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taylor anne photo

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Everything posted by taylor anne photo

  1. taylor anne photo


    Maybe instead of just blanketly saying this is strictly a movie "for teen girls" we branch it out to mean romantic movies for teen girls. Cause when I started looking at Titanic vs Clueless & Mean Girls the two latter films are comedies based on novels, while Titanic very much is a romantic drama set in a true disaster. That does make it a little harder to comp to other films but maybe we should be comparing it to things like The Notebook? Besides Pearl Harbor I can't really even think of anything quite like Titanic and we all know how shitty PH is.
  2. taylor anne photo


    It seems once again we all have a misunderstanding on our hands. I think Sy was literally saying that he himself did not want to see that movie because it was something for teenage girls and him at 18 thought he was too cool for shit like that, so it seemed like he was taking something he personally thought and attaching it to a possible reason for others. I just even reread the series of posts and Sy said "some of the reason" and grudlian agreed and then Tom came back with Mean Girls and Clueless. So it was always posited as a non generalization of who hates this movies and who doesn't. Neither grudlian (nor I) suggested that you and Tom don't think sexism exists, but that sexism is definitely ONE of the reasons why we think people want to hate this. Cameron, you mention that because sexism is a possible reason behind the hate means that all women must like this movie, when that's a big leap to make from that statement. As is anyone who doesn't like it must be sexist. That's never been mentioned nor implied and I think everyone on this board knows that you and Tom are like the least sexist people any of us could ever know. But it's still a valid possible reason why SOME don't want to like it. And Clueless and Mean Girls are excellent examples of Teen Girl โ„ข movies that have hit classic cult status because 1. They're amazing and 2. They're just amazing okay, but I have in fact seen backlash against Clueless over the years. I'm not trying to just cause a stir when I legitimately say I've had men scoff at me when I say that's in my top 5 movies of all time because they think it's nothing compared to their Real movies. EDIT: I will be honest that the shit I get for loving Clueless is definitely more confined and seems like a Twitter thing from specific kind of men. I tried to look and see if there was any kind of genuine hate towards those two movies and all I got was a hatred towards Stacey Dash (rightfully so that girl went cuckoo).
  3. taylor anne photo


    I agree with Grud here. Saying a movie was intentionally trying to pull in a certain demo does not at all say that everyone in that demo likes that movie or that anyone out of that demo didn't like that movie. Romantic comedies get labeled as "chick flicks" but I really am not the person to jump into those seats and I have a male friend that absolutely would, but regardless that's still how they're labeled. And there absolutely is a pushback on things that are labeled as being "for women" or teenage girls even. One Direction? Hated by many because they are a boy band meant for teenage girls. The new Ghostbusters? Hated before it even came out because it was for women.
  4. taylor anne photo


    It's funny but I totally agree with you and yet I have such a clear memory of my grandpa saying the exact same thing as the caller. I remember Pearl Harbor coming out and my WWII vet grandfather going to see it and coming back cursing up a storm about how they fucked up the war with a dumb love story "just like that Titanic did." I shit you not apparently some people genuinely just want to watch the terror. Although in my grandpa's defense Pearl Harbor did fuck up the war with a dumb love story.
  5. taylor anne photo


    Oh man that means you missed the SOLID burn by Amy and Tina at the Golden Globes Also Jessica Chastain's perfect reaction
  6. taylor anne photo


    I didn't actually get a chance to rewatch this before listening but listening to clips they play just makes me really want to watch this again. I'm like Amy in that this is definitely one of my movies. Now I will admit that it's not one that I would jump to say that I rewatch it whenever I can because it is so long (and I usually say my go to rewatch is Clueless anyway) but ugh do I love this movie. EDIT: Okay just got to this part but totally disagree with Amy about Cameron being our greatest modern director... Nah nah nope no way jose.
  7. taylor anne photo


    Listen that sounds like something rich people had while we had our box TV from 1993 that we got second hand from the Military Exchange and it had a VCR already attached to it. That TV was a damn fine TV tho and it literally lasted me until I transferred away to university in 2010.
  8. taylor anne photo

    Film Struck

    Boooooo I was really hoping I'd catch one person lol
  9. taylor anne photo


    3 times in 1997 and then once again when it was remastered. That's right... I made my mom take me to see Titanic 3 times as a 7 year old and she complied every time. Just recently when I reminded her of how hard I cried at the third viewing when the movie started she said, "I wasn't a good mother." We got it on VHS and I remember watching it quite often but definitely not as much as I would have if it had been on only one tape. Rewinding the first tape before you could even get to the second half of the movie was a fuckin hassle THAT KIDS THESE DAYS WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND! Buuut I do also have it on DVD now.
  10. taylor anne photo

    Listener Rankings

    Mostly also how I enjoy them but I definitely gave The French Connection a star higher than I may have just based on technical achievement alone.
  11. taylor anne photo

    Episode 190.5 - Minisode 190.5

    Does anyone have Film Struck? I'm considering dropping one of my subscription services to pick that one up because they really appear to have some quality films I can't find anywhere else (many that will be covered on Unspooled too it seems) and it's all curated by actual humans rather than algorithms so I was wondering if anyone could speak on it being worth it.
  12. taylor anne photo

    HDTGM Classics Vol 10 The Love Guru 6/15 9PM EST

    Ah I completely erased the name of his character from my mind. Honestly thank god John Oliver recovered cause I really love his show.
  13. taylor anne photo

    HDTGM Classics Vol 10 The Love Guru 6/15 9PM EST

    I might be showing my age here, but I don't know who Andy Zaltzman is nor wtf Dick Pants or The Bugle are.
  14. taylor anne photo

    HDTGM Classics Vol 10 The Love Guru 6/15 9PM EST

    I know you mean that Tosh is very much at a higher level now than then but even putting him in the middle of those two in a category of funny comedian makes me cringe lol.
  15. taylor anne photo

    HDTGM Classics Vol 10 The Love Guru 6/15 9PM EST

    Holy shit! Ten year anniversary of Rob shitting on his own movie! What a day! This also answers our questions that night about why they still proceeded to cover this movie if their friend was in it.
  16. taylor anne photo

    Listener Rankings

    I feel like Amy and Paul are gonna disagree on this from the preview convo this past week and I have to say I'm so surprised by all of you as someone who saw it 3 times in theaters in 97 and rewatches it maybe once a year or so.
  17. taylor anne photo

    Listener Rankings

  18. taylor anne photo

    The French Connection

    Do you remember what the other films he had listed were? I literally apparently have a massive case of June and wiped all of them from my memory.
  19. taylor anne photo

    Listener Rankings

    I can't even believe y'all
  20. taylor anne photo

    Listener Rankings

    Wait... is this your first time seeing it?!
  21. taylor anne photo

    Swing Time

    I loved Tony Curtis in it when I first saw it and then I saw his disparaging remarks towards Marilyn during their press tours and that soured me from him in general. I get that she was in the midst of her personal struggles and it was affecting others' work but at least have a bit of empathy and don't compare kissing her to kissing Hitler...
  22. taylor anne photo

    The French Connection

    I'm so happy that Amy and I share similar feelings about this movie because I was seeing everyone's rating of it on Letterboxd and I kept thinking I either missed something or just didn't get it. I even started watching a second time and got about halfway through when I realized no I didn't miss anything and yeah I get it but I don't really like it. I certainly appreciate it for what it is and I do think that chase scene is c'est magnifique but like they said in the podcast I felt like I was dropped in the middle of a conversation being expected to have the info from the beginning. Not quite sure I would agree with removing this from the list tbh, because despite how I didn't really like it I can definitely see it's impact on cinema ever since and for that alone I think it deserves to stay. When I saw Baby Driver at the Alamo Drafthouse they had a beginning thing where Edgar Wright talked about the movies that inspired him to make this and French Connection was one of them. I remembered his fondness so clearly for the subway chase scene but I didn't remember what movie it was from until Gene Hackman got into the car and suddenly I was very tuned in to what Edgar had said he had loved so much about this part. I think that alone made me appreciate the movie more and got me going for the rest of the film. Otherwise I may have just been permanently tuned out.
  23. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays Week 41 Hello, Dolly!

    Idk how present I will be in this one this week but I fuckin love Barbra in this movie. She's iconic and this role is iconic.
  24. Omfg season 2 of QE THOOOOOO First episode immediately had me sobbing.
  25. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays Week 41 Hello, Dolly!

    I should have known what was under that spoiler tag... I should have known...