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Everything posted by KrangkaDelic

  1. I was born fully grown in the last year so I will not offend you, nor will I particularly benefit your life or consciousness in any way. But I do occupy space time and therefore am relevant. Do you see?
  2. let that shit breathe oh im sorry
  3. KrangkaDelic

    Self-harming beats elf farming.

    your peppeps rich an yo mammas good lookin
  4. especially for you twatty walrus. draw your cutting arm higher next time! elves dont deal with sub-hack troll-thieves anyhow.
  5. KrangkaDelic

    I'm Daddy's favorite

    - whipping boy that is! *see previous catchphrase to realize there's poop and cum on your feet
  6. you see through my genius I have purposely deceived you into that conclusion! the conversational signal I delivered to you was purposely misleading!!! you thought I meant one thing - aka you took the normal lazy action in terms of what you thought I had meant to say - but look closer you fucking turd!!! If you re-evaluate my original statement you will now find that your original conclusion was wrong, and by realizing your foolish error you conclude the social interaction by registering comedic receipt. and now there's poop and cum on your feet.
  7. yellow dribble ish kabibble
  8. Aka hastag Myspace for herpes
  9. KrangkaDelic

    The Love Shack = A brothel

  10. KrangkaDelic


    that not still a thing? corn blimey
  11. Kick off's just before tea-time. At home. Against Norwich.
  12. gezunheit brudda eh nimben down me koala hole: its the day before the races in Tangmalangmaloo "down the road" "round the corner" "mate"
  13. then we go a shag up on your mummahs clit spine poop up puupahs grapevine then tomorrow the rhine then tomorrow the rhine then tomorrow the rhine
  14. KrangkaDelic

    Bristol Pimps?

  15. KrangkaDelic

    god bless the NHS

    practice what you preach, Teach!
  16. KrangkaDelic

    Why did Pop lock?

    coz biz mark KEY
  17. so what are you all complaining about? enjoy wiping the drool.
  18. Regurgitate your imagined betters' views, repeat to taste the echo that you choose. and while fading feedback diminishes before you, just copy and paste again to taste the thorn-chew.