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taylor anne photo

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Everything posted by taylor anne photo

  1. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays Pink Floyd's The Wall

    Also how he yells at Hermione for actually knowing the correct answer??? Fuck The Wall let's talk about how Snape is the FUCKIN WORST
  2. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays Pink Floyd's The Wall

    Flawless Harry Potter tie in.
  3. taylor anne photo

    Episode 180.5 - Minisode 180.5

    That's it exactly. When you read those books then they actually captured the essence of those twats rather well.
  4. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays Pink Floyd's The Wall

    My issue with that teacher was that Pink wasn't even actually do anything to spark him going over to him other than having an unrecognized notebook on his desk. At least when I was watching it it just appeared that he walked by and unprompted he picked up this notebook and ridiculed this kid who was working quietly. What a fuckin' dick! But I did think it was quite interesting that they then showed the teacher at home being in a very controlling marriage so the only way for him to express his anger is by emotionally abusing kids.
  5. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays Pink Floyd's The Wall

    Thaaat makes more sense. I wish they had strung these two thoughts together better because it definitely is a lot easier to be able to tell that he would in fact view himself as that kind of person after the life he had been leading up to that point. But they paint it so literally (as literally as you can in a movie like The Wall) that I was like uhhhh does he actually become the next Hitler?
  6. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays Pink Floyd's The Wall

    That makes NO FUCKING SENSE I mean I kinda get it cause he's in a drug haze in the back of that limo and then suddenly a fuckin skinhead leader, but like they make absolutely no effort to explain any of that for the rest of the movie.
  7. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays Pink Floyd's The Wall

    I liked them before I even started smoking weed. I've never been good about explaining why I like a band though but the melodies of a lot of their songs really get me. "Wish You Were Here" is still one of my favorite songs of all time. I don't think they're the best band in the world but their hits are hits for a reason imo.
  8. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays Pink Floyd's The Wall

    I mean was anyone watching that entire thing back in the day or now not remembering Nazism? It's kinda the same thing that's happening today (not to make this completely political but watching this definitely brought up some imagery that is all over the news) it doesn't matter what images are being used the message was exactly the same. Queers, Jews, Black - those were the people he pointed out in the movie and those were the people that Hitler targeted. That's why that whole scene doesn't really make sense to me. At first I thought maybe it was signifying the rise of Neo-Nazis in England in the 70s and 80s during the Punk explosion but why have your MAIN CHARACTER lead that fucking terrible movement. None of it makes any fucking sense.
  9. Gif to replace shit that no longer makes sense
  10. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays Pink Floyd's The Wall

    FTFY Actually can anyone explain to me why he becomes a white supremacist leader? That seemed to come out of nowhere to me and the whole time you're watching this man deal with the aftereffects of England post WWII and the sufferings of depression but then became a fascist himself and I didn't get why that happened at all.
  11. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays Pink Floyd's The Wall

    But like.... didn't he write it? EDIT: He did. Wtf he doesn't get to say shit about a movie he wrote the screenplay for.
  12. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays Pink Floyd's The Wall

    Oh so I just missed another analogy for why he dislikes women cool lol. Honestly kinda like Sara most of the time I had no idea what was actually being said but I definitely understood the flower vagina analogy eating the dick flower *rolls eyes*
  13. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays Pink Floyd's The Wall

    Yeah definitely the music and Pink Floyd being that kinda band but not through this movie no no no. That's why I had to abandon ship all those years ago and honestly like even sober I kinda wanted to abandon again cause those animations were terrifying. So when I got to watch that link Part 7 had been deleted... did I miss anything? It was right after the groupie got to his apartment and then it picked back up right before he decided to shave everything.
  14. taylor anne photo

    Episode 180.5 - Minisode 180.5

    It's the same director!
  15. I'm really glad I decided to smoke afterwards this time.
  16. This is why I thought they were doing it. I saw a photo of the casting call and they are specifically searching for Latinx people so here's fingers crossed!
  17. taylor anne photo

    Episode 180.5 - Minisode 180.5

    Also KStew is amazing in Personal Shopper. My mom literally hasn't stopped talking about that movie since we saw it and there's one scene alone in that movie that shows how fucking amazing she is.
  18. taylor anne photo

    Episode 180.5 - Minisode 180.5

    Just to add on to the "No on Kit" movement... THE DUDE IS TOO SHORT Hot? Yes absolutely. Tall? He's my height. 5'8'' is not the presence you need to capture the 6'5'' Christopher Lee.
  19. Oh not to say there haven't been times where I'm like "oh I don't want to be watching this with her." Any time female masturbation comes up in a movie I'm immediately like oh god no please.
  20. Mostly I'm joking about the comfortableness but looking back I honestly do think "y tho??". That's exactly my mom's kinda humor and she absolutely loves Judd Apatow so most of these movies have been an absolute no brainer to take her too. Knocked Up is literally one of her favorite movies ever and she claims she discovered Adam Scott lol. Direct quote: "I'm just saying I knew about the 'Let's have a baby!' guy before everyone else."
  21. I saw 40 Year Old Virgin and Zack and Miri Make a Porno in theaters with my mom so I think I win the uncomfortable game.
  22. taylor anne photo

    HDTGM Movies Yet To Come (Possibly)

    He said it could be a interesting Halloween pick on the boards first and then mentioned it during the minisode after that. Mentioning on an episode is like binding it in law so I am just reminding everything that he said it out loud lol.
  23. taylor anne photo

    HDTGM Movies Yet To Come (Possibly)

    Queen of the Damned from a minisode before Halloween. Don't remember the exact number though but sometime from September to Mid October.
  24. I thought he would get nominated. Or at least TDA would but not only have the controversies made him take a hit I just think the Academy universally doesn't respect comedies that much (anyone that says Get Out is a comedy didn't get the movie in my personal opinion). Because I also thought I, Tonya would get a BP nom but at least we have Margot and Allison to pick up the slack there. What's weirder is I've seen some people traaash TDA on twitter because they think that Franco is picking on Tommy and that's why he doesn't deserve the nomination? Plus apparently people that don't know Tommy think that Franco really did a fucked up thing by not letting him speak at the Globes. I even had to tell my friend who had said "I wish he had let Tommy say something" that if he had they would have all been held hostage for the rest of the night by Tommy's non-acceptance speech.