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taylor anne photo

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Everything posted by taylor anne photo

  1. taylor anne photo

    Emoji Movie (2017)

    I just wanna say that now after things I've heard about Miller I hope they do actually do this and tear it the fuck apart.
  2. I forgot to ask before but is this readily available to see online or is it a rental/purchase thing? I should be able to watch tonight if I can with Netflix or Amazon.
  3. taylor anne photo

    Episode 179.5 - Minisode 179.5

    I'm still standing with you in solidarity man, and I'm even in the US so I can't even imagine how hard it is for you in Ireland (and Cam Bert in Japan) to find this shit lol. Not to beat a dead horse but my budget is literally so meticulously planned that this is why I can't do a monthly sub to stitcher premium so yeah I can't exactly go on and get a movie I know I won't like for $15. I legit can only see movies in theaters because I keep getting gift cards lol!
  4. taylor anne photo

    Episode 179.5 - Minisode 179.5

    That mustache is more embarrassing than falling down any stairs would ever be.
  5. taylor anne photo

    HDTGM Classics Vol 5 Drive Angry 01/12 9PM EST

    Yeah sorry guys my friend wants to go see I, Tonya tonight at the Drafthouse and I can not pass that up lol. I swear one of these nights I can actually host cause I do have some streaming sites that the HDTGM movies are still on.
  6. taylor anne photo

    Episode 179.5 - Minisode 179.5

    What the fuck Tim Horton's
  7. taylor anne photo

    HDTGM Classics Vol 5 Drive Angry 01/12 9PM EST

    I don't have off :/
  8. Why would I sully a good movie with something like that?
  9. taylor anne photo

    HDTGM Classics Vol 5 Drive Angry 01/12 9PM EST

    I might be here but I might not. Depends on what my friend decides to do for her birthday (which is Sunday but who wants to go out on a Sunday).
  10. Aw now I wish SLC Punk was a musical cause I'd love to revisit and discuss that.
  11. taylor anne photo

    Episode 179 - Second Sight: LIVE!

    According to Janet Varney, yes I was just thinking about how she would've been a fantastic guest just cause of her love for John Larroquette lmao
  12. taylor anne photo

    Episode 179 - Second Sight: LIVE!

    I definitely think it's part snobbery but it does seem unfair to lump all animation together just because it comes from Japan. Then again The Last Airbender and Korra both definitely have that style and I have to tell people a lot that it's definitely not anime because it was made here in the states SO WHO KNOWS ANYMORE BACK TO SECOND SIGHT I DIDN'T SEE IT
  13. taylor anne photo

    Episode 179 - Second Sight: LIVE!

    In the Western definition they are certainly anime because we typically classify it as anything animated in Japan but I remember seeing him talk about how certain anime artists have a certain artistic style that he just couldn't stand and so he hated hearing people say that his films were anime because they didn't follow that same style. Whether that's just him being huffy about art that he doesn't like or not idk, but of course I can't even find the video now because all that comes up is what you were talking about and how he dislikes "otaku" culture. EDIT: Oh I found a quote from the video! This specifically doesn't say that he doesn't refer to his films as anime but I swear it was in this same video that he was like "No we're not anime because..." and then went into this. I'm realizing that the interview is all in Japanese and I'm thinking my Japanese friend translated it for me and that's why I can't find a direct translation of what I heard.
  14. taylor anne photo

    Episode 179 - Second Sight: LIVE!

    It probably wasn't very long cause most anime fans know that Miyazaki films aren't classified as anime There's video of the man himself going off on how people lump their animation style into anime and he is nooot happy about it lol.
  15. taylor anne photo

    Episode 178.5 - Minisode 178.5

    I actually don't have cable either so these are purely the ads I get on services like Hulu that still have commercials on them. Especially when I am watching Fox shows like B99 or Bob's Burgers and they'll show the same gd 5 ads over and over until I want to gauge my eyes out. But in all honesty I never noticed the SW ads ever until this year. I think with the addition of porgs they went a little crazy on the marketing front and I literally couldn't go anywhere or see anything without Star Wars being mentioned. Even crazy shit like H&R Block like make sure all Jedis get their taxes done or some bull shit lol. I also took a big break from the Marvel fandom this year and even though I did see all the movies I still have yet to watch Punisher and I'm just kinda not seeking out things online like I used to and it's made the movies much more enjoyable (even though I still thought Guardians 2 was pretty mediocre especially when compared to Spider-Man and Thor this year).
  16. taylor anne photo

    Episode 178.5 - Minisode 178.5

    That's a totally fair point. I guess because in all honesty Star Wars means that much more to me than Marvel movies do (shocking I know) then it doesn't seem like it's been two years since TFA came out. Maybe that's the opposite of how most people feel? Idk lol. But it might also have to do with marketing and toys and seeing a commercial for the new American Idol and BB-8 shows up. It's just everywhere in a way that nothing else really is and that can feel like too much sometimes. And yeah I say that as a girl who is literally planning her Star Wars tattoo, so I get the irony here lmao.
  17. taylor anne photo

    Episode 178.5 - Minisode 178.5

  18. taylor anne photo

    Episode 178.5 - Minisode 178.5

    Maaan I was really hoping that wasn't gonna be the part you mentioned cause I thought that was hilarious lol!
  19. taylor anne photo

    Episode 178.5 - Minisode 178.5

    I really wish they weren't doing these side stories (and I say that as a huge fan of Rogue One). I think the story becomes more meaningful when there isn't a movie coming out every single year. And now that Rian Johnson has announced this other trilogy I have to roll my eyes. I'm a huge fuckin SW fan (I've finally found the SW tattoo I want) but even this is something I don't want. I've pretty much come to the conclusion that I'm going to skip the Han Solo movie. I literally don't care about what he was doing before we discovered him in that cantina. That's part of his charm!!!
  20. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays Week 28 Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit

    True story: So I'm still playing that Fantasy Movie League thing that HDTGM did a season of back in the day and I got my coworkers on it as well (I won $100 in movie gift cards this past summer nbd). So when Jigsaw and It were out my coworker came over to my desk and asked me what my lineup was and I said "I'm gettin' Jiggy with It" (cause I was only playing It and Jigsaw) and he high fived me and it was my crowning achievement.
  21. taylor anne photo

    Episode 178.5 - Minisode 178.5

    If it makes you feel better my mom said she didn't hate it but she definitely didn't like it either. She can only pinpoint two specific moments that she herself didn't like but she said overall she was just bored by the whole thing. I on the other hand can pinpoint things I didn't like but ultimately I still fall in the really liking it category.
  22. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays Week 28 Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit

    I went to Catholic for two years (not even Catholic my mom just wanted a good education) and that is how they usually work. Our school was directly connected to the local parish and we would have to go to Friday mass every week. The only thing I even remember from mass is being hella bored and jealous that I was too young to receive communion.
  23. taylor anne photo

    Batman Forever (1995)

    Omg I will still defend Uma Thurman as Poison Ivy forever and ever (no lie) Also I still argue that this one is actually worse than B&R because this wasn't trying to be campy but I fully believe that B&R was.
  24. taylor anne photo

    Episode 178.5 - Minisode 178.5

    Jordan has said that Stepford Wives is a huge inspiration for him too! I think that's just Detroit lol.