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taylor anne photo

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Everything posted by taylor anne photo

  1. taylor anne photo

    Episode 174 - Jason X: LIVE!

    Sean Astin was definitely my favorite addition.
  2. taylor anne photo

    Episode 174 - Jason X: LIVE!

    Anyone finish Stranger Things 2 yet? Hot Take
  3. taylor anne photo

    Episode 173.5 - Minisode 173.5

    I second this. I'm kinda maybe a lot in love with her.
  4. taylor anne photo

    Episode 173.5 - Minisode 173.5

    I legit bought a cookie from a store to hide in my purse before a concert and the cashier said, "Be careful those are Chocolate Chip and Oatmeal Raisin combined and we can't really tell which is which." I had to turn them over and really inspect to be able to tell because they honestly did look the exact fucking same on top.
  5. taylor anne photo

    Episode 173.5 - Minisode 173.5

    Raisins in cookies are deceitful assholes
  6. taylor anne photo

    Episode 173.5 - Minisode 173.5

    I believe that's my issue with this song as well. In the case of The Beatles and Lin they can make that thing sound amazing while still going in to that trope, but when Finger Eleven does it it comes off as lazy and ends up sounding like nails on a chalkboard to me. Basically it's like you need to properly know the rules in order to break them and I'm not sure if they know what the rules are lmao.
  7. taylor anne photo

    Episode 173.5 - Minisode 173.5

    I wish I could like this post more than once.
  8. taylor anne photo

    Episode 173.5 - Minisode 173.5

    I mean, I would say save yourself if you love living in ignorant bliss but I'll put the video here if you really want to become aware of shitty American rock music lol. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2FQO1fj1MJU
  9. taylor anne photo

    Episode 173.5 - Minisode 173.5

    Fuck, I fucked up. Though, there's still a difference there between Lin's ability to make this work and then you have Finger Eleven's That fucking drives me bonkers and I remember in high school it was on the radio ALL THE TIME and I would force my mom to change it every time lol.
  10. taylor anne photo

    Geostorm (2017)

    I just remembered the German character in Geostorm is named Fassbinder and that's more evidence that these movies are tied together somehow. SHARED UNIVERSE! During one of the massive snowstorms caused by the satellites people become terrorized by a serial killer taking advantage of the harsh weather. Or this is a Jacob's Ladder situation in which I actually died at some point and none of these movies are real.
  11. taylor anne photo

    Episode 173.5 - Minisode 173.5

    The bands that I can't fucking stand are the ones like Finger Eleven and Hinder. They fucking suck. ALSO YOU CAN'T RHYME KNOW WITH KNOW FINGER ELEVEN THAT'S SHITTY SONG WRITING.
  12. taylor anne photo

    Geostorm (2017)

    Oh yeah I noticed that Friday morning! Idk what the hell happened with The Snowman but a friend of mine saw it and said it was one of the worst of the year! At least with Geostorm people should know what they're getting into. I mean can anyone really see just the trailer and the name of the director and think it's going to be a genuinely good movie???
  13. taylor anne photo

    Geostorm (2017)

    Personally, it was Gerard Butler talking too damn much lol.
  14. taylor anne photo

    Episode 173.5 - Minisode 173.5

    I did realize I liked Tom Petty a lot more than I thought after he died. I just wasn't as familiar with his whole discography and then Jonah Ray played a handful of songs on his podcast after his death and I was like "Oh wow I like all of these." I don't think I'm actually surprised about anyone in my list though. I stand by pretty much everyone I love even when people are like "Hahaha what?" lol. Like legit Incubus and Harry Styles are in my top 10 and I refuse to be ashamed lol.
  15. taylor anne photo

    Episode 173.5 - Minisode 173.5

    I completely agree with this. If it weren't for my mom being an OG Star Wars fanatic (she still has a scrapbook with ALL of her Star Wars memorabilia that she made after Return came out. It has all 10 original ticket stubs from when she saw Empire in theaters.) then who knows when I would have gotten to actually see the original trilogy... probably after the prequels... which is horrendous sounding. I don't have any kids myself but when I do I want to have them exposed to things the way I was which was a combination of new and old at the same time. I also grew up during the Disney Renaissance so I got lucky that Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, Mulan, and Pocahontas all came out within my formative years, but during that time I was still exposed to Aristocats and Marry Poppins and all the good shit from before I was born. It's all a matter of when and how you get to watch them. As far as kids TV is concerned I think Adventure Time is still one of the greatest things and that's considered to be for kids... but totally was also perfect for a group of college stoners lmao.
  16. taylor anne photo

    Geostorm (2017)

    Omg so THAT'S why we have some direct scene copies from The Day After Tomorrow lol.
  17. taylor anne photo

    Geostorm (2017)

    Oh my god I saw this last night and honestly this would be PERFECT for the podcast. It's ridiculous in all the best ways and Gerard Butler has become a HDTGM all-star. 10/10 would recommend.
  18. taylor anne photo

    Episode 173.5 - Minisode 173.5

    Everyone pack it up this is the greatest ending to any comment.
  19. taylor anne photo

    Episode 173 - Virtuosity: LIVE!

    I'm very happy to hear that you and your family are doing okay! I hope and pray that y'all only continue to be okay and the madness that this world is currently in fucking stooooops.
  20. taylor anne photo

    Episode 173 - Virtuosity: LIVE!

    The fact that that personality that cheated on America's Sweetheart didn't dominate is the most unbelievable part of this movie.
  21. taylor anne photo

    Episode 173 - Virtuosity: LIVE!

    This just reminded me of Abradolf Lincler from Rick & Morty lol. The combination of Adolf Hitler and Abraham Lincoln to create the complete morally neutral leader. (Which, spoiler alert, created just a weird dude that no one really wanted around lol)
  22. taylor anne photo

    Episode 173 - Virtuosity: LIVE!

    I legit mixed up Jesse James with Robert Ford in my mind because of that long ass movie title and I thought this whole time they were trying to model him after the coward and I was like "is that really who they want in there? a dude that everyone called a coward?" But Jesse James makes more sense cause yeah he was accused of some major atrocities and brutality.
  23. taylor anne photo

    Episode 173 - Virtuosity: LIVE!

    Did you just find a crossover with Unbreakable???
  24. OH I'VE SEEN THIS ONE! It's amazing and iconic for sure!