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Everything posted by KrangkaDelic

  1. Monkey dontdont Monkey come up with ur own shit
  2. *vomits through hand*
  3. Olive Garden Frost Byte Jager Moms!! The Ted Kennedys i would gladly see any or all three perform.
  4. KrangkaDelic

    echo hommo

    *types: 'sets his watch to it'*
  5. Hoot in annie Poot in fanny If I run downstairs then I'll see my granny
  6. none too easy to start, neither. rough going throughout, in fact.
  7. I only hope no one asks me what it means
  8. spa in spastic ass in drastic written flair aint debonair trite and plastic
  9. PSYCH! it's 'YOUAREALLSHIT69' mothers maiden name = Petrov favorite dog = Cacklez
  10. Eg - ignore it for most of the day, then widen its porthole so to pass viscous tubings of human waste through the opening, then smear its shitty sides with dead trees.
  11. Lemongrass boxcar? Plexiglass juice bar? Shamalamadingdong?
  12. This was a great read and a fun laff! Thanks.
  13. I know i shudntve said but bill maher said nuh nuh nuh nothing very much of substance comedically