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taylor anne photo

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Everything posted by taylor anne photo

  1. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays Week 27 Baby Driver

    Yeah I read a couple of articles trying to find a specific reason and it sounds like people were pissed that she actually wanted to win an Oscar and like... who expects her to not...???
  2. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays Week 27 Baby Driver

    Marcus Henderson was on "I Was There Too" to talk about not only Get Out but also being in Django Unchained and it does seem like Tarantino is less racist than he seems. But that's just one dude's experience with him so idk lol.
  3. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays Week 27 Baby Driver

    God I remember that too but I legit can't remember why either. I don't think there was a reason for it tbh. But I'm glad at least Ansel isn't on the cancel list lol. I can deal with a bit of a douchey attitude these days as long as he's not a racist misogynistic pig.
  4. taylor anne photo

    Episode 177 - The Disaster Artist

    Oh my god you don't know how much I wanted to stop the movie to explain to my mom that he was in the literal best show on TV and his character name is fucking SHITSTAIN
  5. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays Week 27 Baby Driver

    Wait what did Ansel do...
  6. taylor anne photo

    Episode 177 - The Disaster Artist

    I completely agree with all of that.
  7. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays Week 27 Baby Driver

    I feel like I'm really shitting on this movie lmao I promise I loved it!!! I gave it 4 stars on Letterboxd and everything!
  8. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays Week 27 Baby Driver

    John Boyega would have been an EXCELLENT baby! But I think the role of Debora would have just had us all feel like Emma was completely under-utilized because, like Fister said, she really didn't have any character to her. Also I could see how much Lily struggled to not use her British accent the whole damn time and it really bothered me.
  9. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays Week 27 Baby Driver

    I also thought the latter half was a let down! I also kinda thought the driving sequences weren't as strong as they were in the beginning. Also, I believe that Edgar was influenced by Drive with the strong silent type, but (as much as I loved Ansel in this role) Baby doesn't have the same gravitas as Gosling does as The Driver.
  10. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays Week 27 Baby Driver

    I definitely think that it's the way we ingest news that has us all more aware of how we get shit on every day lol. Like I believe my mom told me that there was this huge Time issue about the Gen X'ers being the "ME" generation and being the most self-indulgent people and it was this big deal because that was the way to get stuff out there at the time, but these days with the internet every other article posted online is about how kids need to stop spending money on those dang avocado toasts if they want to buy a house (spoiler alert: 6 dollars is not going to help us buy a house). So it just seems like we're getting the most shit but it's really just because everything is in front of our faces at all times. Whoops we've already digressed okay uhm I didn't like Lily James's character. Let's discuss.
  11. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays Week 27 Baby Driver

    I've had this conversation with my Gen-X mom and she said that the Boomers and Greatest Generation both shat on the Gen-X'ers in the 80s just as much so I assume in 20 years we'll all be yelling about those dirty dirty Generation I's
  12. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays Week 27 Baby Driver

    I think the generational gap is an interesting point to make but that's why I think it's just really criminal vs. non-criminal.
  13. taylor anne photo

    Episode 177.5 - Minisode 177.5

  14. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays Week 27 Baby Driver

    Gonzalez is also a Millennial I would like to point out lol. They definitely are trying to age her up in this movie I guess, but she's literally about 2 months younger than I am and 4 years older than Ansel. But even if they are trying to age her up Millennials are as old as 36 this year. A fact that very much pissed off my 36 yo boss when he started making fun of us "Millennials" and I had to break it to him that he also was one.
  15. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays Week 27 Baby Driver

    I think they were purely judging based on appearances. He's a 20 (?) year old kid that looks like he grew up very well and these are all hardened criminals wondering who the fuckin' snitch is.
  16. taylor anne photo

    Episode 177 - The Disaster Artist

    Omg I had that same thing with the "laugh lines!" Like there was a guy that laughed at some really dark things and I was sitting there so uncomfortable thinking "this isn't funny?" but I'm wondering if it was the delivery of those lines mixed with the actual dark humor that made him think those weren't truths but rather jokes??? Idk but it kinda really took me out of the movie and lessened my enjoyment of it. But Frances McDormand is still my top performance of the year! She brought me to tears throughout the whole thing!
  17. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays Week 27 Baby Driver

    Can we get right into it??? First things first Not enough Bernthal
  18. taylor anne photo

    Episode 177 - The Disaster Artist

    I didn't know this but at least we all know in our heart that Lil Rel, Betty, and Marcus were a huuuge part of that cast. I am sad that the rest of The Big Sick didn't get nominated but honestly they didn't have as major a role in that plot as the the others did for Get Out. It definitely would not have been the same movie without them. Mudbound didn't snub anyone. The cast listed is pretty much the cast with some other background characters that have a few lines. It's a really spectacular and touching film though and I highly recommend it.
  19. taylor anne photo

    Episode 177 - The Disaster Artist

    This is pretty much what I was hinting at but I wasn't sure if that was the actual case or not. It's definitely something that has caught my eye within the last 7 years that I've genuinely hunkered down and charted awards season results. Here's an interesting Wiki article that actually lists out the oldest and youngest winners in all the acting categories plus the directing category. It definitely points out that the youngest man to win was 20 while the youngest woman to win was fuckin 10 lol.
  20. taylor anne photo

    Episode 177 - The Disaster Artist

    Historically for the last 22 years the movie that won Best Picture was nominated for Best Ensemble at the SAG awards. Typically each film nominated in SAG then goes on to be nominated for the Oscars. My guess this year is that Lady Bird will take the win but I still see strong potential in Get Out. It may not be a "typical" Oscar movie within the most recent years but there's always something that breaks the mold (like Beauty and the Beast being the first animated movie to be nominated for Best Picture).
  21. taylor anne photo

    Episode 177 - The Disaster Artist

    SAG nominations were released! The Big Sick got an Ensemble nom, Holly Hunter got a Supporting Actress nom, and Paul was included in the Ensemble nom of Veep!!!