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taylor anne photo

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Everything posted by taylor anne photo

  1. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays-Week 8-Rent

    I actually did pick up a 6 pack of locally brewed beer and some wine and sang to myself the entire time I was purchasing them lol.
  2. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays-Week 8-Rent

    Way to bury the lead
  3. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays-Week 8-Rent

    Excellent points.
  4. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays-Week 8-Rent

    I should have elaborated then cause I don't mean fine in the sense that everything was puppies and rainbows, but she didn't bring up the idea that Maureen was cheating. You can be dissatisfied but still not go to the thought of cheating. In essence to me this scene seemed to go a little like this - Joanne: Man Maureen is a flake and I feel used. Mark: I know that feeling, bet she's cheating on you. Joanne: Wait what - oh my god I guess she is. Mark doesn't imply that but Collins does which I guess is the movie implying that to the audience? Cause Collins asks why he is going in the first place and Mark doesn't answer and so he just laughs and says that Mark is still in love with her. Which is SO easy to understand but I wouldn't exactly say he wasn't expecting something out of this whole thing. Then he sees Joanne and kinda stops in his tracks when he realizes that oh yeah Maureen would of course do that kinda thing. I understand why Joanne would have those feelings towards him though, I'm guilty of being unkind to someone's ex because it brought up a bit of jealousy (that I'm very very not proud of) despite the fact that the BF in common was now with me! I wonder if maybe instead of talking bad about Mark she could have talked amazingly about Mark and maybe Joanne could have thought she was just a place holder for whenever Maureen wanted to go back to him.
  5. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays-Week 8-Rent

    Maybe that's exactly it with the movie!
  6. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays-Week 8-Rent

    Yes she was feeling used. I am not saying that Maureen is the most perfect companion to be with. However, Joanne was only talking about feeling underappreciated UNTIL Mark started saying other stuff because he had felt that way. I could just as easily be misinterpretting things here, but the way that I took it was more like the power of suggestion. Like she isn't feeling satisfied so everything Mark is saying is really making sense despite the fact that it may not be true. Also since the part where they sing "She cheated. Fuckin' cheated," all happens inside Mark's head after he gets hit, I have to throw all of that evidence out the window. She could have cheated on Mark but that is no evidence towards cheating on Joanne (DESPITE WHAT HAPPENS IN THE STAGE VERSION BECAUSE WE'RE TALKING ABOUT THE MOVIE Y'ALL.)
  7. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays-Week 8-Rent

    Okay TOTALLY going on to this topic now lol.
  8. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays-Week 8-Rent

    I never got the impression that Maureen cheated on either Mark or Joanne. She was dating Mark, dumped him, then was dating Joanne. At least that's how it is presented story wise. And after "Tango: Maureen" things that Joanne NEVER noticed until Mark started saying stuff suddenly became all she could see within their relationship. Literally they were fine until Mark was like "Oh hey she's probably cheating on you." But also why I mention Joanne being overly suspicious is because we never actually hear what Maureen is saying in both cases either. Like she is grabbing at a necklace or sitting on the desk and writing something down, but we never actually know what's happening there. I know a couple of people (man & woman) that are very touchy in general with everyone and it's something that could be taken as flirtatious but they're just really friendly and that's how they show their friendship and trust.
  9. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays-Week 8-Rent

    In Rent (movie only) we never even see hard proof that Maureen cheats ever. It all starts with Mark planting an idea in Joanne's head that she then holds onto every time she sees Maureen talk to another person, which is also always shown through Joanne's eyes. Yes Maureen admits that she likes to flirt but never says "hey I'm actually sleeping with these people too." So calling Maureen a gendered slur based on no information is highly offensive.
  10. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays-Week 8-Rent

    You didn't read Tom's post very well then because she's in fact calling you out for not only calling these women sluts to begin with but passing judgement on them at all.
  11. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays-Week 8-Rent

    I had no idea that Lin was involved in Bring It On and now I'm sad I haven't seen that yet!
  12. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays-Week 8-Rent

    Cameron, to add to your point, this happens in comedy ALL THE TIME! I keep hearing comedians talk about premises they came up with and then the next month they have to scrap them because they saw someone do the same premise on Conan. When something happens now that provides a good joke you'll see comedians flock to twitter to get it in first so they can be the one to use it later, cause they all know they're thinking the same thing. It seems like when you have an artistic mind (or a comedic mind - which I guess is artistic too nevermind lol) your going to follow a lot of the same paths as other artists. I'm glad that Neil Gaiman realized that it was more than possible for the two of them to have the same ideas, cause I don't know where I would be without Harry Potter lol. Also I mean look at that skateboard lol - totally different!
  13. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays-Week 8-Rent

    CakeBug thank you for not bowing out because this line alone is officially my favorite thing ever -
  14. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays-Week 8-Rent

    This does get specifically called out in the movie by that homeless black lady who yells at Mark. He films the cops harassing her and she's like uhm excuse me unless you've got a dollar get the fuck out of my business. But then they move on and don't learn anything from that experience. That message also doesn't really hold much truth now considering the climate of police vs. citizens of color (particularly black citizens) and how they very much WANT people to be there with cameras making sure all of the shit they deal with is caught. But the difference being that it's not for "art" as much as proof that racism is still very much alive in this country.
  15. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays-Week 8-Rent

    I see what you did there
  16. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays-Week 8-Rent

    That movie is perfection and still holds up! We must do it now!
  17. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays-Week 8-Rent

    OMG JOSIE AND THE PUSSYCATS THOUGH (and now I have another movie added to my list of picks)
  18. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays-Week 8-Rent

    No I loved Rosario and I forgot that I actually do like "Out Tonight," but I think I don't care for Mimi because of her infatuation with Roger. Like the lusting after the cute guy upstairs thing I can understand but... Roger??? And then after that it just seems like her entire story is tied to him and her addiction and she just seems to fall flat.
  19. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays-Week 8-Rent

    If it had been more along the lines of, "I know we just talked to you an hour ago but I need to tell you this and this!" then I would understand more.
  20. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays-Week 8-Rent

    Yes! All of this! There's this photo studio space called "Weld" here in Dallas (they just opened up a new space in Nashville) that I would looooove to join! The space is gorgeous and the amount of connections that are made through the people is absolutely priceless! Except they do put a price on it... $400 a month... And the wait list is miles long so even if you did have that kind of monthly money to drop you would have to wait at least a year to even get in. My school loans & rent take so much out that there's no way I could ever participate and it makes me so sad. Then I see as all these fuckers who grew up with money and don't have to worry about silly things like bills get ahead of me in the field because they have the space to work and the connections to get jobs /end photo industry rant
  21. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays-Week 8-Rent

    Even if he had been cast younger idk if I still would have sided with him on this. The way he says "and then they call" just sounds horrible! Like the whole message is so sweet and endearing and they're trying to be good parents by supporting him through the breakup, but it isn't played as a smiley eye roll "moooom" kinda situation. I read that as he genuinely hates his parents lol.
  22. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays-Week 8-Rent

    Oh that is true. I totally forgot about that. At least he had that realization moment (which we never see Mark have.)
  23. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays-Week 8-Rent

    Except Greg has a thousand times more depth and gave up going to Emory to stay and take care of his father THAT IS SOME DAMN FAMILIAL LOVE RIGHT THERE
  24. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays-Week 8-Rent

    Wait my last sentence reminds me of a glaring issue! What the FUCK is up with Mark and the distaste for his parents??? They seemed like perfectly nice Jewish Jersey people who call their son on Christmas and want to have a good relationship with him and he's acting like they're the worst things in the world. What an asshole!
  25. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays-Week 8-Rent

    That does make sense but I think the problem is that if you are pushing out the people you want to come into your space because they can't pay rent then how do you expect them to afford to rent space in your fancy updated building? Soon it'll just be the hipster white kids who actually grew up on the upper east side wanting the "real deal" of that part of the city and it'll be exactly what we have now in a lot of places.