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Posts posted by The_Other_MikeD

  1. Late to the Vampire Party but finally got to the movie, then caught the podcast yesterday. Sweet merciful Vlad, that was a mess.


    There's so much to say and so much of it has already been said above - a few things that really tickled me...


    - While I was saddened to see Gabriel Byrne in this thing - it took me a few seconds to thankfully realise he hadn't aged that much, it was just makeup - I liked the reminder of the 'benevolent figure who turns out to be a bad guy' twist in The Usual Suspects. Yes, I know Dean Keaton wasn't Keiser Soze but there's a moment where Verbal Kint makes us believe he is, and the reveal in this reminded me of that. I had some memory of Vampire Gabriel wearing a fedora at some point but I can't find an image online. Maybe that was what made me think of it.

    - Aisling Bea's impersonation of Dimitry's 'learn English by being in a movie' was the highlight of the week for me, although are we agreed that she made a mistake assuming Dimitry (Bobo long-hair Ashton Kutcher to me) was 16,000 years old? Yep.

    - How about the on-the-nose-ism of the credits track 'Bela Lugosi's dead'? Maybe vampire movies generated feedbag fanboys to bridge between Cameron's Bram Stoker theory and Anne Rice?

    - The book's called 'Vampire Academy', as is the film. Yet in the movie, Lissa says 'Don't use the V word' (or words to that effect). Usually 'vampire' is thrown around by Rose, in a way that she is either clueless about its offence (not likely) or is trying to be offensive (jerk move). Maybe the title to the first book was a marketing decision, and it just stuck? They make it clear that 'vampires' are fictional creatures; Moroi and Stragoi only resemble vampires in certain ways. SO WHY IS IT CALLED VAMPIRE ACADEMY?

    - Favourite line (and new post signature): They may call Dimitri a god... but I'm an atheist. An atheist with a big-ass gun."


    I'm sure there's more, but I have to go teach. Will check back in later. So much to say about this thing.


    Also: this was the first HDTGM film my wife has watched with me, bemusedly. I'm happy to say, three days later, our marriage appears intact. There were moments during this thing that I truly wondered. And then Rose punched Mia in the face, my wife laughed out loud, and i settled in.


    Why is it called "Vampire Academy"? Because "Moroi Academy" isn't going to fly off the shelves. It doesn't matter that within the book vampire is a bad word. You have to sell units!

  2. A few things:


    1) I feel sorry for Joely Richardson and Gabriel Byrne. It seems they feel slighted or missed the train on being the only British (Irish) actors who weren't in Harry Potter so they made a grab for another potential franchise.


    2) During the training we see that the students wear chest protectors at practice, why don't the Stragoi all wear one of these? Good luck killing us now!


    3) The obvious sequel which was set up has a failed Indiegogo campaign.


    Sorry, the $10,000 part with a line is gone and so is the campaign which only gathered up $250,000 of a $1.5 million goal. Wikipedia says they were going to try and make a cheaper sequel.


    4) How could these people be computer literate (I changed your screen saver!) and also not know what a IPhone is? Is the internet connection that bad in Montana? It seemed to work just fine for Rose or did she just get all her knowledge before being placed in VA?

  3. Lots of things to say about this one. I loved it!


    There was a black guy in the movie. I was looking for him, and I saw him.


    There is also a cholo too. In the "Most Popular Girl" music number.


    Why were a Crip (blue bandana) and a Blood (red bandana) in the same car?


    After Luis Guzman and Brad have sex in the haunted house, Serena is talking to Luis Guzman, but for the whole scene she's not looking at her. There's only three possible explanations for this:

    1. She's not a fan of premarital sex and is so disgusted with Luis Guzman she can't look her in the eye.
    2. She's temporarily blind and doesn't know exactly where Luis Guzman is.
    3. She can't remember her lines and is reading cue cards.



    I noticed this scene too. Serena read the whole thing like an SNL skit.


    Also, during the rape house scene we totally thought dude's armpit was a vagina.



    THis is a good shot of the ratty, frayed shirt Brad was wearing. Did he cut the sides out himself?


    I'd like to point out that Kiki, the head cheerleader/lead in the play/whatever is wicked hot, and probably benefits from not having the unfortunate 80s mall hair that everyone else has. She has kind of a Phoebe Cates thing about her...




    A quick search finds that, good God, she's still ridiculously hot. She looks like she could be Megan Fox's older sister or something...




    In the top picture, the girl second from the right is RITA WILSON aka Mrs. Tom Hanks! Check out the video to see more of her.

    Also watch Randa's 'dancing'. She obviously can't do the choreography and just make jazz hands during the entire sequence.


    Ladys let me introduce you to the worlds most perfect man!




    Keith Hernandez?


    Still more observations:


    The wake up scene (right after the Skinemax opening) was the exact same one as Courtney Cox's in Masters of the Universe right down to the frumpy nightgown.


    Was I the only who thought rapey cousin looked like 1980's era Tom Kenny?



    When Serena transforms the frog into her prince he lip-syncs 'ribbit' while the frog noise is being made.


    Serena has some Star Wars blue milk when she makes a potion.


    Luis Guzman does a 'Wonder Woman' spin when she transforms into a popular girl.


    Why are the kids wearing Cosby sweaters to their prom?

  4. Based on the events happening at school (football season to prom) this movie has to cover months right? I'd say it felt like it happened over two or three weeks tops.


    Despite all of the things this movie could have done differently there is really only one thing I wanted. During Brad's football practice scene when they cut from him throwing the ball to the stock footage shot of a football going through a tire they really should have played that up. Have him throw the ball, drop and do his push ups, THEN cut to the stock footage.


    Not a football scout but Brad had terrible throwing mechanics. I doubt if any of his 'passes' went 10 yards much less through a tire.

    • Like 2

  5. in Greek mythology Castor and Pollux were twin brothers (Gemini in Roman mythology). one was mortal and one was half god. they were also the brothers of Helen of Troy. pretty clever screenwriters! maybe you should've spent less time proving you read the Illiad and more time thinking of something better than "throat microchip"


    I'll take this one better. Castor and Pollux are stars in the constellation Gemini. The (Sean) Archer is another name for Sagittarius. Gemini and Sagittarius are diametrically opposed in the sky and on astrological charts.

    • Like 2

  6. Corrections & Omissions:


    1) DeVito uses two different brands of chainsaw. A red brand at the Christmas tree farm and a black brand when trimming his own tree at home.


    2) The streets are never completely plowed on their street. Even with the cars presumably driving on them.


    3) Jason touched on the fact that the house appears to be completely surrounded by street. Why did he push all the lights to the front of the house? The back of the house was DARK.


    4) Also briefly mentioned but not to this point: Broderick puts on all-black gear to throw the snowball at the electric box despite the blindingly white snow and lights that would make him stand out like a Christmas tree. He also then does that wierd bobbing following the pop-up Santa when he could have just stayed low enough for the Santa to cover him.
