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taylor anne photo

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Everything posted by taylor anne photo

  1. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays - Week 18 - Gigi

    Oh I really should. That's a good idea. Good thing I'll have a week in between moving and traveling (srsly lol @ my life) to really study up on French culture lol.
  2. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays - Week 18 - Gigi

    I haven't had time to watch or participate but from reading this thread it sounds that there was a lot to unpack and discuss so I don't count this as a dud at all!
  3. taylor anne photo

    Episode 168.5 - Minisode 168.5

    My mom would kill me for admitting this, but she took me to see American Beauty in theaters at 9 years old. She genuinely thinks that makes her a horrible mother, but honestly it's not like it scarred me or anything. In fact, just opened my eyes to beautiful films at an early age.
  4. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 17 (Cameron H's 2nd Pick)

    Cinco, Johann and Sebastian are the cutest fuckin things ever omg! And yesterday was International Cat Day!!!
  5. taylor anne photo

    Episode 168 - Hard Ticket to Hawaii: LIVE!

    See, I don't think they frame it in the same way as those other podcasts because they really aren't trying to do any of that same stuff. I believe they really put it out there that all they are doing is being two women who are sharing stories with each other (and the subsequently the world). In one later episode that I listened to recently they said over and over "we're not experts" because they really wanted to get across that they are just human and they really want to talk about this topic because it's what interests them. They have no intentions of making anyone focus on one certain case that's currently on-going. But I respect that you did not enjoy it and if you don't enjoy it after listening to a later episode then I can respect that as well.
  6. taylor anne photo

    Episode 168 - Hard Ticket to Hawaii: LIVE!

    There's really only been a few that afterwards I was like "okay I need a palette cleanser" because they involved torture or children (or both like jfc how fucked up can you be).
  7. taylor anne photo

    Episode 168 - Hard Ticket to Hawaii: LIVE!

    I completely disagree that they are making jokes about rapists and murderers. In fact when you listen to them actually talk about these instances they are more than appalled throughout the entire story they share with each other, and when the story of a woman not being believed and therefore the guy is able to go on and do it again comes up they go on long rants about women's rights in court. They only make jokes about things that are more appropriate to make jokes about, and not once is it at a victim's expense. Nor is it ever really purposeful. Like they never sit and write jokes about the murder they're covering. They just both happen to be comedians and therefore they probably can never turn off that part of their brain. Sometimes people make light of things that are hard to deal with as a coping mechanism, and I don't believe they are genuinely trying to make fun or light of any of this. The first couple of episodes I think are rough just because of production value because they were self published until I believe episode 15. But *shrugs* I recognize this isn't for everyone. I have a very hard time actually watching murder shows but it's easier for me to listen to Karen and Georgia.
  8. taylor anne photo

    Episode 168 - Hard Ticket to Hawaii: LIVE!

    I felt like there were a few times where Karen was about to say something and then got cut off and she just abandoned it so I also really want her on another episode! Pseudo trigger warning for her podcast, though. It is called "My Favorite Murder" and lemme tell you they go into murders, and while it's not graphic descriptions they do talk about some cases that have been hard to swallow. But her and Georgia are hilarious and make it easier to handle lol.
  9. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 17 (Cameron H's 2nd Pick)

    *June voice* This is really upsetting...
  10. taylor anne photo

    Episode 168 - Hard Ticket to Hawaii: LIVE!

    No it was definitely not created seriously, but I meant that it was created to point out this low bar that is literally the easiest thing to do and movies can't even do that lol. It's definitely a "for fun" look at feminism in film. I remember when I first heard about it going through all of these movies that I fucking LOVE and realizing "oh wow there's not another named woman in this entire film that she can talk to about something other than a man..." and then looking at these movies that are fucking garbage that actually pass it and that's when you look at society and laugh until you cry lol. Very well said! I've definitely never seen Fun Home and now I really want to watch it. Look, also being one of the more vocal female members of this board I don't want to sit here and say that everything is wrong or offensive or what have you. I fucking wouldn't be as obsessed with movies or this show if literally everything pissed me off that much lol. I do my "This Week in Feminism" as a fun note on how things in a movie are portrayed (whether it was a very 80s mindset kind of thing or a "why the fuck does Vin Diesel get propped up by women in every movie STILL" kind of thing). But I think this is a very interesting conversation and I very much enjoy using the Bechdel Test and find humor in going through all of these movies that I have listed as my favorites and testing them. Whether they fail or don't fail really doesn't mean shit to me.
  11. taylor anne photo

    Episode 168 - Hard Ticket to Hawaii: LIVE!

    Okay yeah after actually hearing the beginning it is very obvious that they are joking about this being a feminist movie, but they have actually said that a movie passing the Bechdel Test is A+ feminism for a movie before so I agree with grudlian about nipping that in the bud. I just want to say that the Bechdel Test is a good starting point. The reason why it was created was because that's literally the LOWEST you could possibly set the bar for women in movies and some still fail this test.
  12. taylor anne photo

    Episode 168 - Hard Ticket to Hawaii: LIVE!

    Honestly, I'm just now starting the episode... because I've been binging My Favorite Murder... so to see that Karen Kilgariff is one of the guests today is making me lose my mind lol! I'll have more comments later of course.
  13. taylor anne photo

    Episode 168 - Hard Ticket to Hawaii: LIVE!

    This this this this this A movie that passes the Bechdel Test is not automatically good for women. Remember that EVERY TWILIGHT MOVIE PASSES. Think about that.
  14. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays - Week 17 - The Lure

    Huh I thought Golden went for her throat before they cut away to a new scene. That's the main problem I have with all the "killings" is that you really don't see much that you would think you would see. Like in the car it's a wide shot before you see blood everywhere on the windows. When Golden and Silver attack together you don't see anything until afterwards when they're munching on organs. Even with Bobo Peter they cut away right as she's chomping into his neck. I know it's probably a budget thing and they had a lot of effects done with the tails, but still I was really expecting to see some gore here lol. And I hate gore! Why did I even want that???
  15. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays - Week 17 - The Lure

    I think Golden ate the cop too. I still expected more, though lol.
  16. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays - Week 17 - The Lure

    Okay so your list is just different than what I thought the lists were going to be. That makes more sense. Cause I am gonna do mine based on how much I enjoy the film regardless of how many times I've seen it before.
  17. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays - Week 17 - The Lure

  18. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays - Week 17 - The Lure

    It's like the concept of The Lure is flawed
  19. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays - Week 17 - The Lure

    Wait no one helped me figure out where the hell their vaginas went when they grew legs. This may have been a thing I was really focused on throughout this film...
  20. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays - Week 17 - The Lure

    Bobo anyone with "Peter" in their name
  21. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays - Week 17 - The Lure

    Okay here's my actual take on the movie now that I've had some time to sit on it. It was both exactly what I expected and not at all what I expected at the same time. I think I would have liked it more if it didn't rely on the Little Mermaid story so much like others have mentioned. I really expected it to be this slasher musical flick that had a ton of girls eating flesh (has anyone seen Raw yet? I've heard that is amazing) and hiding the fact that they are actually monsters using their music to lure victims. But really we only see like three instances of murder with little pay off and that felt really disappointing. I didn't give a SHIT about Silver's love for Bobo!Bieber and I really just wanted murder. Also I didn't catch that it was supposed to be set in the 80s until I read the synopsis afterwards. That doesn't seem like a bad thing because I feel like they can really make it more timeless that way. Oh and if they had vaginas in their fish tails where did they go when they grew legs?
  22. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays - Week 17 - The Lure

    I legit thought my subtitles were fucked up and her character's name was supposed to be Kinga this whole time. I kept wondering why no one was referring to her as Krysia and didn't even bother looking it up lmao.
  23. taylor anne photo

    HDTGM Classics vol 2 Season of the Witch

    Or we could watch Spice World and I can argue why it's still an actual GOOD MOVIE GDI