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Everything posted by KrangkaDelic

  1. breaking bad puts the 'meh' in meta-amphetamines
  2. KrangkaDelic


    Rhymes with 'walrus turd'?
  3. Cos he stopped Not that cos
  4. KrangkaDelic


    Fu 4eva at the chodes orifice
  5. pussy automatic - my balls got extendos - the sun never sex
  6. Now Mummy's dead and it's all your fault, Higgins.
  7. shits? giggles? - we got you covered like lab samples
  8. dirty stinky treacherous place
  9. take a sad song and make it rent day
  10. You don't stand a chance when I pull down my pants: they fall to pieces over my sperm, my urine and my feces
  11. I mark my territory with yellow smelly glory. It's shitshitbumbum and wet so you never forget.
  12. dark is the night, yet I don't strike a match for warm is the qweef from my lovers' snatch.
  13. on account of my aggressive sexual policies
  14. "Good won," said the liar
  15. when some passer-by invites your eye to come their way. then says HEY NONG MAN.
  16. it's French for 'gay'
  17. gong show shud be called bong show - because of weed
  18. Someday a real rain'll come and wash all the scum off the streets. Until then it'll be mostly cloudy with some scattered drizzle
  19. KrangkaDelic

    enkidu: epic fail

    enkidu: epic fail