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Everything posted by KrangkaDelic

  1. It's hip to be square, oh sure, but its hip crushing to be in the squared circle,don't believe me? Just ask Turtle - OK?!
  2. Trench bottoms are to be raked and immediately covered, except if the land fill is abandoned, then anything goes.
  3. How are all your subtle little muff ports this evening? Comely, I'll wager .....
  4. KrangkaDelic

    Ask Paul!

    The contraptionaire drinks the finest exhasperilla, but is he happy?
  5. Phyllis Dillers' vanilla-pillar window-silla-thriller took place half conscious and de-robed in a Devonshire corn field, and not, for Rhymings' sake, in Manilla.
  6. KrangkaDelic

    EPISODE 353 — Goodbye Reggie!

    o death come close mine eyes
  7. You lambs wont be so silent, not after I eat your fucking faces off.
  8. The way you're touching my sons leg, I'm beginning to wonder if there ever was a Mrs Myagi to begin with
  9. Call-back once again: for the reminiscing master
  10. and we're to blame this on the boogie too, I presume, Michael Jackson?
  11. Cans of tuna? Cat food for the soul. Vans of goombas? Rat poop for the whole (of society).
  12. No, you cant touch this, not in your current form Hammer ... phase your particles with the cyberflow from Reziduals photon charger, then you can put your hands all over it, trust me.
  13. stop calling me names behind my back. start calling me fast food pizza delivery to right infront of my shack.
  14. My penis, your penis - mere details.
  15. begging and differing are both for losers
  16. squirting has finally been disproven, guys - it was just pee
  17. city hall are really bustin my stones on this one
  18. sister Network? brother Serpico? uncle Deathtrap? auntie The Wiz?
  19. insufficient pancreas: needs improving!
  20. Remember: short, controlled Dursts
  21. Hitler led the invasion of Poland in his favourite war scooter. He delighted in performing wheelies, and doughnuts for his troops.
  22. KrangkaDelic

    EPISODE 5 - Mars Base 3

    M.E.J. is uncrowned royalty
  23. Tobey Maguire makes me inquire as to whether (for worse or for better) the status of culturally fastest is past us.