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taylor anne photo

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Everything posted by taylor anne photo

  1. Funny enough my mom came in while I was watching the last 20 minutes of this and one of her biggest questions seemed to be why there were ALWAYS so many people in the hallways at all times. When classes were supposed to be in session there was still a bunch of people at lockers, and then when we think school has been let out so that everyone can do these championship/call backs/decathlon shit there are still a million people walking around in the hallways like they are going to class. I understand they need extras and shit but not for every damn shot!
  2. According to Lin - no
  3. My comment was more to the lack of info from IMDB lol. How can it be the "College Years" but also follow an all new class of Wild Cats featuring the cousin???
  4. According to IMDB it's somehow about them all in College and yet still not going to star a single one of the original cast but instead follow Ryan and Sharpay's cousin??? Ooookay.
  6. For having them out after the bell. I got my phone taken twice for having it out in high school lol. We didn't straight up get detention but we did have to pay the school $15 to get it back. Seems wildly inappropriate to me.
  7. This makes up for all the Marks y'all shoved at me during the Rent talk.
  9. Man, it's like y'all secretly like it a lot or something. Is that why it's on your minds so much?
  10. I promise I do not like AtU enough to debate it with people other than y'all lol
  11. -__- None of the opinions were even really his own. He kept using his one female friend that liked the way Natasha was portrayed to dismiss the three women telling him that Joss Whedon fucked up this movie. It was basically like telling us "I'm a feminist! I have a female friend!"
  12. et tu, brute? turns out i have a fever and i got in yet another AoU debate with a dumb boy (y u boys gotta be so dumb) so nah
  13. I graduated in a class of 800 so we were pretty large lol. I still think there were cliques and "groups" but it wasn't really defined by what your interests in school were. Then again maybe my memory is finally starting to fade lol. Cause clearly if you spend so much time doing things in school then those are gonna be the people you hang out with the most.
  14. I think because I was the same age as represented in this movie I'm using more of my own high school experience as examples for or against things shown in this movie. Because my school was one where if you were the top of whatever you were doing you were popular. So the girl that always got the lead in the school play/musical was extremely popular, the guy that was an amazing singer and made the top choir as a freshman was extremely popular, the girl who won an art contest was extremely popular, the cheerleaders were extremely popular, the captain of the football team was extremely popular. What seemed to matter was that you were good at it, which on one hand is really cool, but on the other really makes the mediocre kids feel even worse lol.
  15. That's a good point. It literally took Tina Fey asking everyone in front of Regina to get them to be like "yeah she's a bitch."
  16. But Regina George was considered the most popular girl in school. I don't think that in high school "popularity" necessarily equals "well-liked" or "has a lot of friends." I think Sharpay's intimidation and money forced people to put her on a pedestal.
  17. This is what happens when I don't feel well.... Instead of editing my post I just make a new one... It seems like in this movie everyone makes fun of everyone! Sharpay makes fun of Gabriella, Taylor makes fun of Chad and the cheerleaders, the basketball guys make fun of Sharypay. Literally the only one not getting picked on it Troy because he's like the head dude.
  18. Besides the basketball guys, who is supposed to be seen as the cool crowd? Is it literally just those group of guys and everyone else is below them?
  19. Idk I got the feeling that Sharpay was supposed to be seen as extremely popular. Ryan not so much, he's clearly just the follower of Sharpay, but I definitely felt like she at least saw herself as queen bee. Maybe that's why someone (I'm sorry I'm not feeling well and I can't remember who) pointed out that they felt like Sharpay was crushing on Troy. She could have just been looking to make a power couple situation happen.
  20. Have we all pointed out yet how nothing would have been going on at 3:30 in the afternoon??? The call back auditions probably, but only if that's when school let out and everyone would have met after school. But the big championship game would have most likely been at 7 or 8 PM and the decathlon tournament would have probably been on a Saturday!
  21. I feel like even in 2006 Ryan & Sharpay's outfits were not cool. They look way too 2001 and like everything was bought at Sam Moon (one of those cheap jewelry places where you can buy some fake diamonds that ~look~ expensive but really just cost a couple of bucks).
  22. Oh our choir and band were NATIONALLY recognized but we got shit from the school My freshman year the "madrigal" choir got to perform FOR THE POPE but there was certainly no giant poster of them in the hallway.
  23. We had team posters of the teams that won state but it was NOTHING like what they show in HSM. It was literally just the team roster photo blown up to fit from floor to ceiling. Those photos line the main hallway by the gym and choir/band rooms and say "state champs" and the year they won.