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Everything posted by KrangkaDelic

  1. KrangkaDelic

    best moo vz

    hey were u drinking when u wrote that?! i should hope not!!! #DrinkinsFerSquaresDaddyOh #DaddyOh
  2. KrangkaDelic

    best moo vz

    The Verdict - gods eyedrops Color o Money - scorcys best Braveheart - last ever Fordian movie without cg 8 and a half - sweet baby jesus McCabe n Mrs Miller - best bridge and coats in cinema Millers Crossing - member gr8 coen bros films? Force o Evil - The steps. The intent. The love The Field - last decent irish effort but heavily flawed This Sporting Life - harris! A map of our social economies. Harris!
  3. ah rhetorical - gotcha.
  4. ooo syd from downtown!!!
  5. KrangkaDelic

    dot dot dot cotton

    dum dum dum dum dan na dum
  6. when he takes it out your moms mouth be sticky from that aforementioned ikky thats my crazy uncle ricky.
  7. nothing signifies sigma pi's stigmatizing snickers thighs like Sigurdsons' siren's sterilizingly-stylish smile
  8. shoo fly? ohhhh no no no - its CLUE fly, now
  9. it's the west's longest run without conscripted war in AGES. there is a direct link between cultural vibrancy and war. i mean after ww1 we gt the silmarillion, after ww2 kurt vonnegut - after no war we get sue townsend & harry potter (sue townsend for people who cant remember sue townsend or tolkien) ok ww1 - early jazz, ww2 - swing & bebop, vietnam - rock, rap & techno, no war - n sync, s-club 7, Lorde. ww1 - opiates ww2 - metaamphetamine no war - churros. qed
  10. ari hates that asian gay guy - hahahaha!!! but look out ari!!! its the asian gay guy!!!! hahahahaha~~!!!! ohhhh ari!!!! ohhhh asian gay guy!!!!! ohhhh now its ari's wife! she means feminism won!!! yay!
  11. i was just parroting someone elses 'thing' i am actually emotionally uninvested into his actual well being. so HA.
  12. KrangkaDelic


  13. KrangkaDelic

    best moo vz

    ur Advanced Member is showing.
  14. 'Ye Who Enter'.
  15. Cohost. Double the fun, i say