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taylor anne photo

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Everything posted by taylor anne photo

  1. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 18 (Taylorannephoto's 2nd pick)

    I think you'll all be delighted to know that I do in fact have the full Across the Universe soundtrack on my iphone
  2. taylor anne photo

    Episode 169 - The Garbage Pail Kids Movie: LIVE!

    I'll be y'all's dumpster neighbor because we're all trash for Jessica
  3. taylor anne photo

    Origin Stories Bonus: Mackenzie Astin

    This was utterly delightful! His giggles made me giggle along almost every time lol.
  4. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 18 (Taylorannephoto's 2nd pick)

    Omg I completely agree! Jack Lemmon is totally the highlight of those two!
  5. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 18 (Taylorannephoto's 2nd pick)

    I personally find it hard to rewatch Some Like It Hot... but that may be because of how I know the real life Marilyn story during that filming and how rude Tony Curtis was afterwards (he said kissing Marilyn was like kissing Hitler and that's just uncalled for dude).
  6. taylor anne photo

    Episode 169 - The Garbage Pail Kids Movie: LIVE!

    A certain someone just posted on instagram that they were a guest at a live show this weekend!!! I'm of course freaking out cause that certain someone is in one of the best comedies on TV right now!
  7. taylor anne photo

    Episode 169 - The Garbage Pail Kids Movie: LIVE!

    I actually was just thinking about when I got to meet her at a con and told her how much this one line meant to me. I really loved this show.
  8. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 18 (Taylorannephoto's 2nd pick)

    I've brought up to Jackie Kashian that I could go on her podcast to dork out about Marilyn Monroe. I can genuinely dork out on everything Marilyn Monroe.
  9. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 18 (Taylorannephoto's 2nd pick)

    I can't wait to get in to all the nuances of Marilyn!!!
  10. taylor anne photo

    Episode 169 - The Garbage Pail Kids Movie: LIVE!

    That's an interesting point, but I think Danny is definitely a character that wants to have his powers. It was just where he needed to actually use them that seemed to be the issue for him. But I also like that Luke, Jess, and Matt all have very different reasons for their refusal to accept their abilities.
  11. taylor anne photo

    Episode 169 - The Garbage Pail Kids Movie: LIVE!

    Not knowing Danny's character very well, it didn't seem like it didn't fit to me. Maybe that is another reason why I didn't like it? Maybe because I couldn't take Danny seriously but there was never anything but seriousness involved? I think that's another issue with Finn is that he genuinely can't land those jokes like Krysten or Charlie or Mike can. Do you think this about all the shows? Cause I still think that jokes that Jessica has are all rather solid and don't appear forced at all.
  12. taylor anne photo

    Episode 169 - The Garbage Pail Kids Movie: LIVE!

    Krysten is fuckin perfect and I think she shines the best when she goes from Jessica's cynical tone to an upbeat voice in a heartbeat. I definitely saw the shades of when she did Gia from Veronica Mars or Chloe from Don't Trust the B. Also Finn was one of the most boring parts of Game of Thrones so honestly were any of us surprised???
  13. taylor anne photo

    Episode 169 - The Garbage Pail Kids Movie: LIVE!

    I disagree with this, though. I think Jessica and Luke both have great humor despite both shows covering very dark subjects (mind control, rape, sexism, racism, gangs, etc..). And I think that the fun bickering between Matt and Jessica really shines as being full of humor in a dark setting.
  14. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 18 (Taylorannephoto's 2nd pick)

  15. taylor anne photo

    Episode 169 - The Garbage Pail Kids Movie: LIVE!

    I completely agree with that last point. He didn't train long enough, in my opinion. I know he had the time that he had but when he was fighting Colleen or anyone from the Hand it was veeerrryyyyy obvious that he was fighting people that had genuinely been training their entire lives. He looked sloppy AF! But also you can tell Finn doesn't have a good grasp of the character considering how he's been handling criticisms of the show...
  16. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 18 (Taylorannephoto's 2nd pick)

    Alright y'all! I've been on a certain kick for a certain actress that I have loved since I was a kid so I would LOVE to discuss the incomparable...
  17. taylor anne photo

    Episode 169 - The Garbage Pail Kids Movie: LIVE!

    I PROMISE THIS IS MY LAST POST TONIGHT But Krysten Ritter posted this today on her instagram that she had taught Charlie how to knit on the set in between takes and I'm sorry but Krysten is literally the most perfect person and I love her. But uh yeah Garbage Pail Kids was not a movie I watched and I'm taking Jason's advice to not watch it lol.
  18. taylor anne photo

    Episode 169 - The Garbage Pail Kids Movie: LIVE!

    Yeah I can definitely tell they want him to be this innocent dude, but I don't even think the problem solely lies on Finn. I found that they'd want him to go from annoyingly arrogant to annoyingly innocent in one literal punch and it was aggravating to watch. Iron Fist wasn't written well and it is very obvious when you compare it to all of the other shows. I mean I watched that entire series and everything involving the Meachum's was SO GOD DAMN BORING I couldn't stand it. I found myself looking at my phone every time they were on screen. So it shows me the showrunners and the people responsible for creating Danny don't know how to take these kinds of characters and make them interesting. Like they had it all on page there and they still couldn't do it properly.
  19. taylor anne photo

    Episode 169 - The Garbage Pail Kids Movie: LIVE!

    Literally same. Leave Claire Temple alone gdi.
  20. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays - Week 18 - Gigi

    I think my mom's favorite movie is In Her Shoes which I find extremely charming. Toni Collette is a master class in acting and it's actually maybe the one movie I can say I enjoy Cameron Diaz. But she prefers overall movies that have a lot of thinking to do afterwards. Like in recent years she absolutely LOVED Arrival and Another Earth. I 100% think she would pick an indie drama that will make you cry over a silly comedy any day. So why In Her Shoes is the winner is something I'll never be able to answer lol. Not to make this a sad sack comment but my dad died 10 years ago so if my memory is correct his favorite movie was Caddyshack, but I know he loved Bruce Almighty cause when we saw it he laughed like crazy and quoted it a ton. He was definitely a silly comedy kinda guy lol.
  21. taylor anne photo

    Episode 169 - The Garbage Pail Kids Movie: LIVE!

    OMG I MISSED DEFENDERS TALK??? Okay so I also finished it in a day and I know Cameron saw my few comments on Twitter but legit I fucking hate Danny Rand. His boring ass white boy bull shit NEEDS TO GO. Every time it was Matt, Luke, and Jessica I was fangirling so gd hard. Charlie and Krysten have so much natural chemistry together that all of their bickering just really blossomed and made me all heart eyes. Then seeing Luke and Jess reunited was a heart filler. I love how natural Claire and Luke are together but GOD DAMN do I ship Luke and Jessica. I can't remember all the things I was gonna respond to here except that I actually thought it was a bit rushed in the beginning and not slow. I do agree that the first episode felt really choppy. Like they were trying to mimic all of the individual show styles instead of immediately just having one singular vision for this one show. I like that eventually it became that once they were all together, but they could have skipped the going from the very dark & cool color palette with Jessica to the light & warm tones with Luke back to back and made it all cohesive. Jessica "Am I the only one who doesn't know Karate" Jones is perfection. Thank you and good night.
  22. taylor anne photo

    Episode 168.5 - Minisode 168.5

    Oh my god LUBY'S!!! Shit I don't know if those exist anymore up here but that was like the only place I actually enjoyed eating fish as a kid. I hope people not from Texas also realize that Arlen is a combination of Arlington and Allen lol.