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taylor anne photo

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Everything posted by taylor anne photo

  1. taylor anne photo

    Episode 182.5 - Minisode 182.5

    Paul, it definitely could have been a roofie pill lol. I am also not well versed in 80s drug culture (outside of everyone doing coke right?) but that totally looked like something I've seen in a million other movies where they take ecstasy so it could have also just been a 2001 slip up where they weren't quite aware that that drug hadn't been around back then.
  2. taylor anne photo

    Episode 182 - Rock Star: LIVE!

    Honestly that whole scene doesn't make a lot of sense anyway cause wasn't the scene directly before it the one where she says she is leaving? So if in one scene she says she's gone and then the next she's driving up to the hotel it's not a great reveal that it's actually been a while and he forgot he was in Seattle. (Unless I'm already starting to block this movie out and she didn't say she was leaving in the scene right before)
  3. taylor anne photo

    Episode 182 - Rock Star: LIVE!

    Thinking back on this dumb movie I have to say that I still can't actually figure out what the plot is... Is it really just douchebag becomes a bigger douchebag and then suddenly realizes he's a replaceable douchebag so he just decides to stop being a douchebag? Like honestly what's the fuckin' point of this? What's the conflict? Who's the bad guy? Oh oh let me rewrite this dumb piece of shit lol. So our hero played by Marky Mark is actually the one who wants to do his own music and is having a hard time breaking in to the scene because people are so oddly fascinated with "tribute" bands. He has an amazing voice that matches Bobby's so he joins that tribute band in the hopes it will get him discovered. He gets kicked out though because he doesn't follow the songs exactly and wants to put his own spin but in that moment he does get discovered by Steel Dragon themselves. Thus we have the rest of the movie and he's all great and fine up until that moment where he presents Dominic West with original songs and they kick him down. In this version he's not a dbag to everyone around him (except his girlfriend I guess still) and we actually have someone to root for and the ending becomes more meaningful, even more so if someone at the end tells him they want to sign him with his original music.
  4. taylor anne photo

    Episode 182 - Rock Star: LIVE!

    There's a bit of inside music drama that she was involved in that has made me side eye both her and her husband. Not saying that she was 100% at fault or even like a monster or anything, and I'm pretty sure they've all moved on, but when you know shitty stories about people they never ever ever leave you.
  5. taylor anne photo

    Episode 182 - Rock Star: LIVE!

    Oh I know her name. I just don't really care about her that much lol.
  6. taylor anne photo

    Episode 182 - Rock Star: LIVE!

    I can't hit all her high notes but I think I could rock the shit out of Paramore if I replaced whats-her-face.
  7. According to Google it's on Hulu if you have a subscription!
  8. Lmao that didn't work either
  9. taylor anne photo

    Episode 182 - Rock Star: LIVE!

    Definitely not just you
  10. The image didn't work for me
  11. taylor anne photo

    Episode 182 - Rock Star: LIVE!

    I thought I didn't have any more to talk about with this movie, but I really want to talk about how it should be a crime to use Timothy Olyphant that little in a movie. Also bless you Jen for cutting off his underwear so we get a look at that top butt.
  12. taylor anne photo

    HDTGM Classics Vol 6 Battlefield Earth 2/16 9PM EST

    Damn sorry Tomspanks! I didn't even see anything pop up saying anyone was trying to join the room D:
  13. taylor anne photo

    HDTGM Classics Vol 6 Battlefield Earth 2/16 9PM EST

    https://lets.rabb.it/0eRk8U89AK BOOM! Sorry about the delay y'all! Come on in!!!
  14. taylor anne photo

    HDTGM Classics Vol 6 Battlefield Earth 2/16 9PM EST

    Forewarning everyone that I might be a tad bit late tonight and I apologize. I'm getting off of work later than I had anticipated and I still need to run to the grocery store to get some stuff for a lunch tomorrow. So if I haven't posted the rabbit link by 9/8/whatever your timezone says DON'T FRET! I am still hosting and will post asap!
  15. taylor anne photo

    Episode 182 - Rock Star: LIVE!

    Oh I completely understand but I guess I'm trying so hard to cling to that idea that Tonya in fact didn't trick him because like you said - what is this movie trying to say with that? At least it was made in 2001 and not today because if it had then people would be clamoring to say "see this is why we can't let them use our bathrooms" and just YIKES! That's exactly what I think those stupid ass writers were saying while writing this character lol.
  16. taylor anne photo

    Episode 182 - Rock Star: LIVE!

    I understood what you meant but that's why I believe this movie mishandles the entire situation and it's honestly a very tricky topic. I do think it is implied that they had sex as it's implied that everyone in that room had sex with each other but this is why this is soooooo tricky to discuss. On one hand neither one of them seemed to have signed up for what happened in that room but that doesn't seem to hinder on the discovery that Tonya is trans. On the other hand, yes if Tonya purposefully hid being a transwoman based on the fact that she thought Marky Mark would deny having sex with her then that's not a good thing at all and he would have a right to feel like he was tricked into having sex with her. However, we're both in agreement that that is just not a thing transwomen do, and it doesn't seem like a thing Tonya does in this movie either based on the fact that she seem to be so proud of standing while peeing and then Timothy Spall saying "Well, we all know what that is." Unless Timothy Spall was there that night then Tonya is open about being trans and it doesn't appear that she was purposefully withholding that information. Ugh this movie even touching on this topic in such a way has made me very uncomfortable.
  17. taylor anne photo

    Episode 182 - Rock Star: LIVE!

    This is a tricky topic to be honest and it kinda seems like your second statement goes against your first. For trans women it's not that they are hiding whether or not they have a dick. If they are identifying as women then they are women. What goes on in their pants is genuinely none of our business. Not to mention that we honestly have NO idea what transpired in between the dance floor and the next morning. She could have been like "hey I have a dick hope that's cool." Because according to Timothy Spall it doesn't appear to be a secret that she is trans. And honestly, in my humble opinion, that doesn't excuse the way this movie handles Mark's reaction. If he didn't remember and was shocked - yeah okay I guess, but he wasn't just shocked he was genuinely disgusted and that's what I have a problem with.
  18. taylor anne photo

    Episode 182 - Rock Star: LIVE!

    Another correction: Jake says that they seem to be more progressive when it comes to trans people but I would have to agree with June that this movie was so fuckin' transphobic even if it wasn't aggressively so. While yes they don't seem to make a big deal that Tonya is trans and don't kick her out of the group for being so - Timothy Spall calls her a "that" which alone made me very angry even if we didn't already have the Marky Mark looking disgusted once he finds out scene. So while there weren't any scenes like what we saw with Bobby where they genuinely make fun of him and say to "keep his cock away from them" even tiny aggressions can place huge impressions on people. Basically... fuck this movie.
  19. taylor anne photo

    Episode 182 - Rock Star: LIVE!

    Quick correction while I'm still listening. It's said on the podcast that Marky Mark only had two drinks at that party before the orgy dance scene starts but Tonya gives him a pill on the dance floor that I believe we are supposed to assume is ecstasy. That pretty much negates whatever amount of alcohol he consumed lol.
  20. taylor anne photo

    HDTGM Classics Vol 6 Battlefield Earth 2/16 9PM EST

    I'm still in fo sho. If you don't come then you have to post one of your death poems. Thems the rules.
  21. taylor anne photo

    Episode 181.5 - Minisode 181.5

    Oh my god I just realized where I keep hearing this too! At the Cowboy's games they use this song to get the crowd amped up! I literally just had this image of the mascot on the screen singing it and yep that's the song.
  22. taylor anne photo

    Episode 181.5 - Minisode 181.5

    This was an issue for me as well. I'm not well versed in metal or hair metal music but I swear I've heard that "stand up and shout" song multiple times but I can't figure out if that's a real song or not lol.
  23. taylor anne photo

    Episode 181.5 - Minisode 181.5

    I really wish that Daniel Van Kirk would come on and guest as Mark Wahlberg for this episode.