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taylor anne photo

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Everything posted by taylor anne photo

  1. taylor anne photo

    Trailer Talk

    I haven't been able to even click play because I'm laughing so hard at Jason's half face in that still lol
  2. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays-Week 5-Across the Universe

    (I already made that a thing when I had my first gallery showing ) Honestly this is one of those movie where I genuinely can't explain why I love it so much. Like everything those who hated it have said is valid and I understand all of those points. I think maybe those little nuanced things that don't make sense just make sense in my head. Like I understand why Sadie and Jojo fought and broke up and then got back together, all of that shit just connected in my brain. I think those two things I brought up are the only two things I actually didn't understand. I feel like a lot of it has to do with just the music and the visuals. I could honestly take or leave the story as a whole but those times when they are singing are so good to me that I do not give a fuck about how little anything makes sense. Give me Evan Rachel Wood singing "If I Fell" over and over, give me Joe Anderson singing "Happiness is a Warm Gun", and fuck YES give me Dana Fuchs singing "Why Don't We Do It in the Road."
  3. taylor anne photo

    Episode 155.5 - Minisode 155.5

    Gooooood choice!
  4. taylor anne photo

    Episode 155.5 - Minisode 155.5

    You don't know how many fights I get into about this, though. The cinematography may be stunning in the movie version BUT COME ON COLIN FIRTH AND JENNIFER EHLE!??!?!??! No fuckin' contest.
  5. taylor anne photo

    Episode 155.5 - Minisode 155.5

    BE STILL MY BEATING HEART! I will argue how this adaptation is better than the 2005 version ANY DAY! God if we can include mini-series then yes put me down as a +1 for Pride & Prejudice
  6. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays-Week 5-Across the Universe

    Maybe they were laughing cause he's old? I have a feeling Max was a experimenter when it comes to sexuality.
  7. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays-Week 5-Across the Universe

    It was because she was pushing the dudes to the side while she took center stage. I can't remember what they were originally called but I imagine it was like "Sadie AND the so & so's" and then James Urbaniak really just wanted her without the band and had her drop everything and just be "Sadie." Like normally it wouldn't seem like that big of a deal because she did keep saying that it was HER band but I think she always marketed them as one full entity rather than just her backups. Plus the relationship that she had with Jojo after that probs became rocky and they fought it out on stage. We never get to see them reconcile but you just know they did at the end because they're there together. Also I think it's one of those they realized they were both wrong kinds of things because Sadie hated the sound of the new guitar guy and Jojo just wanted to go find her. I loved them a lot and everyone keeps talking about getting rid of them but honestly they have more chemistry together than Jude and Lucy.
  8. taylor anne photo

    Episode 155.5 - Minisode 155.5

    Movie: Love Actually Song: Honestly I have a shit ton that are love songs that make me feel all gooey inside and the top of the list changes all the time and right now it's this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrsgIEBwIZM
  9. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays-Week 5-Across the Universe

    With all of the dumb throw away lines this movie had there could have at least been one about how disappointed she is that she can't seem him before they killed him off. Also I agree that the whole "I'm never having children" scene before It Won't Be Long is the most cringe-worthy thing to me. It screams of one of those things where the director told EVR to react to something shocking without actually telling her what she was reacting to and then go into the stupid dialogue. You can almost even see where the editor did a poor job of cutting the scene so it looks like they where just standing and then started walking as soon as she called action lol.
  10. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays-Week 5-Across the Universe

    Here's a big question I actually have about this movie. So army dude that's dating EVR at the start of the movie is shipped off to boot camp and says he's coming home before he actually gets sent to Vietnam, right? So then Lucy sings "It Won't Be Long" as she anxiously awaits his return, which we never get to see. The next thing we know is he has been killed. So does he get killed just in training, does he actually not get to come home and he was immediately sent to war, or did they skip over his entire return and send off and he then got killed in battle? She tells Jude later that he died doing something brave so it makes me think the first option is incorrect but there is a missing step here that does confuse me.
  11. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays-Week 5-Across the Universe

    But also we must have Leslie Odom Jr, Daveed Diggs, Chris Jackson, Phillipa Soo, Renee Elise Goldsberry, etc etc etc
  12. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays-Week 5-Across the Universe

    As a big fan of ABBA that grew up with them playing in the house more than the Beatles I can absolutely say that Mamma Mia kinda hurt. I also don't hate that movie but I saw the musical before the movie came out (the movie is 100% better in my opinion) and I was kinda like what the fuuuuck is haaaappppeennninnngggg. ETA: I agree with CakeBug that I really appreciate how they made the songs their own in AtU.
  13. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays-Week 5-Across the Universe

    Sorry I just saw "Titus" and immediately my mind went to this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6yttOfIvOw
  14. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays-Week 5-Across the Universe

    I really liked him. But I also really liked this movie so what the fuck do I know lol.
  15. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays-Week 5-Across the Universe

    Tommy offended every single one of my senses and I may never forgive you for that lol.
  16. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays-Week 5-Across the Universe

    You're still a monster
  17. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays-Week 5-Across the Universe

    I had this whole thing written out and then my kitten jumped on my keyboard and everything got erased lol. Basically the tl;dr version is that I wasn't exactly following your logic by just saying one half of that scene should let it be but the other half wasn't also getting that message. But I see what you are saying now. I think by starting it out with the little boy singing the song was that he was in way over his head by being in the middle of those riots and it was a little prayer for things to turn out alright. But then things of course didn't turn out okay at all...
  18. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays-Week 5-Across the Universe

    I didn't see that as a letting it be in terms of racism but just another funeral song for the little boy that was killed during the riots. Cause if we go along those same lines that you've set up then we should just learn to accept the Vietnam War and move on from the amount of young guys being sent home in coffins?
  19. taylor anne photo

    Episode 155.5 - Minisode 155.5

    This is amazing omg! I just turned on HBO yesterday to see Jim Jeffries going at it with Piers Morgan on Real Time with Bill Maher and it was so delightful just to hear Jim go, "Oh fuck off," every chance he could get.
  20. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays-Week 5-Across the Universe

    Sorry y'all I'm here now! I don't even know where to start now after reading all of this lol. Sadie is my favorite but the songs where Max is heavily featured (I Want You, Strawberry Fields, & Happiness Is a Warm Gun) are all my faves. But Let It Be is actually one of the greatest versions of that song I've ever heard.
  21. taylor anne photo

    Musical Mondays-Week 4-Beauty and the Beast

    I was so excited when they announced that Monica Bellucci was going to be a Bond girl until I found out that JK he's actually going to fall in love with Lea Seydoux...