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Everything posted by KrangkaDelic

  1. kind of kiss me, I'm ir-ish
  2. Six sick ticks text tex mex sex hex to no-necked oily-pecked Beck.
  3. Big up my pops - that first house of mine I owe all to him - shared it with a bunch of these other guys - what was the name of the street again? oh yeah "his balls". I used to live in his balls. With other semens.
  5. pins like that, you know she a seamstress
  6. Creamy Susan, acetone usin' in this world you choosin' is hard; instead try ether - you'll see it's sweeter; and the state it will make you is hard
  7. British aid potential deflated by singing pigeon? Sounds like a job for fuckshitcunt.
  8. smellbum to the bunghole; says here we got fun and games
  9. When Harry Krishna met Sally Krishna it was no laughing matar. Quite the opposite in-fact.
  10. KrangkaDelic

    Jim Jarmusch much?

    Jim Jarmusch much?
  11. Presupposing my approval of the Friends box-sets was not your first mistake - you went up my wrong hole just minutes earlier, remember?
  12. Krunksgiving is inconsequential to Krunkstaking
  13. Hi guys.....um, BYE GUYS!
  14. KrangkaDelic

    hi ma - BYE MA

    hi ma - BYE MA
  15. Crassus' ribald interjections masked the evenings stifling quality, and taking the air towards 8 that night I overheard the Proconsul say: "Fuck all this piece of shit bullshit."
  16. I searched for your front bum there all evening
  17. Pen-pals will do for now, Baryshnikov - I don't want to get hurt like before
  18. this that C.H.U.D.S, Skuds, bloodz'n'buds type of party, best ak like u no
  19. Shards of gravy, you say? Hidden bursts of Silesian heresy, you say? You're a fucking nut job, I say. Oh wait I'm saying all of these things...FUCK.
  20. splinter taught them to be pillow biting teens (hey, he is a radical rat)
  21. U.N. stands for Uni Nostril, am I right ladies?
  22. L'il Liza Jane - you diminutive slut
  23. Buttressed by the walls of the septic tank, Alfs' inner child weeps; until society buys him a Lambo - then he can speed through Ventura smiling and making this noise: "beep! beep!"
  24. The men of this house have been known to chew, swallow, digest, excrete and repeat. God only knows what the women have been up to.
  25. as the momentum finishes and the quality diminishes- take heart in these group dynamics, until the whole thing somehow replinishes.