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taylor anne photo

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Everything posted by taylor anne photo

  1. If you could actually do a group DM on that one lmao
  2. Geostorm is so HDTGM perfection tbh. It's absolutely horrendous but I had all of the fun watching it.
  3. OH FUCK! I forgot Emily was on Hudson Hawk!!! MY APOLOGIES EMILY!!!
  4. I'm so mad HBO took it off as fast as they had it on there lol. I really don't want to have to pay money for the movie but also my French friends keep asking if I've seen it yet lol.
  5. Oscar nominated previous HDTGM guest Kumail Nanjiani!!!!
  6. I got Good Janet but I hope it's Drunk Good Janet
  7. Oh god I tried watching this while high in college Needless to say I got freaked out and never finished it
  8. I highly recommend taking the "Are you a good Janet or a bad Janet" Buzzfeed quiz because you get the option to pick Derek as your soulmate which I did without hesitation.
  9. I have to be honest that I was reading that as one name and I was like "who the hell is Dan Paul???"
  11. Ayyyy Paul I just saw you on the red carpet at the SAG Awards!
  12. Thank you so much for addressing this and pointing out things that are very hard to pick up on audio. I feel heard and so appreciate you! I absolutely know for a fact that you and Jason are out of this world amazing and would never do anything in malice! Paul, I do apologize for that comment. I did not mean to mention the plane watching as any kind of slam, but rather in defense for Tig being called unprepared. I totally see how that came across and I am forever grateful that with your incredibly busy schedule you put in so much time for this show that I love so much.
  13. ART HISTORY LESSON TIME! This is also a big part of the "Dada" movement that Marchel Duchamp was a big icon of. He specifically would take things and do one thing and then boom it's his fuckin art. Most notably he took the Mona Lisa, drew a mustache on her, and named it "L.H.O.O.Q" (which apparently if you say the letters phonetically in French it means "She has a hot ass"). It pisses me off that he became one of the most famous artists in the world just by doing this -
  14. Cameron, first of all this is certainly not something that ruin this long of a friendship lol. I've had irl friends do some messed up shit and I still hang out with them so you are good. Second of all, I highly recommend seeing Tig's standup and watching the documentary about her (that I hope is still on Netflix).
  15. I want to like this post more than once. I was kinda skating around the lesbian comment on the first page because I didn't want to start a full on fight with some obvious trolls about it but that also makes me very uncomfortable. It makes me want to mention that I'm bisexual literally as many times as possible now lol.
  16. This is exactly how I feel! Honestly I understand the argument that people were disappointed that 40 minutes of the movie were missed. When Paul said "someone didn't even watch it" I then was like "then wtf are we even doing here" but Tig still made me laugh and it sounds like she honestly had enough to say about it that Paul shouldn't even had made that disclaimer. But it's when people come and tear her apart that I have a problem with. That's completely unfair and is reminiscent of before. This is their friend and they certainly wouldn't have invited Tig (nor released this episode probably) if they thought she was disrespectful to the whole concept of the show.
  17. In all fairness Jason brought up the fact that she called him Mr. Thomas lol. I agree that blocking off the time to watch the movie isn't 100% all it takes to do a comedy show, but I don't know I think Tig fuckin Notaro can be trusted to know what it takes to do a comedy show lol.
  18. I'm not saying that Paul wasn't prepared but what I'm commenting on is the fact that saying a guest didn't "make time" for this show is completely unfair when the two guests actually talk about how they sat down together to watch this movie in their home. Most of these comments about this show are wildly unfair towards Tig specifically and if you're basing what you think happened off of them alone then it all has to do with Tig. She was funny. She came with things to talk about. She did her fucking job. And even if she didn't Stephanie was there to fill in the gaps of things that Tig missed. So it's hard to not be like "oh this is about Tig" when people before you specifically called her out for falling asleep and then you come in and talk about how disrespectful it is to Paul, Jason, and the audience to not be prepared. I can't understand why these comments were brought up now if this has nothing to do with today's guests. Especially considering some of the shit I read on that first page. (I feel like I'm having Can't Stop The Music flashbacks good god)
  19. Personally, I don't think any of these comments are fair. Tig did find the time to sit down and watch this with Stephanie and happened to fall asleep. So fucking what. Stephanie sat through the whole thing and commented on it (when she could) but because one of the guests didn't see 40 minutes of it people are coming in and calling her disrespectful? That's bananas! Paul literally didn't watch the movie until the plane ride to DC but Tig and Stephanie both sat down and dedicated time to this bull shit and I don't think any of us are allowed to tell her she's in the wrong just because she happened to fall asleep. Not to mention for the first time ever I felt like Jason and Paul cut off both Tig and Stephanie every fucking time they tried to speak. At one point Stephanie literally had to say "WAIT!" so that Paul didn't cut her off again! I've never felt like Paul and Jason have ever railroaded a guest before but today was difficult to listen to. As many people have said that Tig didn't bring anything to this episode that's how many times I heard her start to say something only to get cut off by both our hosts.
  20. taylor anne photo

    Episode 179.5 - Minisode 179.5

    If you had mentioned this 5 days ago I would have informed you on the free weekend just to see that because of the wins it's been getting. Now I'm just an asshole for mentioning you missed it lol.
  21. taylor anne photo

    Episode 179.5 - Minisode 179.5

    On the same vein as WTNV - it's not a comedy but I think you'd really enjoy Tanis! It's just the right amount of spooky and really good storytelling. Their other show The Black Tapes just ended and it ended fucking horribly so I'm praying that Tanis doesn't become the same bull shit because I really love it. OH AND OF FUCKING COURSE! Alice Isn't Dead!!!!!!! It's the same people as WTNV and it literally fills me up with joy! Others I think you'd like include - Spontaneanation (spelling may be off but it'll probably pop up as you enter in "Spont") Bizarre States 2 Dope Queens The Jackie and Laurie Show I Was There Too The Dork Forest I have a bunch more if you're interested but these are primarily what I think you would enjoy based on what you said you already listen to!
  22. taylor anne photo

    Emoji Movie (2017)

    This one isn't quite in the same level because the kids show is still wildly popular. My 4 yo cousin saw it and still won't shut up about it. Now if the show had been cancelled and THEN they did a movie about it years later that's when we can say they had missed their opportunity.
  23. taylor anne photo

    Episode 179.5 - Minisode 179.5

    I haven't tried yet because I'm just finding this out at work (screw my company for making us work on MLK day). I remember hearing about the Reddit viewings but I've never been able to make one. Maybe I'll try this week.
  24. Certainly not as bad as $15 lmao