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Everything posted by HipsterNonsense

  1. HipsterNonsense

    Episode 189 — Japanese Spike Lee

    I've already purchased a season pass for Pussyland. Seems like the perfect family fun spot for those who are legally prohibited from starting families.
  2. HipsterNonsense

    Episode 274 — Oh, Golly!

    Exactly. Dalton Wilcox's cowboy hat allows him to see evil much like the glasses from They Live. As crazy as it seems to normal people Dalton REALLY HAS been killing forces of evil this entire time. Bill Carter uses extreme training methods (as heard in his pilot podcast) to simulate the conditions one would expect when battling the forces of evil. He's weeding out the weaklings in his attempt to assemble an army to ward off the evil forces. It's all shaping up now.
  3. HipsterNonsense

    Episode 274 — Oh, Golly!

    This shows exactly what CBB can do and what makes it great. Jason antagonizing Scott and the beginning was fantastic. I was curious to see where things would go once our new friend was introduced, but I certainly wasn't prepared for the scale of how big things would become towards the end. SPOILER - The idea that Dalton actually is a hero and really is fighting against actual evil forces was a brilliant twist. As is the idea that certain characters are wagging a war of good vs evil against each other. The podcast is always funny, but the story telling on this edition was phenomenal and a real extra treat for the listener. I really hope there is a part 2 at some point because I'm genuinely curious as to where it would go and how it will end. Side note - What's amazing about Andy is how his characters are great in terms of comedy, but I also feel like they'd be just as effective as seriously played out horror stories. While listening to the podcast I couldn't help but to wonder how amazing a Twilight Zone/Alfred Hitchcock Presents style show revolving around Andy's characters would be. (Perhaps titled "International Waters") Side note 2 - August Lindt's sense of direction and travel knowledge could be quite the valuable asset to whichever side he's on. (I'm assuming the forces of good?)
  4. HipsterNonsense

    Episode 82.5 — Minisode 82.5

    That could mean any one of several very horrible horrible things.
  5. HipsterNonsense

    Episode 272 — Sex Party Season

    It's certainly sounded that way to me as well.
  6. HipsterNonsense

    Episode 272 — Sex Party Season

    Asking if milk is ever going to come out of someone's boobs is probably the most inappropriate way to ask someone if they are planning to have children. Which is why I intend on remembering that and asking it to as many people as I can whenever possible. That being said this episode was phenomenal. Drugs, bestiality, child marriage, group sex, and murder. What more could you ask for in an episode of CBB? Almost certain this will find it's way into my top 10 list for the year.
  7. HipsterNonsense

    Episode 120 — Wild Horses

    Just finished listening and I'm pretty disappointed...that it ended. The show was terrific. As mentioned earlier it's great to hear a team or at least people with previously established chemistry. A real callback heavy episode as well and as a fan of callbacks I was in heaven. The list of questions thing was pretty interesting. I had no idea that anyone prepared questions for dates/crushes. Seems like that would create a job interview type vibe that could make for a rather awkward evening. That being said where would you want to dwell followed by "Remember Mr. Wizard?" is an incredible line of questioning. I don't typically listen to the same episode of a podcast multiple times, but this will be an exception to that rule. And as someone who thought they were up to date with all the disturbing things online I'm proud to say I've never seen smegma and didn't know anything about it until this podcast. After hearing the reactions of all involved, I have no interest to learn more about this particular topic.
  8. HipsterNonsense

    Episode 120 — Wild Horses

    I feel apprehensive about even posting this since it probably does deserve it's own thread and continuing the discussion is kind of taking away the attention to this podcast which isn't really fair to Matt, the guests, or any of the other individuals involved that worked hard to create this.... That being said that what the BBC is doing will ultimately hurt female comedians more than it will help them. This rule simply requires panel shows to have a female panelist. It's a rule that focuses on quantity and not necessarily quality. There's nothing to stop them from hiring a woman based solely on appearance as a ratings ploy. This could also dilute the market by leading aspiring actresses or people who just want to be on TV to try out for these shows since they HAVE to have a female. Thus you risk having someone that isn't talented simply trying to grab some face time. Too long;didn't read: Seems more like a gimmick/ploy to grab a larger audience and make more money than it does an attempt to promote equality. That being said I'm looking forward to giving this show a listen since Lauren is easily one of the funniest HUMANS (see what I did...because the show is called....ahhh forget it) in podcasting/comedy today.
  9. Will there be home game editions to any of the games played on this podcast? I need something to stay entertained when I'm not "fixing cabinets" if you know what I mean. I'll be keeping an eye on the Ear Wolf store in case there is.
  10. HipsterNonsense

    Episode 270 — Off The Grid

    My uncle is ridiculously obsessed with Metallica. He'll usually mention them during inappropriate moments or in ways that have nothing to do with the current conversation we may be having. Hearing Jon try to relate everything being discussed on the podcast to the Red Hots and hearing an occasional audible sigh from Scott only made Jon's riffing even more hilarious.
  11. HipsterNonsense

    Episode 270 — Off The Grid

    Don Pardo doing the opening announcements for 9/11 is one of my favorite things to ever happen on a podcast. Nice to hear about Jon's projects blowing up and it's always guaranteed to be a great podcast when James Adomian is involved. Terrific show gents.
  12. I've never been more thankful to have a functional set of ears in my life. This podcast may very well be good enough to bring all 3 races together in unity in a way that soft drink commercials could only dream of. Dalton "God Damn" Wilcox deserves a peace prize for this.
  13. HipsterNonsense

    Episode 204 — The Pepper Men

    This is incredible. Perhaps there will be a Pepper Men performance at halftime Sunday?
  14. HipsterNonsense

    Episode 164 — My Demons High

    I'm hoping for a discussion about "hairy beavs" myself. Also, fantastic episode. Horatio is quickly becoming one of my favorite podcast guests.