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Everything posted by KrangkaDelic

  1. #GoFuckYourself *types 'stenc....'* * then dies* *then cry lies with his cunt eyes* *then says "enuf is enuf"++*then just LETS GO MAN* thenthenthenthenthenthenthenjenpoasnel jsnfljsnef opsfeonse;ofns;lgn s;on g;sjnf zjgn zjn ;jzsnf ;o\sf [oiHwr[ IJAWR [iJWR JIW[JIR PWIJR NO MORE ;SOUHG;OZSJHNG [OSIHEG [sIG[PISJRGOISHRGOIJSRPJGI SPIGJ IPSJG PIA BUT THEN EATH LIKE TURLTEL EATH LIKE HEMMINGWAY TURTLE EATH eahhhh mannn im like that uvuehfsefn SL/F S;LRNG;SJNG; SN BUT LIKE I SAINS NOT WURF IT man #TakeNothinBAckMan #Nothing
  2. See if he dismissively snorts in the background of that one. 'Stench wrench' is still as funny and as vibrant today as it was all those years ago. Ps - no more ice t impressions?
  3. but the filmic wop who rose to the top due to dissipating musical trends is easy to say and not hard to hooray! - it's JAZZ Palminteri, my friends. PS 》 TURTLE POWER!!!!!!
  4. It was kevin nash, bigrig diesel himself who was filming me fuck for all those years btw
  5. Her spell'll end in bar room mell ee's in wellys
  6. they type like a mother tho, no? sub par rot
  7. fresian heffers be notably shit, guys so LOOK OUT to LUCK OUT!!! or be udderly out of luck!! gak pan rimbo cham!!! go bo halfanta cham!!! rebo rugulo reflappabough chumby trance WOO PIH!!! WOO PIH!!!! LEX WU!!!!! LEX WU!!!!!!!!!
  8. look left. look right. pretend you're not gonna bite. say what. Say yo. Say that u gonna be my bro. Say word? For real? Totally my kind of deal.
  9. Marc maron is one. He is clearly controlled by those brain worms cats have in their leavings