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Everything posted by HipsterNonsense

  1. HipsterNonsense

    Episode 252 β€” The Creeeeeeepy Halloween Special

    Riddle Me This seems tailor made for Ghost Boy.
  2. HipsterNonsense

    Episode 55 β€” Lauren Lapkus, Our Close Friend

    Andy is a very naughty young man. I'm not saying he should be ashamed of himself, but I am heavily implying it.
  3. HipsterNonsense

    "Please, Get My Back On This Guys."

    I'd be willing to settle for some form of a flip book that I can use while listening to the podcasts.
  4. HipsterNonsense

    Episode 317 β€” Tash.2

    For some reason Natasha's voice (personality too) reminds me of Slappy Squirrel from Animaniacs. I guess that's a fairly common accent, but I couldn't help but to think of that while she talked. Anyways I enjoy her on Oranges....The New Black(s) and it was quite the good time hearing her on the show. Sometimes new guests have to get used to what's going on before they start playing along, others don't end up playing along at all, but Natasha seemed game from the get go. Enjoyed Dreama's appearance as well. She seemed kind of like what I expect a female Huell Howser would be like. Her theme song/cabaret number was incredible. It was also fun to hear PFT and Scott make call backs to earlier episodes and inside jokes and the confusion it would sometimes cause the ladies. Excellent show, but I am a bit pissed that I didn't get to learn what a thermostat was. EDIT: I'm looking forward to seeing Natasha in "Movie." I'm glad she didn't decide to spoil the movie by giving it's title away or when it's coming out. That's the kind of promotion I can get behind.
  5. HipsterNonsense

    Episode 316 β€” In the Larp Run

    I may have read too much into things, but towards the beginning Scott mentions how they used to follow MA-RON! but didn't follow him very far due to ratings. I understand that's a joke, but he later goes on to say in the plugs that whether or not people watch this season determines whether or not they get to do another season. After listening again it doesn't sound as bad as I thought though. The first time I listened things seemed a bit more cryptic than they may have intended to be.
  6. HipsterNonsense

    Episode 316 β€” In the Larp Run

    It was pretty different to hear things get to be a bit more serious in the beginning, but it was refreshing. It was nice to hear Dane's perspective. As someone that aspires to be a comedian it was very nice to hear what performing at the highest level is like. It's also interesting to hear Dane be so candid and introspective about what he did, what he was doing, and how he changed his approach. I know that there was and still are a lot of people that don't like him or don't like his stand up and I can see how he could rub people the wrong way, but on the show and on another podcast I heard him on he seems like a very humble guy. I think I liked the rest of the show, but I was too busy sending snapchats of my dang dick to fully comprehend it. That being said the idea that CBB TV may end up on the chopping block deeply saddens me. It doesn't belong on the chopping block since it is a delightful show that makes the world happy inside and not a piece of wood that is in need of chopping. On a more positive note, the idea of Eric Andre and Weird Al being on the same show is chaotic. I love both of them, but I don't think you could get two people on further ends of the comedic spectrum. I'm incredibly curious to see how that turned out. Looking forward to the new episodes and hoping more episodes will follow.
  7. HipsterNonsense

    Episode 202 β€” Big Ass Meals

    Howard has hit yet another home run when it comes to restaurant ideas. "It's for kids.....and 30 year old women." Lauren perfectly described One Direction's fan base and how creepy it can sometimes be. And I think the problem with "All About That Bass" for me is that her voice sounds like someone put a toddler's voice inside of an adult woman. There are FAR worse songs, but the way she sings the chorus is pretty annoying. A bit unrelated, but am I the last person on Earth (or at least this forum) to notice Lauren in the new Target commercials? I have Ad Block Plus on my home PC, but I was online at a friend's house when I saw her commercials before a video. I was delighted I strongly considered turning off the ad blocker. EDIT - Here are the commercials for those that haven't seen them and want to... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EO8qMKYTqrY&list=UUralvBh1hSGRf4SrjS-mY7Q https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4a5Op9H0_E&list=UUralvBh1hSGRf4SrjS-mY7Q https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WFhuwV3Zj8&list=UUralvBh1hSGRf4SrjS-mY7Q
  8. HipsterNonsense

    Episode 315 β€” Sandwich Therapy

    "I like the Avengers, but I've never heard of The Incredible Hulk." "Did you see the Avengers movie?" "Yeah, my favorite movie." "He's in it." "I don't think so." "He's the large green monster." The delivery of that last line killed me. Delightful episode, but I am a bit shaken by the sudden revelation that "Bat Dance" is no longer Scott's favorite song.
  9. HipsterNonsense

    Episode 155 β€” Wild Horses Return

    As a northern born hu-mon now residing in the south I related with the soda discussion. Growing up in Chicago soda was always referred to as pop. Upon moving to Tennessee 'round middle school age I said the word pop to a classmate that just looked at me with no clue as to what I was talking about. Coke is often used a blanket term for all sodas here. Occasionally you have to say "regular" or "coke coke" if you want the actual coke beverage. That story was as boring for me to type as it was for you to read and I apologize to both of us. Anyways, great show. Wild Horses never disappoint.
  10. HipsterNonsense

    Scott Aukerman's: Comedians Covering Comedy!

    On an episode of The Todd Glass Show, Todd and James Adomian discussed covering Rodney Dangerfield. I believe this led to an impression of Mitch Hedberg doing Rodney Dangerfield jokes. Oddly enough the pairing actually worked pretty well and was hilarious. Seems like that would have been the ideal mash up to me. Also...this video is vaguely related to the topic at hand: (starts at 4:46 in case I didn't paste it correctly)
  11. I'm sorry, but I had to. (or at the very least wanted to)
  12. HipsterNonsense

    Episode 313 β€” Gumbo Challenge

    I told you about her problems in confidence, can't believe you'd tell everyone. Last time I trust you, that's for sure.
  13. HipsterNonsense

    CBB In Your Life

    I've uttered the phrase "This is your last Malcom Jamal....WARNing" more times than I care to admit.
  14. HipsterNonsense

    Episode 307 β€” Ruth’s Ross Dress For Loss

    Haven't listened yet, but already know it's my favorite episode.
  15. HipsterNonsense

    Episode 303 β€” Puttering Around

    We've never seen them both in the same place at the same time. I'm just sayin...... I'm just glad he didn't excuse himself to go get high or proudly proclaim "WHITE POWER" like he has in the past. The guy is a bit of a live wire if you ask me, which you didn't.
  16. HipsterNonsense

    Episode 299 β€” Don’t Hack the SAC

    It really does. I must hand it to Sir Alfred, I was expecting it to just be a food song, then I guessed he was going to be a serial killer when he wrapped the plastic over his face in the video. When the twist came my mouth opened a little, but then laughing sounds came out of it and all was well.
  17. HipsterNonsense

    Episode 299 β€” Don’t Hack the SAC

    Their affinity for wearing rolling skates must be documented!
  18. HipsterNonsense

    No New Episode This Week?

    When Scott said it would make sense that the show was happening tomorrow I started racking my brain trying to figure out what big happening was taking place in the comedy world tomorrow. I then saw a trailer for Al's new album on youtube and it made perfect sense. Not that I have a choice, but I'm quite ready for some MANDATORY FUN!
  19. HipsterNonsense

    Episode 188 β€” Summah Donkey

    Oddly enough I've actually watched that Uncle Sam movie a few times when I was a kid. I don't know if it holds up as well as did back then, but the fireworks scene is still pretty cool.
  20. HipsterNonsense

    Episode 297 β€” Canadian Apparel

    I don't think I could put it any better myself. There really isn't a single character James does that I don't enjoy. The way that he sets things up and then just takes things as far left into the weirdest place possible is a joy to listen to. Especially when he takes Todd Glass completely off whatever train of thought he was on and when he catches Scott off guard even after all the time he's spent riffing with strange characters. Also the fact that most of his characters have their own signature noises or vocal quirks (Leykis throwing l's into places they don't belong, the way Jesse Ventura says the letter "w", Paul Giamatti's donkey noises, etc.) is fun too. Not to mention the novelty effect of hearing him do a new character and discovering that they are a real person outside of the podcast. (Happened to me with Tom Leykis, Merill Schlinder, Huell Howser) I'd also argue that going blue is basically mandatory when doing Dov. The allegations around him make him out to be a rather disturbing guy, so it's only commonplace that the character on the podcast would reflect that.
  21. HipsterNonsense

    Episode 59 β€” Free Subarus for Moms!

    August is one of my favorite characters on the show. The fact that he's such an upbeat and seemingly likable person is a contrast to some of Andy's other characters and it makes the fact that he too, wants to kill himself even funnier. Love this episode. I believe this was also my introduction to Todd Glass.
  22. HipsterNonsense

    Episode 186 β€” Showin' Arm

    I live somewhat close (2 hours or so) to the coke plant, and you're completely right. I made the mistake of using the word "pop" when I first moved to where I am and they stared at me like I was speaking a nonexistent language. I'm surprised I didn't notice this, but I think I was just thankful that the character didn't have the stereotypical southern accent.