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Dale Cooper Black

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Posts posted by Dale Cooper Black

  1. This was a fantastic episode, thanks! So many great points I'd like to comment on, but so little time at the moment. Here are a few quick thoughts off the top of my head:


    Jabson did a bang-up job. Too bad you're on different coasts, because he is the best candidate yet for permanent co-host.


    Brooks was definitely ahead of his time (and I think Steve Martin, David Letterman and Larry David would all happily acknowledge his influence), but this isn't necessarily a good thing from a career standpoint. In addition to being confined to the "cult status" ghetto, and watching your imitators go on to stratospheric success, you also run the risk of having your entire movie's premise rendered obsolete when the culture eventually catches up to you.


    (Case in point: Lost In America. A middle-class couple lose their savings and end up living in a trailer park and working for a teenage manager at a fast food joint. A hilarious premise in 1985, a grim reality in 2017.)


    This is actually a tough one for me. I am a huge fan of Brooks, but Real Life is not my favorite, and even my favorites haven't necessarily stood the test of time. (Plus it's hard for me to endorse a Canon that includes Real Life, but not Broadcast News.) But ultimately I think his genius needs to be acknowledged somewhere on this list, so it's a yes for me.


    P.S. My Days of Thunder protest vote was absolutely made in jest, like that time I voted for Donald Trump. (Don't worry, it was in Canada, so it doesn't count.) Everybody knows the only Canon-worthy Tom Cruise movie is Interview with the Vampire.

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  2. Through and through, Top Gun is in the pantheon of recognizable movies and has so saturated pop culture that if you haven't seen this movie, you are missing a crucial reference point for America in the 1980s.

    Where was this logic when it came time to vote for Fatal Attraction?


    There are approximately 20,000,000 tons of aviator sunglasses buried in landfills across the Western Hemisphere thanks to Top Gun, which is reason enough to say "fuck that movie," as far as I'm concerned.


    Actually, fuck both these movies. My write-in vote goes to Days of Thunder.

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