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Everything posted by KrangkaDelic

  1. KrangkaDelic

    Fuck Off, Hamburger.

  2. Charmed, I'm sure was a T.V. show.
  3. We'd all like to think of ourselves as good people, but after Tuesdays' Broga class i'm not so sure I can anymore
  4. Hill-ladies: volumise your ear-lashes with Ruddys' ear-canal unction, like NOW!
  5. I see grab-ass season has come early again this year.
  6. But in this version the mammary glands come back from the dead to haunt the bayou.
  7. KrangkaDelic

    Episode 302 — Milkshake Movies

    pepitone is a quality dude, someone who means it!
  8. In the desert, you can't remember your pants: for there ain't no-one for to give you no pants.
  9. My most erstwhile Rhodesian equations negate these fraught, vexed stumbles into logic you cling to so tightly. Now bring me my triple cheeseburger.
  10. some of my favourite imaginary friends are yes-men
  11. O.K., exactly which one of you sugar-plum fairies came to hit the streets?
  12. hash tag sweatpants: you're fired!
  13. In the desert we have a saying; "boo boo, bum bum - have u got your homework done?" and by homework, we mean sand-homework, dummy!
  14. Leaden my stool: hamburger; and i'll see you later.
  15. KrangkaDelic

    Backstage, I'm boney.

    Backstage, I'm boney.
  16. I will wear this girdle and wig. I will out-live William Shatner.
  17. Subtitle your porn son, we're not savages
  18. KrangkaDelic

    Demon Wayans 666

  19. I was smirking in the lab late one night; just relivin' the good times over and over in my mind.
  20. KrangkaDelic

    Say what you will about Juan Valdez...

    and an impressive paramilitary murder squad.
  21. Woeful Karl, Hell itself drafts new constraints for thee.