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taylor anne photo

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Everything posted by taylor anne photo

  1. taylor anne photo

    Episode 150 - Grease 2

    Oh nooooo! That was a real rough week on this site and I had to excuse myself from participating for a few days.
  2. taylor anne photo

    Episode 150 - Grease 2

    Yes... but what does that have to do with being trans and the amount of hate that Cameron got? I have no issue with the comments that are clearly jokes like the few at the top about her out june-ing June. Those to me are not insults, but people have crossed the line multiple times on this forum.
  3. taylor anne photo

    Episode 150 - Grease 2

    I don't understand this comment...
  4. taylor anne photo

    Episode 150 - Grease 2

    I sure do love the sound of guest bashing in the morning!
  5. taylor anne photo

    Episode 149.5 - Minisode 149.5

    They are moving to the bigger venue next door, which they really should have been in to begin with, so there will be more tickets coming soon! I have a lot of alerts set up to notify me of when this happens so I'll make sure to post here when I hear more!
  6. taylor anne photo

    Episode 149.5 - Minisode 149.5

    Man, Paramount and everyone has been super nice about the whole thing and I already feel embarrassed about my anger lol. This is how much this show means to me that if the venue makes me wait so long that the tickets sell out I will send out angry rants on Twitter and the Earwolf message boards and then laugh about it immediately after lol.
  7. taylor anne photo

    Episode 149.5 - Minisode 149.5

  8. taylor anne photo

    Episode 149.5 - Minisode 149.5

    I literally saw Paul post on instagram at 9:59 and because of that queue didn't get into the site until 10:32... I had no idea that I would need to get onto the site so much earlier than the actual time the tickets go on sale.
  9. taylor anne photo

    Episode 149.5 - Minisode 149.5

    Rest assured I will refer to myself as Taylor Anne. I'm dropping the photo part so you can all deal with it lol. Wanna start placing bets that I don't even get tickets again let alone get to throw out a C&O?
  10. taylor anne photo

    Episode 149.5 - Minisode 149.5

    The venue just announced that because of the demand (and backwards fuckin' system of getting into the damn website I hope) they are moving the shows to the bigger venue next door! I have so many damn alerts telling me when they update again! You don't get in between me and my one damn chance to see this show live!
  11. taylor anne photo

    Episode 149.5 - Minisode 149.5

    Well a huge FUCK YOU to the Stateside at the Paramount in Austin for their fucked up system of buying tickets because the TWO shows Paul promoted are already sold out. They made me wait HALF AN HOUR just to get into the site only to find out the tickets were sold out. I am so fucking pissed off right now.
  12. taylor anne photo

    Episode 149.5 - Minisode 149.5

    I legitimately looked at Oliver a month after I named him and went, "Shit I should have named you Darth!" But Oliver Twist was too perfect of a story to reference when I got him.
  13. taylor anne photo

    Episode 149.5 - Minisode 149.5

    Lando, I'm so sorry about your dog! But also I'm happy you were able to give a home to Hank! He's the cutest!!! I have to agree with tomspanks and Ryan that cunt is a pretty appropriate term for people like that. I had to put my 15 year old cat down last November and that was the hardest decision I've ever had to make. One day he was normal and the next day he was dying. Still breaks my heart because that was my guy, y'all. We practically grew up together. But a few months ago my mom picked up this tiny stray kitten that had been living on it's own for lord knows how long and that's now my guy. He was riddled with literally everything you could possibly imagine at only 5 weeks old: worms, parasites, fleas, ear mites - which led to infections in both his little ears, digestive issues, missing patches of fur, the whole 9 yards. But now he's a healthy little 6 monther who's about to get his balls taken away just in time for Christmas lol. This is my Oliver (who I have taken to calling Turd Ferguson)
  14. taylor anne photo

    Good Movies Recommendations

    That's what I was hoping for too! I heard that he regretted not having Keira Knightly and Mark Ruffalo end up together in the end of Begin Again so I wonder if this was a sort of do-over for him.
  15. taylor anne photo

    Episode 149.5 - Minisode 149.5

    No I completely understand, and really a call to the shelter is not that fucking hard. I guess because the outrage is so extreme on the things I read that that makes me uncomfortable I'm like okay can we be rational about the situation... EDIT: I'm really with you on the non-movie passion thing with animals, and this has made me feel genuinely awful. I never want to be that kind of person that goes from 0-60 in the outrage, but it makes me feel like a horrible animal lover. They're the ones who always get the shit end of the stick.
  16. taylor anne photo

    Episode 149.5 - Minisode 149.5

    I have no idea what you're talking about but my mind has gone to the worst possible thing and now I'm sad EDIT: Okay just read about this story and her statement. It's sad, but she isn't the one who dumped the dog on the streets so that makes me feel better. I absolutely understand the heartbreak of having to give away a pet because of allergies, and she thought she could trust the people who took in the dog so that is not her fault, but she should have absolutely notified the correct people in order to prevent that situation. I'm more forgiving of her than clearly a lot of people online, and as an avid fighter for animal rights, that's actually a pretty big deal for me. I've taken in cats because of this exact reason. People get animals, things don't work out, they find another loving home for the animal. She should have definitely followed the contract with the rescue organization, but we don't even have the whole story so I don't want to jump to conclusions based on gossip articles and horrible commenters. I read one that said her son should be taken away from her if she's that careless, and that's a little fucked up to say to someone. But also, my bias for how much I genuinely love Anna and Chris could be swaying how I feel. I don't know.
  17. taylor anne photo

    Good Movies Recommendations

    I've realized that the love story is a big part of why I don't care for it tbh. The girl seemed to be that manic pixie dream girl trope that's overplayed these days. Everything else was pretty amazing and I loved seeing how the three children coped with their parents marriage, how he would deal with the priests and bullies, and how music meant so much to them but when they went away from all of that I would lose interest. And the love story is a huge chunk of the movie so yeah.
  18. taylor anne photo

    Good Movies Recommendations

    I get that. I finally got around to Sing Street yesterday and I thought it was okay as well. The music is ah-mah-zing (Casey Wilson voice) but the story seemed to fizzle out for me and I was left feeling like there was a lot left to desire. And I know a ton of people who thought it was the best movie of the year so I'm kinda like wait what. But Captain Fantastic!? Fuckin' omg that movie is perfect.
  19. taylor anne photo

    Episode 149.5 - Minisode 149.5

    Y'all Jason, June, and Paul are all on Anna Faris is Unqualified today, which I think is a huge hint at who our next guest could be!
  20. Yeah wow you've been missing for months and months and just came back a tooootal asshole!
  21. taylor anne photo

    Trailer Talk

    As a fellow non-fan of Bendylip Cucumber, I have to say he actually surprised me in Doctor Strange. It's not the best MCU film out there but it's certainly above average. Also it far surpasses the shit that DC has put out this year. I'm also pumped for Rogue One though!!! Really can't wait!
  22. He's my internet husband now, according to his wife, so damn straight he's a kiss-ass
  23. In all honesty, I'm with tomspanks in that I didn't think this would be a topic of discussion. I didn't read any of the previous posts before I made my comment (and then went back and saw a couple of comments about her laugh later) and I was just genuinely so pleased with this whole episode that I had to come and share how much I loved Emily on it. I also love Neil, but yeah Fister is correct in that Emily Heller is very much a Taylor Anne Comedian TM. When the comedians laugh at someone else's jokes it actually gets me laughing harder. Every damn time. It is why I so enjoy PFT & Pete Holmes because they genuinely laugh along with the audience. (I'm sure there are others but those are the two examples my brain created.) And something about laughing into the mic just kinda shows me they are participating and they are in the moment with the other three people. I didn't take it as sassy lol. Promise!
  24. taylor anne photo

    Good Movies Recommendations

    +1 recommendation for Hell or High Water! Also recommending Captain Fantastic, The Invitation, Hush, and Moana! Oh and seriously for serious if anyone hasn't seen the Lemonade film then I fucking beg everyone to watch it. It's absolutely beautiful and so much more than just a string of music videos, which I actually saw some dumb person say lol.
  25. You're very right about that dumb gas station! I went to college in the literal middle of fuckin' nowhere and we still had 5 gas stations in town. But to your point about the church being closed. There are a lot of churches that lock their doors after a certain time. Friends and I went roaming in the local Methodist church after school one day because my friend needed to pick up some choral pieces and the entire sanctuary was locked and closed off. We could only get into the rec room and cafeteria area. I think it really depends on the church. Also just remembered that when I went to Notre Dame it was closed too and I was not happy that I couldn't see inside.