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taylor anne photo

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Everything posted by taylor anne photo

  1. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays Week 26 Preview (Jammer Lea's 2nd Pick)

    It seems like since September we've all been a little wonky with our MM presence. Stupid weather and adult life shit lol.
  2. taylor anne photo

    Episode 175.5 - Minisode 175.5

    I didn't realize it was a novel to begin with, which I believe probably the story works better as. It's one of those things that you watch and you're like "okay I understand that concept but did we honestly need to see this played out where Jim Sturgess and Huge Weaving are in yellowface?"
  3. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays - Week 25 - Bride & Prejudice

    Random Q: Why did they change Wickham's name to Johnny? It's not like it was something weird before it was fucking "George" so what gives?
  4. taylor anne photo

    Episode 175.5 - Minisode 175.5

    Aziz Ansari doing the running joke in Master of None that even Indians didn't know this was brown face was one of the funniest moments in that show's first season. Also the Wachowski's did do a lot of race bending in Cloud Atlas that made a lot of people go ummmm
  5. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays - Week 25 - Bride & Prejudice

    Okay according to IMDB before this he was in The Ring, which I totally forgot about, and idk when filming was but they list the ever amazing Torque before B&P although they came out the same year. I wonder if they thought they were going to get a huge upcoming star but then Torque bombed and he's a shitty actor when not across Naomi Watts and being killed by Daveigh Chase lol.
  6. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays - Week 25 - Bride & Prejudice

    It's also weird because the dude that plays Darcy is a Kiwi so it's not like they had a problem making him change his accent. Like if he was British then the colonialism would have really hammered home because Britain did colonize India. (Although I love the line where he's like "But I'm American" and Lalita says, "Exactly" or something like that lol I was too busy saying "Oh so worse" as she said her line lol.) But I suspect it's seriously just to appeal to American audiences, because we just can't handle a movie without a white American dude in it??
  7. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays - Week 25 - Bride & Prejudice

    I completely agree with you, and I think starting off immediately going along with the book and saying, "Mother thinks that any single man with big bucks is shopping for a wife," really forces you into that mindset. Like if they were going to do a modern Bollywood version of this story here's a few things I wish they had done - 1. Make it as damn modern as you possibly can. There are a lot of times where this is done beautifully but I still think some things like proposing after knowing each other for 2 months is severely outdated. Movies like Clueless and 10 Things are adaptations from this era (don't um actually me I know Taming of the Shrew is Elizabethan and not Regency I'm trying to make a point here) and are expertly crafted to the point where they can even directly quote the source material and it fucking FITS. 2. Don't cast a white dude as Darcy in a fucking Bollywood film. None of us needed that and I HONESTLY think I wouldn't be so focused on the story if Darcy had been well casted. There's a ton of fuckin classism in India between actual Indians so there's literally 0.00 reason for them to bring in an American. 3. Go full Bollywood. Like I said in a different post I just don't think this was really Bollywood, especially based on a lot of the videos posted today. It felt subdued and Americanized so that us dumbos here would be into it, but it actually made me like it less. Tons of times it felt like it wanted to go back and forth between Bollywood musical and Rom Com and I was definitely not impressed by the Rom Com side. 4. Don't introduce important characters that get disposed 2 scenes later. No explanation needed. EDIT: Oh and to add to the Bollywood bullet point - If you are trying to make a Bollywood film, having characters IN THE MOVIE not like what's happening is going to make your audience not like what's happening. I understand that Darcy and Kiran are supposed to be looking down on things but you don't need to go in that direction where it just comes off racist, rude, and really fucking awkward.
  8. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays - Week 25 - Bride & Prejudice

    Oooooh IMDB only has her current husband listed is there a scandal?! This is another thing that disappoints me because Indira is our "Caroline Bingley" who was a mega bitch in the story. In my opinion she's the main source of all Lizzie's hesitations about the Bingley family because she's so gd snotty to them for being so low class. In fact, it's Caroline more so than Darcy that convinces Bingley to leave Jane. In this movie she's just a vain high society girl that wants to just sit by the pool? Another opportunity missed - In the book while Elizabeth and Jane are staying at the home of the Bingleys, Caroline asks Lizzie to walk about the room with her for a bit of exercise (??? sure why not regency era). I can't quite remember the quotes exactly so just bare with me from this point on lol. So Caroline makes a comment about how Darcy should join them and Darcy says "but why would you want that when my view of you is much better from my current position? isn't that the point of walking about the room?" Caroline of course jokes that Darcy is being cheeky and asks Elizabeth what they should do and she just responds, "Laugh at him." I think that moment by the pool would have been much more effective if Indira's character had made Lalita walk around the pool with her trying to "show off their bodies" and then they could have had that exact talk about colonialism (because that's actually the best dialogue in the movie).
  9. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays - Week 25 - Bride & Prejudice

    Yeah I don't mean choreograph to the beat but specifically when they are in the market singing about their friend getting married and they act like they are putting rings on their finger when they actually sing about putting a ring on that finger.
  10. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays - Week 25 - Bride & Prejudice

    I don't want Depp near anything I love. I'm already having a hard time with him in Fantastic Beasts. Omg when he said it the way he did he made it sound sooooo racist I was cringing lmao
  11. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays - Week 25 - Bride & Prejudice

    Ugh Hollywood is such a fucking bummer
  12. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays - Week 25 - Bride & Prejudice

    I really hope she wasn't forced to do it against her will...
  13. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays - Week 25 - Bride & Prejudice

    This Darcy was so fucking boring and like wore his "love" for her all over his face. Like you're supposed to think that he fucking hates her until she stays with them and the little cracks shine through and he's like "oh shit" but this dude was like from moment ONE in love with her and it was so obvious. I'm sorry I'm such a story purist when it comes to this lol. Also can someone more knowledgeable about Bollywood musicals tell me are their dance moves supposed to be super literal? It was kinda driving me crazy watching their hands act out every word they sang lol.
  14. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays - Week 25 - Bride & Prejudice

    According to IMDB that might have been Aishwarya's choice.
  15. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays - Week 25 - Bride & Prejudice

    Oh this reminds me how much they missed the opportunity for Lalita to tell Darcy's mom off! Elizabeth absolutely SLAMMING Lady Catherine is one of my favorite moments and they completely missed that.
  16. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays - Week 25 - Bride & Prejudice

    Is this a true Bollywood musical? I've never actually seen one before but this felt way too American to really count it.
  17. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays - Week 25 - Bride & Prejudice

    They definitely dyed her hair lighter for the movie. Actually I noticed every movie that is an American production that she's in she suddenly has highlights...
  18. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays - Week 25 - Bride & Prejudice

    Plot wise it seemed to me that they were trying really hard to follow the book exactly but then realized they were running out of time and shoved in 3 major plot points into the last 15 minutes, which failed miserably. The Wickham story line is supposed to be waaay more traumatizing for the family and it was instead super anti-climatic. But I did like that Lahki ended up punching him in the face instead of being forced to marry him lmao.
  19. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays - Week 25 - Bride & Prejudice

    As soon as Naveen Andrews walked out I was like "OH!" and then the white dude walked out behind him and I was like "NO!" I legit came into this movie knowing nothing other than it was an Indian interpretation of P&P and that fucking poster did not scream white dude to me for some reason. Like either they darkened his skin to match hers or lightened hers to match his. Either way fuck that poster and it getting a boring ass white dude by me.
  20. taylor anne photo

    Episode 175.5 - Minisode 175.5

    Cmon y'all at least give it the weekend lol. I can't start watching until tomorrow night!
  21. The credits are just a reel of "bloopers" where the cast and crew sing along to one of the Indian songs and he pops up in one of them and I legit screamed "NOOOOOO!"
  22. Did anyone watch through the credits? Cause there is definitely a certain disgusting producer that pops up and now I don't know what to think...
  23. Omfg yes everyone should also watch Lost in Austen.
  24. I'm just gonna leave this here... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjOTBaqNyCM
  25. That's an interesting reason to not like it lol. I'd say if you just don't like this time period then you're not going to like the BBC version.