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taylor anne photo

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Everything posted by taylor anne photo

  1. taylor anne photo

    Episode 190.5 - Minisode 190.5

    How quickly you all forget
  2. taylor anne photo

    Trailer Talk

  3. taylor anne photo

    Trailer Talk

    Yeah I remember all of that
  4. taylor anne photo

    Trailer Talk

  5. taylor anne photo

    Trailer Talk

    Yeah I didn't get that same feeling from the slowness of it, but I did also do 4 1/2 stars. The only thing I wanted was
  6. taylor anne photo

    Episode 190 - Hurricane Heist: LIVE!

    Those things are trash. It's a crap shoot whether or not they work. One time I used one to get Starbucks and they told me I needed to know the exact amount that was on the card or else it wouldn't work. Well I had already used it so it wasn't just a cut and dry $25 so I couldn't use it after that and it was a complete waste of money.
  7. taylor anne photo

    Trailer Talk

    So what did disappoint you if you weren't "for the most part?"
  8. taylor anne photo

    Episode 190 - Hurricane Heist: LIVE!

    I missed most of the money laundering represented in film and TV talk but another good notion of how to clean dirty money is in Good Girls starring Retta, Christina Hendricks, and Mae Whitman. Basically they take their dirty money and go to Costco or some similar spot and buy some really expensive items with the bad money that passes counterfeit tests, and then later they'll return it all and get good money back. They never individually hit the same store twice and it sounds like a brilliant idea. ETA: Also if y'all aren't watching Good Girls YOU NEED TO GET ON THAT
  9. taylor anne photo

    Episode 190 - Hurricane Heist: LIVE!

    I'm going to make a grand statement and say that it is very attractive to me that Jason knows this much about Harry Potter. The true ideal amount of HP knowledge.
  10. taylor anne photo

    Episode 190 - Hurricane Heist: LIVE!

    That emergency alert sound started and I didn't realize how much living in Tornado Alley would fuck me up from ever hearing that sound even in a joking manner lol.
  11. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays Week 40 La La Land

    Ah Max you put so much about what I felt about that scene into words that I couldn't!
  12. taylor anne photo

    Episode 189.5 - Minisode 189.5

    Of course! Please never ever hesitate to attack me with any photo related questions you have because I get a little overly excited to talk about it. (Also happy 69th post hahahaha I'm an adult)
  13. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays Week 40 La La Land

    Okay gonna look forward to an upcoming musical but holy shit I didn't even recognize Gaga when I first saw this poster!
  14. taylor anne photo

    Swing Time

    For sure, and honestly if this movie had maybe been stronger in every aspect (like I agree with Paul that the plot is really lacking) then maybe I would feel differently. Cause I'm sure we'll get into it once we get there but Gone With The Wind definitely has questionable portrayals but that movie is, in my opinion, on a whole different level than this one.
  15. taylor anne photo

    Swing Time

    I understood your point. I just don't agree with it. Celebrate the dancing, yes, but I don't wish to celebrate the movie as a whole. ETA: Also want to clarify, to Andrew's point that I also agree with, I'm not saying we can't enjoy this movie for all the good parts about it. I just find the troublesome part being that it's on this list (that we definitely all agree it should not be on) because this list is a celebration of the greatest movies and that puts everything about this movie on a pedestal that I do not think this should be on.
  16. taylor anne photo

    Swing Time

    Or when he's on Unspooled he can't bring himself to admit he's watched anything that bad lol.
  17. taylor anne photo

    Swing Time

    The fact that we can all watch this movie with its included black face scene automatically indicates that no one is trying to erase this from history. But this list is from 2007 and is literally called "AFI's 100 Greatest American Films" which automatically indicates they are celebrating this movie, to which I say this movie should not be celebrated any longer. Times change and we can all appreciate the massive amount of beautiful dance work done, but as pointed out before, Top Hat is a better film overall with just as much beautiful dance work. ETA: I'm not even suggesting Top Hat purely just because it doesn't include a scene like that, but rather I genuinely do think it's a better movie.
  18. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays Week 40 La La Land

    Oh yeah that was totally rude, but cmon were any of us truly rooting for that guy? (LOOK CAKEBUG I WINKED)
  19. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays Week 40 La La Land

    *Jason voice* We get it you're happily married
  20. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays Week 40 La La Land

    I think the problem we're encountering here is that in our minds this self-absorption is a terrible quality, and it certainly can be because we also see that is what causes the demise of their relationship. But it's also that same self-absorption that lands them both with their dreams so we can't exactly claim these are negative qualities if they still end up in the exact spot they both wanted. And as far as we can tell from what they show us in this movie, Shades and her have a perfectly fine relationship which goes to show that maybe it wasn't the fact that they were both self-absorbed but rather they were just not End Game. Mia had terrible insecurities about her talent that Seb wanted to build back up, and Seb had his own head so far up his ass that Mia had to pull it out and show him what would be more successful than just what he was clinging so hard to. Those are both great things they did for each other that helped them land on their feet.
  21. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays Week 40 La La Land

  22. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays Week 40 La La Land

    I was hot on the post button there, but I totally get wanted to look at her with more of a microscopic view, but other than that one fight do we really have a sense that she's also a garbage person?