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About keepitupstairs

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  1. "Maybe they just have one flight they want to catch...which also isn't a good thing..." If this was scripted, it'd be inspired; improv'd, it's genius!
  2. As someone who genuinely loves Tom Stoppard (and his 3rd wife, Sabrina Guinness etc), that scene was an unexpected delight - but really the whole episode was ridiculously on point!
  3. keepitupstairs

    EPISODE 377 β€” Good Night In The Morning

    I'm a fellow Edinburger!
  4. keepitupstairs

    EPISODE 377 β€” Good Night In The Morning

    I wasn't yet listening to CBB 'live' in time for F&P1/Time Bobby/the early Daly/Zouks eps, but this one might just be my equivalent: that unmistakable feeling of an instant classic, maybe even GOAT. There wasn't a minute of this that didn't have me laughing like a maniac. Majestic.
  5. keepitupstairs

    EPISODE 356 β€” Heynong Man

    Yep, it's from the last (now 2 years old!) tour - the WYD from the show with PFT as Ice T, Chris Gethard and Paul Scheer as Banksy. A filthy classic!
  6. keepitupstairs

    EPISODE 336 β€” NOT Farts and Procreation 4

    Any other day and seeing Farts and Pro 4 pop up would've been the best feeling ever. I can appreciate what a difficult decision Scott was faced with and, though I've only listened to the intro so far, that studio pic of them all cracking up tells me it was the right one to release it. RIP Harris
  7. Godammit Bruno Mars, that dragon only had 2 days to go until his retirement! How could you!! Welcome to Comedy Bang Bang...
  8. keepitupstairs

    EPISODE 174 β€” Whiplash Ft. Armen

    ^^^ I would say you definitely need to be familiar with Whiplash - and the UCB Master Classes - to get the most from this; there's a LOT more artifice than your typical I4H.
  9. keepitupstairs

    EPISODE 174 β€” Whiplash Ft. Armen

    I didn't even know this was what I wanted, but oh boy, it is.
  10. Holy shit you guys, Scott might just be the nicest person I've never met
  11. Instant classic. "We're all a bunch of cum-guzzlers... That means the same thing it's always done."
  12. We need to talk about Kevin... Behind his back. Quick, before he comes! Shit, we're too late. Oh, hey Kevin, how's it going?
  13. keepitupstairs

    Episode BO2014.4 β€” Best of 2014 Pt 4

    Hmm a few people have mentioned the Tears For Fears ep as a clear omission - but it's the 1st to be counted towards next year's batch, isn't it?