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Bever Hopox

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Everything posted by Bever Hopox

  1. Bever Hopox

    Read my lips!

    . This one's for you Mr. Shakey.
  2. Bever Hopox

    Episode 312 β€” Grounded Me@

    I split this ep up into 2 listening sessions and I caught the Hollywood Facts bit on my way to work. I have to say that I laughed every single time and it was quite the pleasant trip. Solid ep. Solid trip. C+
  3. Bever Hopox

    CBB In Your Life

    I know exactly how you feel. I know people I tell it to don't give a shit but it's so hard to keep inside all the time. How do you explain to someone why you're cracking up at the Ghost of Richard Harrow reloading a blunderbuss because it's the only gun he's allowed to use?
  4. Bever Hopox

    Best CBB Episode of ALL TIME Tournament?

    This sounds fun but oh man is it gonna be a task. Do you know how many hundos CBB has broken off?!
  5. Bever Hopox

    Episode 311 β€” Denny’s Boys

    If there's grass on the field play ball.
  6. Bever Hopox

    CBB In Your Life

    Is anyone else in a situation where they don't know anyone who listens to CBB or UTU2TM?? I had a friend that I introduced into the world of CBB but he moved away so now I have no one to reference jam with.
  7. Bever Hopox

    You can lead a horse to water but...

    Woo Nelly! Don't I know that!
  8. Bever Hopox

    Balls balls balls.

    Balls balls balls. Balls balls. Balls balls balls. Guys! I'm fucking tired of playing "What's in my hand!"
  9. Bever Hopox

    Turn Down for What (UTU2TM Remix)

    Gonna fucking bump this on my way to work tomorrow.
  10. There once was a man from Nantucket, whose cock was so long he could...Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!
  11. Bever Hopox

    The Hulk can only break-dance.

    Tomato, Tomato