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Posts posted by Brian_Eno

  1. I normally tune into HDTGM to laugh, not cry.


    I was far enough away from my computer to not be able to turn it off in time after paul said skip this if you don't want to be sad, didn't make it in time.


    I feel like this sort of movie is ok if your in your teens or 20s and haven't really experienced any hardships, It reminds of ( I think it was Aukerman maybe Pardo? ) talking about how cancer jokes are funny until you become old enough to have your friends dying from it. For me it's the same thing with sad movies, it's like I just wanna laugh bros!


    I also feel like from the podcast aside from one or two problems this movie was overall pretty good, not the type of movie you normally do.


    This is the only HDTGM that I didn't enjoy; literally.


    1 star.

  2. Sexy pain rage cats; Does this hat make me look fat?

    Gosh my feet are cold!

    Am I cool enough to pull off wearing sweatpants all the time?

    Should I continue wearing this fanny pack un-ironically?

    Is it cold outside?

    Are things getting better or worse?

    How rad is it despite entropy and the universe literally trying to kill us that we are still here?

    How the hell do washing machines actually work?

    Did Hitler have good table manners?

    Do other people find vagina scary lookin'?

  3. /funnyjoke/ You need to discuss the HDTGM bump, and how it's a negative feedback loop that is generating wealth for, and rewarding terrible movie production! /funnyjoke/


    Seriously though I''m wondering how many itunes rentals etc this show commands.


    I know from nefarious sources where people DL the movies illegally; the numbers are sometimes in the thousands.


    If the I-Tunes bumps are even close that's a lot doughja going to makers of wonderful films like Birdemic and A Winter's Tale


    That's a lot of weight to throw around for a free podcast!

  4. Holy Crap! People always get fergilicious over episodes with musical guests.


    You can literally move your hand and make the sounds go away!


    I didn't like the musical guest but I never do because I have horrible taste in music and I'm ok with that.


    (Side note the song 'Here' by Pavement was playing in my head when I listened to this episode The one that says

    "And i'm the only one who laughs, at your jokes when they are so bad" )


    ((side side note: I only openly laugh at slapstick humour like Lorne Michaels ))


    (((side side side note: MIke Hanford is sleeper good, his deliveries are subtle and wonderful, I've said this before in previous posts and I'm not Mike Hanford )))

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  5. Man. Scott has never seemed older than when he has to ask Engineer Cody Sam what one of the most iconic songs from the history of video games is from.


    Also, Voyager had The Doctor and Scott Bakula Presents Star Trek had T'Pol, but everyone knows these things.


    Or Young? Mario is an old ass game dude.


    I'm on the ass end of the Millenials train ( 1981 ) and I can barely remember playing it. I remember the theme song more from people referencing it then the actual game. Overrated, Excitebike was way more rad-bitching!


    Also screw this new generation that is stealing stuff from my childhood and trying to claim it as their own to gain some sort of veil of authenticity, go steal more meal ideas from indigenous tribes ya Jerks!

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