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taylor anne photo

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Everything posted by taylor anne photo

  1. taylor anne photo

    Episode 161 - The Fate of the Furious

    This is a better story about family than F&F.
  2. taylor anne photo

    Episode 161 - The Fate of the Furious

    They were put on purely for the operation in Berlin which is why it makes zero sense that Brian would've been on there like Ryan said. The feds couldn't let it be known that it was an American government funded attack on German land or else a WWIII situation could have been started. So they needed the team to just make it seem like they were stealing this on their own, be put on Interpol's Most Wanted list, then finish this job before getting their records cleaned again.
  3. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 10 (Ellenmc's Pick)

    You forgot Paris Hilton!
  4. taylor anne photo

    Trailer Talk

    I'm sure she's under contract already and Whedon can't do shit about that. Unless he wants to break that contract and piss of DC/WB before the filming even starts.
  5. taylor anne photo

    Episode 161 - The Fate of the Furious

    No he does in the movie! I can't remember the FULL quote but he says, "...before I kick you in the Tay Tay" I was sitting there like well that actually just ruined that for me
  6. taylor anne photo

    Episode 161 - The Fate of the Furious

    Yes I looooove for my nickname to be used as a euphemism for a man's dick!
  7. taylor anne photo

    Trailer Talk

  8. taylor anne photo

    Episode 161 - The Fate of the Furious

    The only reason why I disagree with you about this is because of how it's a traditional Hawaiian chant. There are pro teams that incorporate these kinds of traditional chants into their rituals all over the place. They can definitely come off as intimidating but I've always found them rather beautiful. And of course because it's a 10 year old girl's soccer game against the Pink Butterflies just adds in the hilarity. But I think considering how the Polynesian, Samoan, and Hawaiian people have been treated, and how The Rock is bringing his own culture into this film, it's hard to argue against it's inclusion. CO-SIGNED!
  9. taylor anne photo

    Episode 161 - The Fate of the Furious

    Okay again I thought we were just talking about The Rock vs Vin here!
  10. taylor anne photo

    Episode 161 - The Fate of the Furious

    See I haven't seen 1-4 (or more than 30 minutes of 5) to comment on that part of it. But I think because of Brian and Mia that's why I felt like that was a trilogy. I mean the whole thing is connected in such a way that none of them can really be placed in groups other than 5 on totally took a turn to where they realized what they had and ran with it.
  11. taylor anne photo

    Episode 161 - The Fate of the Furious

    I need to go on a hunt for all the movies now and just complete the series lol. MICHELLE WHYYYYYY That is just so unbelievable to me lol like omg no why. Okay maybe it's my feelings about Vin Diesel as a love interest that makes me want Letty to get away from him lol.
  12. taylor anne photo

    Episode 161 - The Fate of the Furious

    Okay y'all it's time for the much anticipated THIS WEEK IN FEMINISM! Today I'm going to talk about how all of the THREE women in the Family are treated. I'll start with the biggie, and I have to shout out Elektra Boogaloo for starting this conversation on the first page because it really is so bonkers. Elena only exists for Dom's character development and the fact that they thought they could get away with that kind of shit in the year 2017 without having their asses called out is mind blowing to me. Now I've only seen 6,7, and now 8 all the way through so I can't comment on her character before these movies, but from what I've seen Elena really doesn't fucking do anything except provide some useless love triangle bull shit that never even really pans out. What I've seen is that she protects Mia in 6, protects Hobbs's daughter in 7, and is the damsel in distress in 8? She's a fucking cop that is at the same level as Hobbs and she's thrown to the background in all these fuckin movies I've seen her in. Like I've genuinely never seen her do anything bad ass and that's just a disservice to her and Elsa Pataky. And for them to have the gall to use her as an object in this fucking movie offends me more than anything this series has done. I don't care if it brought out some actual good acting out of Vin Diesel there's literally a million other things they could do besides throwing a bull shit plot about Elena magically having a baby when there's no possible way she was even pregnant and then murdering her. It infuriates me. On to Ramsey - It REALLY bothers me that Roman and Tej fighting for affections without even a word from her about the entire thing until the last scene of the movie is played off as this funny joke. In 7 it was funny a couple of times (although the ogling her body as she walked up the beach made me uncomfortable) but after that it's like, "Okay we get it, she's really hot and you both want to bang her." I thought a much better line for her instead of asking, "What's my last name," would have been "I like girls you dweebs." That way it would cut this fucking shit out and introduce a LGBTQA character all at the same time. But as of now it's as if she has no choice in the matter and one of these two aholes are going to have her. She's not a prize to be won she's a fucking human being. Letty - I actually don't have a ton for her because I definitely feel like Michelle Rodriguez has a bit more control over how badass Letty gets to be because of her action movie history, however, there are a lot of times that make me go ew no Letty get away from Dom. Maybe that's because I agree with Tomspanks that Vin Diesel is the epitome of a cold shower and because I know that Michelle Rodriguez is a queer woman who has dated Cara Delevinge. But maybe it's because I feel Vin Diesel just neeeeds to exert dominance in every way he can. Idk it just seems odd that Dom had this relationship with Elena, dumps her the moment Letty came back, never mentions her to Letty, and then hands her this baby like "Congrats you're a mom now cause Elena is dead." I totally concur with June that she looked less than pleased about this situation and I believe it's because Dom is a fucking HORRIBLE communicator in every way possible lol. Also am I wrong in thinking Nobody pointed at Tej and said he was higher on the Most Wanted list than Letty??? Cause that just does NOT seem possible to me. Look, am I expecting this to be the shining beacon for women's rights? Absolutely not. But for a franchise that is this successful, that didn't even feature a single white person on their main theatrical poster, that does incorporate such inclusiveness when it comes to races and showing what the world ACTUALLY looks like, you would at least hope they would treat the women in their "family" with a little more respect.
  13. taylor anne photo

    Episode 161 - The Fate of the Furious

    Nah I disagree I think that the ending of 7 ended an era with Paul dying and that 5-7 was a trilogy. This now starts the beginning of the team without him.
  14. taylor anne photo

    Episode 161 - The Fate of the Furious

    I kinda just assumed? Cause they are all literally talking in their cars as if they can hear each other, and then doesn't Letty like grab at her ear to hear better when Hobbs announces that Dom went rogue? Or did I just imagine it?
  15. taylor anne photo

    Episode 161 - The Fate of the Furious

    Okay I feel the urge to comment as I hear this but JUNE NO THE ROCK IS 100% MORE ATTRACTIVE THAN VIN Like come on gurl no that's just wrong The Rock is incredibly sexy and it's totally believable that he would have all those women watching him!
  16. taylor anne photo

    Episode 161 - The Fate of the Furious

    Correction: When Letty asks Dom if he's okay in a normal voice with the windows up it's because they have like a blue tooth system of communicators. It's how Hobbs was able to tell them all to split up.
  17. taylor anne photo

    Episode 161 - The Fate of the Furious

    Okay I get that but it would have been a lot easier for the audience, in my opinion, to get behind this if after the reveal that he is basically the British Hobbs that he went to Letty and had a moment with her in which he actually apologized for the murder of their family members. Because they were the ones who yelled at him when he showed up and never get a moment of clarity or peace, only Hobbs and Dom get that.
  18. taylor anne photo

    Trailer Talk

    Or if he had told Joss Whedon to go fuck himself lbr
  19. I can't explain Troy's family, but I had assumed that Gabriella's mom was working there? And then she got the night off to celebrate?
  20. taylor anne photo

    Episode 161 - The Fate of the Furious

    I want to finish the episode before I get into my C&Os (mainly just This Week in Feminism) but I need to say this - Jason Statham being in the middle of a gun fight while holding a baby carrier is the single greatest thing this series has done!
  21. Found these texts between CakeBug and Cameron
  22. I have a lot of feelings about Degrassi
  23. This whole block system confuses the fuck out of me! We didn't have that at all lol. We just had 7 periods a day every day and if your schedule permitted it (also because of how many credits you had) then you got to either do duel credit or have flex. Now since I did duel credit I had two college courses at the local community college on Tuesdays and Thursday in the morning. M/W/F I got to sleep in and miss periods 1-3 which was AWESOME! Then because my lunch was always the "A" block (we had three blocks of lunches so that not all 4,000 students were eating at the same time lol) I got to just roll up with my Wendy's as well and eat in the choir room before actually starting my day.
  24. No she straight up says it's homeroom in #1! We didn't have homeroom either but we did get free periods. In middle school we had a homeroom in the middle of the day before lunch and it was called "Advisory." Basically it was just a way to keep attendance and while we didn't learn anything we couldn't roam the school like you can in free period. Also our free periods were called Flex and could only be used for the first or last period of the day. I had duel credit which essentially was my free period during senior year but my friends all had it during the last period of the day so they would leave, go to sonic, and return to choir practice with a diet coke for our teacher lol.