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Everything posted by GiveMeYourBaby

  1. GiveMeYourBaby

    Episode 165 - Ninja Terminator: LIVE!

    I think he still wants to avenge his brother getting beat up by Jaguar.
  2. GiveMeYourBaby

    Babylon A.D. (2008)

    I haven't seen it, but according to the 6% Rotten Tomatoes page, it stars Vin Diesal as "Toorop". It's on HBO Go. Is it worth the 2 hours as a prospective HDTGM?
  3. GiveMeYourBaby

    Chopping Mall (1986)

    If June isn't on this one then we riot. I am really unclear about the mission these robots had. Also would love to have Jason's thoughts on the furniture store orgy.
  4. GiveMeYourBaby

    Our Brand Is Crisis (2015)

    Another movie where Sandy B is questionably autistic. Billy Bob's goatee is highly disturbing. The script is full of lines that I think are supposed to be funny and clever but they aren't; plus they are delivered with almost no energy.
  5. GiveMeYourBaby

    Episode 148 - Vampire's Kiss: LIVE!

    Was the therapist ever real? Once things started going full Cage I remember thinking that she had been a delusion the whole time.
  6. GiveMeYourBaby

    Episode 148 - Vampire's Kiss: LIVE!

    I know the timelines don't match up but I want this movie to exist in the same cinematic universe as The Devil's Advocate. I'd love it if Al Pacino brought Cage back from the dead to be the publishing guy for his non-specific New York based evil.
  7. GiveMeYourBaby

    Episode 146 - Dreamcatcher

    The problem I have with this movie is the one I have with most alien movies. The aliens have the technology to travel through space but are somehow stymied by what appear to be regular helicopters. Also if the aliens can psychically alter how humans see them then why not just make the Blue Unit guys see them as a heard of deer or something else non-threatening that belongs on Earth? I am also starting to believe that Stranger Things was a (spiritual?) prequel to Dreamcatcher.
  8. I want to talk about the love spell necklace and ending evil plot involving vampire prom. Rose is wearing that necklace all through the dance, so was there no one at the dance at all that she had even a little sexual tension with? Tough break for Duckie. Was Gabriel Byrne's plan that she would get sweet sassy molassy with some random VA dude all night (without taking off the necklace) leaving Lissa unprotected? And that plan was only stymied by the fact that she exclusively wanted to bang her 26 year old teacher? Also the plot to lure Lissa to prom seems unnecessary considering that Gabriel Byrne seems able to move through vampire society with armed guards with impunity. Couldn't he have just said he would have his dudes escort her to "the bunker" and have them take her wherever he wanted?
  9. GiveMeYourBaby

    Kickboxer (1989)

    Is there going to be a moratorium on JCVD movies after Bloodsport and The Quest? I would argue that this movie is even crazier than those ones. I really just want to talk about how JCVD's jerry curled, porno stache wearing brother assumed he could beat the national champion of Thai kickboxing, despite not knowing how Muay Thai differs from western kickboxing. Here's a hint: there's a shit load of kneeing and throwing elbows.
  10. GiveMeYourBaby

    Dreamcatcher (2003)

    There are lots of reasons to do this movie. The central one I can think of is that Earl from My Name is Earl both dies and sets off the potential alien parasite apocalypse because he cannot spend five minutes without a god damn toothpick in his mouth. All he had to was wait plus those toothpicks feel on ground in a room where an alien exploded out of a man's ass leaving blood (and probably other bodily fluids) all over the floor; gross.
  11. GiveMeYourBaby

    Episode 139 - Simply Irresistible

    This is about belief not your big-city so called "science" and "mollusk taxonomy."
  12. GiveMeYourBaby

    Episode 139 - Simply Irresistible

    All hail our crustacean saviors.
  13. GiveMeYourBaby

    Dungeons & Dragons (2000)

    This movie is the fantasy equivalent of Star Wars Episode I. I found the politics that drive the plot totally incomprehensible.
  14. GiveMeYourBaby

    The Transformers: The Movie (1986)

    This interview with the writer is fascinating. https://toddmatthy.com/2013/12/31/he-killed-optimus-prime-an-interview-with-ron-friedman-writer-of-transformers-the-movie/
  15. This was one of my favorite movies growing up, but it is absolutely bonkers. Some of the things worth discussing: 1. shark robots 2.80's power ballads, including one originally written for Stallone's Cobra 3. that all the main characters die and get replaced so Mattel could sell new toys 4. Hot Rod is the worst 5. this was Orson Welles's final credited movie role; wherein he plays a planet that eats other planets 6. endless car puns 7. how this hot mess was still better than Michael Bay's versions
  16. GiveMeYourBaby

    The Transformers: The Movie (1986)

    Just in time for the 30th anniversary! http://io9.gizmodo.com/transformers-the-movie-is-finally-coming-to-blu-ray-fo-1781557384
  17. GiveMeYourBaby

    Episode 136 - Hell Comes to Frogtown: LIVE!

    A much better movie with a similar premise does this exact thing, rapist main character is valued for his fertility in post-apocalyptic setting, but he has his sperm harvested instead of sexing up every woman that needs to get pregnant. I haven't seen Frogtown but a lot of it seems like a ripoff of 1975's A Boy and His Dog plus Escape from New York. The whole film is on Youtube for some reason.
  18. GiveMeYourBaby

    The Avengers (1998)

    Wow. *Slow clap* this is going to be a good episode. This is the worst James Bond movie. Both Uma Thurman's character and her performance were mind boggling. Captain Sideburns somehow manages to be the least effective and menacing henchman of all time. Everyone except Eileen Atkins is playing the campiness to an 11 and it does not work.
  19. GiveMeYourBaby

    Fantastic Four (2015)

    It's on HBO Go and it's terrible. I hate both child and adult Reed Richards. How do three men get drunk from one tiny flask? How are supposed geniuses so fucking stupid?
  20. GiveMeYourBaby

    The Transformers: The Movie (1986)

    Fine. A movie with animated characters.
  21. GiveMeYourBaby

    The Transformers: The Movie (1986)

    I would also like noted voice over actor John H Benjamin to be the guest. HDTGM hasn't done an animated movie since The Smurfs.
  22. GiveMeYourBaby

    The Punisher (2004)

    I legitimately love this movie but it is HDTGM worthy. Especially because it rips off Road Warrior hard. The chase of his family in the beginning and the delayed murder of a trapped secondary villain at the end were straight copies from that movie.