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Posts posted by HotSaucerman

  1. I liked the change to the music chart. It really makes sense when they have a musician on the show. It would be cool if they asked for requests from Chartists and did Top 5 Requests from Chartists. Also, there's lots of comedy on Spotify too. Whenever a comedian is on, they could do their top 5 jokes from Spotify.

    • Like 2

  2. I will openly admit that I am not a regular listener of the Hollywood Handbook. I'm honestly quite fascinated by my response to this podcast. Every once in a while, I'll try to listen to it. I'll have a laugh or two, but without fail, I will find my eyes becoming glazed over and suddenly I'm just hearing two guys talk without listening to anything they say. They seem to tap into a vein of being glib and vacant that resonates at a magic frequency that will lull my ability for aural retention into a state of hibernation. And that's when I turn it off.


    I wholeheartedly apologize for typing that paragraph. Carry on with your lives and keep listening to podcasts.


    Shelby Fero is a cute girl.


    I would love if Jay Marks did the Brody Stevens segment where he addresses his eyebrows.

    I would love if Earwolf hired Jay Marks to do animations on a regular basis. Especially on the Comedy Bang Bang episodes with comedians in character. I'd love to see Traci Reardon or Marissa Wompler or any of the various PFT/Andy Daly characters animated.
