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taylor anne photo

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Everything posted by taylor anne photo

  1. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 7 (Cinco DeNio's Pick)

    What's our stance on School of Rock as a musical?
  2. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays-Week 7-Cabaret!

    Oh man I brought up how few I've seen as a bad thing considering this podcast lol. Like those episodes are some of my favorite and I've still yet to see more than one full one. I had no intentions of appearing ~better~ than them if that's how it came across. Cause honestly, even though I didn't fully know the characters, when Giselle and Han died I had a real emotional reaction. (ETA: Also when I walked out of my friend's house during Fast Five I was stoned out of my mind and it was like 1 AM and I couldn't process the fact that it seemed like they drove all the way from LA to Rio in sports cars lol)
  3. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays-Week 7-Cabaret!

    Oh man yeah if anything is the epitome of "lighten up" it's fuckin' DC holy shit. I just want to say that I think if Winter Soldier had not been so serious I don't think I would have liked it as much. That was a brilliant political thriller with Captain America and Black Widow punching things in it. I also think that if anyone in Marvel takes themselves too seriously it's Joss Whedon and his crew. The first Avengers was all perfectly timed jokes and what not, but then that second one was... well no one needs me to write another 10 page dissertation on that pile of shit.
  4. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 7 (Cinco DeNio's Pick)

    Gdi I missed 1! La Vie Boheme is the best song (until the very end because fuck the whole "you?" "me" "mimiiiiii" part)
  5. taylor anne photo

    Episode 158 - Body Parts: LIVE!

    And yet he was still the worst part of House Tyrell let's be reeeaaallllll
  6. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays-Week 7-Cabaret!

    I wasn't. I just wanted to end the post on that story lol. But now I guess I will be since I still proceeded to watch all of 6 an another occasion and I still haven't seen more than half an hour of 5 lol.
  7. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays-Week 7-Cabaret!

    Kateacola, I've only ever seen 6 and half an hour of 5 (before I literally got up, said "I can't handle this," and left my friend's house).
  8. taylor anne photo

    Episode 158 - Body Parts: LIVE!

    You should try listening to the ones he does for the outgoing voicemail message whenever you call 1-800 PAUL ASS *shudders*
  9. taylor anne photo

    Episode 158 - Body Parts: LIVE!

    Also he threw a hissy fit about the Asian representation talk surrounding the show and quit Twitter like a REAL ADULT. (I think we've all talked about this before and I recognize that Danny Rand is white in the comics but I still think in this era it would have been an amazing opportunity to tell a story about an Asian American man going through this arc.)
  10. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 7 (Cinco DeNio's Pick)

    I assume you're all women until told otherwise.
  11. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 7 (Cinco DeNio's Pick)

    Stop ruining a future pick
  12. taylor anne photo

    Episode 158 - Body Parts: LIVE!

    As am I lol. I would have been aboard the Ryan Kwanten train. I haven't watched a single episode so I have nothing to add except this was the one series I wasn't interested in binging at aaallllll and the more I read people's reactions the more I've been putting off even starting it.
  13. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays Off-Week 7 (Cinco DeNio's Pick)

    Oh man also got so many mixed feelings about this movie! My friends are all obsessed though so they'll be pleased to hear I'm watching it again lol.
  14. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays-Week 7-Cabaret!

  15. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays-Week 7-Cabaret!

  16. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays-Week 7-Cabaret!

  17. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays--Rotation and Sign Up

    Bull shit that's the worst
  18. taylor anne photo

    Episode 158 - Body Parts: LIVE!

    That just made me think of Crookshanks the cat from Harry Potter the whole time lol
  19. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays-Week 7-Cabaret!

    RE: Mom's favorite musical (exact text) "Hmmmm I haven't thought about it - I sure did like Beauty and the Beast and Across the Universe"
  20. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays-Week 7-Cabaret!

    It sounds like your mom needs a translator http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcviVDizlJ0
  21. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays-Week 7-Cabaret!

    My first time watching it was Gene Kelly's 100th birthday when TCM did a movie marathon. I watched that, An American in Paris, Cover Girl, Anchors Aweigh, On the Town, The Pirate, Black Hand, & The Three Muskateers. That was a pretty awesome weekend actually lol.
  22. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays-Week 7-Cabaret!

    True fact: My mom has NOT seen Singin' in the Rain. I found out after Debbie Reynolds died and had to stop in my tracks as we were walking and straight up said, "Whaaaaaaaaat?"
  23. taylor anne photo

    Episode 158 - Body Parts: LIVE!

    Did we have bets going on what page the Jacob's Ladder movie mash up would be posted?