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taylor anne photo

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Everything posted by taylor anne photo

  1. taylor anne photo

    Episode 172 - The Last Dragon: LIVE!

    The whole Jewish & Asian thing is a racial stereotype that Jewish people have a specific fetish for Asian people. It's mentioned in The Social Network when Andrew Garfield's character says something along the lines (cause I can't find the exact quote) "I don't know if there's a mathematical equation for why Jewish men love Asian women but it's true." So I think that's what they were trying to do with their horribly racist line lol.
  2. taylor anne photo

    Episode 172 - The Last Dragon: LIVE!

    This changes EVERYTHING
  3. taylor anne photo

    Episode 166 - Timecop: LIVE!

    It was a lovely woman that was from the dirty balcony like I was and I believe it was an homage to the amazing Joni Mitchell's "Both Sides Now"
  4. taylor anne photo

    Episode 171.5 - Minisode 171.5

    Right!? And apparently I've seen some people talk about "stations" in their app now and I don't see that at all so I'm literally sitting here TRYING TO JUST GET MY EPISODES TO EFFING PLAY like
  5. taylor anne photo

    Episode 171.5 - Minisode 171.5

    Yeah! So far I'm fucking livid with the changes lol. By a design standpoint and an ease of use standpoint.
  6. taylor anne photo

    Episode 171.5 - Minisode 171.5

    When I updated it took away the "unplayed" section and replaced it with "Listen Now." Then when I click on an episode it no longer plays immediately but takes me to the individual episode page where then I get to hit "play," but afterwards it doesn't play the next episode listed and just stops. I still have the option to set up a playing queue but I legit then have to go through every single episode and go through the whole process of getting to the episode page and hitting "play later" instead of them just fuckin playing lol.
  7. taylor anne photo

    Episode 171.5 - Minisode 171.5

    This is a dumb question that I can't seem to find an answer to while poking around Google so I'm posing the question here. Does anyone here have an iPhone that they just updated? If so, are you still using the Podcasts app? Again if so lol, have you figured out how to get all podcasts to just play one after another? They've COMPLETELY fucked up this app in the update and you have to go into the app after each individual episode ends to start a new one, which is fucking bonkers. It seems according to the podcast app support forum on the Apple site that most of the dummies at Apple never even used this app because someone had to actually explain to them how it used to work and why that was better. So basically someone good at technology pls help cause I can't keep going to my phone every damn hour without my boss being like "uh excuse me wtf are you doing" (also I listen to shit on long drives and who tf thinks it is a good idea to have people mess with their phones WHILE THEY'RE DRIVING!).
  8. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays Week 19 Gentlemen Prefer Blondes

    I don't disagree with her but I'll take it a step farther and say that 1950s-60s expectations of a female killed her too. I believe that if she were born in this modern era and suffered through her mental illnesses with less stigma then she wouldn't have relied so heavily on drugs to make her feel better. Now we know that with Amy, Kurt, Whitney, etc those people were all dealing with demons and still ended up succumbing to their illnesses but I just think Marilyn could have been different. Also I still kinda believe in the whole conspiracy part cause she really wanted to make herself a better, more confident, actress.
  9. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays Week 21 Guys and Dolls

    I had the same feeling as you when I watched it. I never got to do the production in school nor did I see a production of it so I went into it with only Simpsons things on the mind and honestly I wasn't exactly blown away. Frank Sinatra got me, though that's not hard cause he's great.
  10. taylor anne photo

    Which Movies Does HDTGM Absolutely Need To Review?

    I hate to be the bearer of bad news but Paul has officially stated that they will never do Southland Tales.
  11. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 20 (CakeBug Tranch's 2nd Pick)

    I have Amazon Prime so I can stream it for whoever would need to pony up!
  12. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 20 (CakeBug Tranch's 2nd Pick)

    Literally same! I am on the verge of thinking this is part of the gag and he wants us all properly crazy this week.
  13. taylor anne photo

    Trailer Talk

    If only Rose Red was a theatrical movie rather than a mini-series we'd all get a Bingo in the first half hour.
  14. taylor anne photo

    Episode 171 - Miami Connection: LIVE!

    I haven't listened to this ep yet but holy shit if y'all aren't watching You're The Worst yet then WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH YOUR LIVES
  15. I'm so happy that I get back from France and the conversation is back on aliens. Y'all made me so proud!
  16. taylor anne photo

    Episode 170 - Bratz

    B: LOL - cause my mom raised me on her own and we were at each other's necks a lot during my high school years.
  17. taylor anne photo

    Episode 170 - Bratz

    ...Okay I can't act like when I heard this song I didn't imagine having my first dance to it... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ByavVhl-Nig
  18. taylor anne photo

    Episode 170 - Bratz

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2AwaA85nEbE In all seriousness I do believe that's something that the couple should choose together as their song. I had friends choose "Only One" by Yellowcard for their first dance and it was a really good choice for them! And then my best friend and her husband chose Ingrid Michaelson's "The Way I Am" which is a perfect romantic song.
  19. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 19 (Tomspanks' 2nd Pick)

    His name was Tiger and so I would sing to him "Tiger be that jedi tonight!"
  20. taylor anne photo

    Episode 170 - Bratz

    I've shot weddings with no music before. Mostly because they were Footloose style Baptist though...
  21. taylor anne photo

    HDTGM Classics Vol 3 Old Dogs (9/15 9PM EST)

    Oh shit Cameron is getting wild!
  22. taylor anne photo

    Episode 170 - Bratz

    Yeah I didn't even know it was a Twilight song until maybe a year ago? When a fellow photographer told me and I was like whaaaaat!? I'm just tired of every bride choosing it lol, cause I can usually tell it's not the couple's "song" it's just a romantic one they decided to dance to. THERE ARE THOUSANDS OF ROMANTIC SONGS FOR CHRIST'S SAKE
  23. taylor anne photo

    Episode 170 - Bratz

    I'm not a wedding DJ but as a wedding photographer I also have an answer for this. It's also the most used first dance song ever and I'm fucking sick of it "A Thousand Years" by Christina Perri
  24. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 19 (Tomspanks' 2nd Pick)

    I was really disappointed when the Sinatra Guys and Dolls didn't have that much music in it for me to change the words to match this parody. But everyone will be happy to know that I even parodied this parody to make it about my cat.