady with "Judy's Turn to Cry." Anyone could listen to "Two Princes" for the rest of their life, that's a fantastic song, but it takes someone truly masochistic to suffer through "Three Princes."







    By the way, this episode was amazing. When Todd gave his additional WYR scenarios, and Scott added them to the initial question, I laughed so hard tears were streaming down my face. I love this show.

  6. I have not seen The Room, but I have read enough reviews, I've heard the How Did This Get Made episode, I've seen Patton Oswalt's parody video, and now I've heard this podcast. So I kinda feel like I've seen it, without actually seeing it. I'm still kinda fascinated by the stories I've heard of the production and the friendship between Greg and Tommy.


    I'd be interested in seeing Wiseau's second movie, if he ever makes one. I wonder if his knowledge of the way The Room has been received would affect his writing/directing/whatever.
