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taylor anne photo

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Everything posted by taylor anne photo

  1. 1 & 2 were TV movies but 3 was a theatrical run.
  2. Omg but that's so sweet that he actually paid attention to what she was saying and remembered it for her birthday, even if he didn't understand the dripping sarcasm lol!
  3. Maybe it is the age thing for me? I definitely feel like 8-12 was the sweet spot they were going for but it definitely rang true to all the performing girls at my school it seemed.
  4. Oh and I totally noticed the beginning of "Status Quo" is HEAVILY influenced by "Can't Stop the Beat" from our previously discussed Hairspray!
  5. No I really don't. I was one of the few that DIDN'T like it and I'm someone who was crazy into the Jonas Brothers, Glee (for the first couple of seasons at least), and more recently One Direction. Proudly so too. I just never really cared for the songs and I think those are really the only redeeming factor to the whole thing.
  6. Also it did not go unnoticed the diversity of the school! It was really awesome to watch 3 of the main characters be POC and then Zeke be a black man as well!
  7. I hate it so much. It was cringe-worthy bad for me. Some parts I could laugh at and enjoy but as a whole I've never liked it. Even as a 16 year old sitting in the middle of a performing arts group while the show choir learned the dance moves.
  8. But don't you remember that "take off the glasses and remove the ponytail" moment at the end!? I mean she was bound to get cooler cause they took away her bowler hat! She's also the most beautiful person in the whole cast fo sho
  9. DING DING DING It's a horrible movie with a stupid ass premise and uses these two extremely beautiful, talented kids to be like "Hey be accepting!" There's literally NO REAL CONFLICT HERE
  10. Great name Well that's just Disney for you.
  11. Cameron, I understand what you're saying, but my argument is that that's not actually the mission statement of the movie! I believe the mission statement is "humans are multi-layered and can have multiple passions" but the antagonists of the movie do not believe that and try their damnedest to keep things the way they've always been, which is stick to the ONE thing you're good at and fuck the rest. ETA: They're certainly not antagonists in the traditional sense, that's for sure, but I think because the four meddling characters are so selfish in their agendas it just happens that way. I mean Taylor's introduction is making fun of Chad for how dumb he is. That doesn't seem like the nicest of people you'd want to be around.
  12. As soon as The Great British Baking Show hit America's radar Zeke became the most popular person.
  13. I think I always liked the 3rd one the best but I also hate this whole series a lot and that was the one that I joined my friends to see in theaters and tried to give it a chance so my cynicism was put at bay. This still makes me hate musicals.
  14. Ugh no the second one was the worst! The literal only good thing to come out of that was this scene -
  15. I think it's more that that those are not the only things that T&G are passionate about and liking more than one thing just seems craaaaazy to literally everyone else. It's a shocking revelation that humans are multi-layered 3 dimensional beings! Troy is passionate about basketball and then discovers he also likes to sing but all of his basketball people are like woah does this mean you're not gonna be our star player anymore??? While Gabriella is crazy smart so Taylor (great name) thinks she'll stop studying as hard if she's busy with performing. But you don't just suddenly lose all those skills and brains just cause you just start singing like wtf people. Also don't forget about Chad! He was a shithead too!
  16. I didn't get that it was immediately ignored. Zeke seemed to be the only one who was like "this is me and I don't care what you think" because they still spend the rest of the movie being shitheads to Troy and Gabriella. Martha doesn't get her moment to shine until the credits start to roll!
  17. I'd say they're antagonists purely because their entire mission seems to be keeping Troy and Gabriella away from each other and thinking ONLY about the one thing. So by keeping them unhappy they are then seen as the "bad guys." But so this movie came out in 2006 while I was in my second semester of sophomore year. That's absolutely not what was going on in high school let me tell you. The captain of the drill team was also captain of the show choir so already there is an example of sports and performing arts mixing. Softball girls were also singing with me (I quit softball to focus more on art but I wasn't really that great at it anyway lol). The only things that really kept people from doing everything was just scheduling. All of this takes an immense amount of time and effort to be really good at - sorry Troy and Gabriella if you've never sang before in your life you're not going to immediately understand how to site read music - but absolutely no one was making fun of people for wanting to do decathlon AND the fall musical. The only thing I can think of is that it would have been different for guys. I wasn't friends with anyone on the football team or basketball team so I can't speak for how they would have been treated if they wanted to do the musical or join choir, but there were a couple of soccer guys in choir and they seemed to be just fine (I think because of the amount of girls they were surrounded by - if I had to pinpoint a reason lol). Again I think the football schedule would have just been too much for any of them to really join the performing arts because our schedules were just as crazy. Now, to answer Cam Bert's question about America and sports, I went to a Texas school and yeah football is a fucking HUGE deal in high school. Basketball is a little more meh but if we had a good team that was actually going to State (the real version of the "championship") then I bet we would have been more inclined to get behind them. Then again, our soccer & volleyball teams actually did WIN State and while they were celebrated and got giant photos of themselves on the wall for the rest of eternity, can't say that anyone in the school respected them more than our mediocre football team lol. We had huge ass pep rally's on home game days that were met with all of the senior girls dressing in customized overalls and then depending on who we were playing the teachers would decorate their doors to support them as well. In Texas most money goes to the sports programs and it doesn't matter if they are winning or not - they'll just find an excuse (like building a new field house where the Dallas Cowboys will come practice while their own field house is being built) to give them more money. But I had to pay the art program for a fuckin' music folder. That's the system lol.
  18. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 9 (JammerLea's Pick)

    I feel like this is my punishment for loving Across the Universe. I just hate High School Musical so muh-huh-huch.
  19. taylor anne photo

    Episode 160.5 - Minisode 160.5

    Spoiler alert this will be the first "This week in Feminism" in faaar too long!
  20. taylor anne photo

    Episode 160.5 - Minisode 160.5

    I just got back from F8
  21. taylor anne photo

    Episode 160.5 - Minisode 160.5

    I somehow knew y'all that haven't seen/finished would still check so I'm even keeping my spoiler talk spoiler free lol
  22. taylor anne photo

    Episode 160.5 - Minisode 160.5

    Woah woah woah I thought we were just talkin' Pauls over here! Adam Scott is 100% mine and I will fight you for him. Don't forget I shot a man in Reno...