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A New Duck

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Posts posted by A New Duck

  1. An absolute delight. Richard Kind's the most affable sort of guy. I'm a longtime fan. And he played so well with the room.


    I don't think he realizes how often he said "fuck."


    I'm saving this one for a relisten real soon.


    At first, I was expecting a sort of Paul Reiser situation, where Reiser--and that was a great episode--is kind of ambivalent and hostile to the whole podcast thing, making a lot of jokes about how he's nervous nobody knows he's there and how he can't wait to be set free. But Kind was totally the opposite.


    New dream NNF might be Reiser and Kind on as guests together. I know that's not the show's MO, but it sounds like paradise.

  2. This was a little slice of heaven. If we're not going to get another run of UTU2TM, I hope Scott can come on the podcast a little more frequently.


    Loved the character guests, too. Really did a great job.


    For real, though, I could've listened to that first segment go on for another three hours easy. When they were talking about however holes within the first six minutes, I felt like I was back home.


    When U2's new album's release date approaches, I hope they might consider--schedules permitting--doing another run of four or six episodes leading up to it. They could run the outtakes of the interview, talk the HBO special to us, have Andy Daly on, bring in Kulap and Naomi, look at music videos or best ofs, and bring back another assortment of former guests. There's more U2 to talk! And it could get them in the habit of Talkin' '2 before Experience drops.


    Starving for a Harry Potter update.


    (I'd suggest a commentary on the commentary episode, but that doesn't seem quite right anymore.)


    Or just have Adam on CBB a bunch. I'll take that. They even brought in subpodcasts!

    • Like 2

  3. Love me some Randall Park. Really fun episode, especially that first segment.


    One thing that frustrates me about the video game charts is they always focus on upcoming games. Not only does nobody in the room care, even if they did, they wouldn't even have had a chance to play them.


    I'd like it if they'd save the games charts for when Kumail or Emily or someone who cares is on. Or ditch them altogether. The charts are supposed to be a jumping-off point for conversation, for sure, but when they're just background signposts to hit on a disitnerested conversation, I think the show'd be better served if they'd leave games behind and focus on movies and TV.

    • Like 3

  4. I found this guy completely deplorable last time he was on.


    Namely his "Don't get too big, girl," comment regarding Kulap's workout routine.


    Honest question - should I bother?

    Honest answer - no. You're not going to like him anymore than his last appearance.

  5. Did the app stop updating for everyone or is it just me?


    Can't load any shows past Monday's. I've even deleted and reinstalled the app.


    I didn't think I'd find Howl useful, but now that a few bugs have been ironed out, I'm finding I listen to enough Earwolf/Wolfpop shows that this is quite handy. It's even got me to check out a few shows I never had before, especially with the guest search feature. I'd imagine this is kind of the point.

  6. Scott recently tweeted that they wrapped CBB season 4. I'm sure he's still got lots of post to do. And it looks like Scott's around LA again now too. If they could find the time to tape a few over the summer, I'd be happier than a box of clams.


    That said, based on a recent Who Charted? it sounds like having a U2 podcast might actually be a strain on Scott's marriage.

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