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Posts posted by HipsterNonsense

  1. I tend not to get upset with things said on podcasts or take them too personally, but in no way, shape, or form are tortilla chips better than funnel cake. I'd go as far as to say that funnel cake is the Jaws of amusement park snack items.


    Though the Dr. Octagon reference at the beginning did help soften the blow. Also, for what it's worth a good friend/fellow coworker that I worked with at my previous job was in a rap group as a hobby. We're both in our early 20's so there may be some truth to Howard's point.

  2. As someone that's grown up on/with the internet I've been around many different forums/websites/general communities. I must also confess to having listened to podcasts elsewhere and gotten involved on their forums. There are a lot of ego maniacs online and in the podcasting game, which is why I appreciate what you've done so much. I don't know your (former) day to day operations, but I can say that you leave yourself open to criticism and don't adhere to the "my way or the highway" policy. From what I've seen you've done a great job of fielding questions and addressing concerns. It's easy to support something when you feel as though you're also being supported as a listener and consumer.


    Long story short, thanks for everything that you've done. I've spent countless hours (that tend to go by far too quickly) listening to EarWolf shows. They've made good days great and awful days tolerable. I thank you for everything you've done to deliver that experience to me. Good luck in whatever venture you choose to pursue next.

    • Like 1

  3. I've heard of the proof is in the pudding, but the question is in the title???!




    I would say based on Scott's audible disdain for it on previous episodes, the safe bet would be it's not coming back. That being said I'm sure I'm in the minority, but I enjoy the segment. Not for the songs, but for the reactions. This is especially true when someone mockingly supports a particularly awful submission.

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  4. I don't really get the band hate. If you haven't heard them before is it going to ruin your life to try a couple songs? If you already know you don't like them, as mentioned you can skip over the songs without being lost as to what the scenes are about. As a 23 year old with all the coolness of an 80 year old man, I don't know where to find interesting new music. So I'm thankful the rare handful of times artists appear on EarWolf shows.


    If you trust Matt or Scott's comedic tastes and sensibilities, why not at least give bands they enjoy a chance?


    Sorry for completely ignoring the actual content of the show, but I've been busy and am only about halfway through.

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  5. I like Armen, but I think I see the problem some people might have with him. I think WC works best when it's more about the guests interacting with the hosts. Basically the focus should be more on the guest and how they feel about the charts or evenly split on the takes of the hosts and the guests on the charts. When Armen is on it seemingly just becomes about Armen. The guests and the charts sort of become an after thought. I think it's funny, but I could see if it's become a bit frustrating or even repetitive to others. For me though there's just something about him that seems sincere and he comes across as a genuinely likable guy.


    That being said it'll be nice to have Howard back next week. Summah just aint Summah without him.

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  6. Imagining the visual sculpture equivalent to the public's reception of Grown Ups 2 is almost certain to give me night terrors for the rest of my life. One last gift from our good friend, HR.


    Awesome seeing a favorite character from my most favorite non Earwolf podcast join in on the CBB fun. Also pleased albeit cautiously optimistic at Matt not completely squashing the potential for more SuperEgo podcasts in the future.


    Good show as always.

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  7. Is there a smell to corn chips? To me, there's more of a noticeable smell to potato chips.



    They mentioned the chili kind on the show, those do have a more noticeable smell than the plain flavored corn chips.


    Anyways I enjoyed this one. I'm a big Lauren fan and I'm digging the new character so far. It provided quite a few laughs and if we see Mizz Chips again it will only continue to be even funnier as her backstory grows and there becomes more to play off of once her character gets further fleshed out. "Fleshed out" seems like a gross term and for that I'm going to go put my head down now.


    (P.S. I youtubed some of Shane's standup and he's pretty funny. I'd recommend it to anyone who enjoyed him on the show.)

  8. That ending/zip sequence was the most ridiculous thing ever and I loved every minute of it. The Sheriff of Nottingham impression was flawless and the Huell Howser one was pretty good too.


    I'm also starting to think knowing Little Shop of Horrors is a prerequisite in order to come on the show. I didn't expect the sing a long but I was tickled just the same.


    I also nearly choked to death when Fourvel mentioned being paid 14 dollars to drown William Shattner's wife. My personal favorite line of the show.

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  9. "What if it was an anti Semitic sandwich shop called Anti-Semandwich?"


    Probably my favorite line of the show, which is saying something since pretty much every line is a contender for that award. An award that means nothing mind you, but an award just the same.


    It's amazing how a show like this serves as a perfect pat on the back to long time listeners and a perfect jumping on point for potential new listeners. For the new ones it's a good example of what to expect. But what I enjoyed the most is the continuity and continuing of relationships between the characters in the show. (Traci and Womps on going feud, Traci and Mike The Janitor, Traci and JW, etc.) Hearing developments in the characters and developments through time with how they interact with each other gives the show a feeling like it sort of has it's own mythology and universe. It's a cool thing to witness.


    The guest were great and the show was an absolute pleasure to listen to. I get a genuine feeling of enjoyment hearing the laughs in the background. It's really fun to experience funny and talented people working together and making each other laugh.


    Terrific show.

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  10. I feel like I need to go find Barkhad Abdi and give him a hug after this episode.

    Yeah. All that talk about him being broke would have really bummed me out too, except that anytime I hear the words "Captain Phillips" I instantly hear PFT's impression of him in my head. It's hard to be sad when you keep hearing the word "PIRATES!" over and over.

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  11. I don't think there is anything to be concerned about. It is a big task, but Scott, Neil, and the rest of the crew have proven to be up to the task thus far. I'm really looking forward to this, it's going to be a lot of fun and I'm glad to finally have IFC on my television now so I can watch along in real time.


    On a sidenote, if Scott does need a break for an episode or two I'm sure there's a certain radio personality that would like to try his hand in front of the camera if youknowwhatimtalkinabout.
